「資優快訊」 The Gifted Bulletin Issue No.3

Post on 07-Mar-2016

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為了增加與學員間的溝通,學生服務部計劃於今年12月開始,將以「通訊」作為其中一個互相交流的平台,學員可以投稿,藉以分享經驗和知識。此外,透過「通訊」,學院可介紹即將舉辦的活動及最新概況,並提供資優教育發展的資訊,讓學員對有關方面了解更多。此「通訊」尚未正式命名,現誠徵有心人為它起一個具創意又配合宗旨的名字。 From this December, the SPS will publish a newsletter and use it as one of the platforms to enhance our communications with the student members who can submit their writings to us to share their personal experiences and knowledge. The newsletter, which will provide the latest information about our programmes and gifted education, is still unnamed and we now invite our student members to come up with a creative and relevant name for it.

Transcript of 「資優快訊」 The Gifted Bulletin Issue No.3