多媒體安全作業 - Macros 指導教授 :黃文楨 老師 報告人: 9624714 劉秉昕....

Post on 22-Dec-2015

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Transcript of 多媒體安全作業 - Macros 指導教授 :黃文楨 老師 報告人: 9624714 劉秉昕....

多媒體安全作業 - Macros

指導教授 :黃文楨 老師 報告人: 9624714 劉秉昕






getList("window.titles") Returns a list (array) of non-image window titles. For an

example, see the DisplayWindowTitles macro. Requires 1.38m.

nImages Returns number of open images. The parentheses "()" a

re optional. getTitle() Returns the title of the current image.

setBatchMode(arg) If arg is true, the interpreter enters batch mode and ima

ges are not displayed, allowing the macro to run up to 20 times faster. If arg is false, exits batch mode and displays the active image in a window. ImageJ exits batch mode when the macro terminates if there is no setBatchMode(false) call. Note that a macro should not call setBatchMode(true) more than once.

selectImage(id) Activates the image with the specified ID (a negative nu

mber).If id is greater than zero, activates the idth image listed in the Window menu. With ImageJ 1.33n and later, id can be an image title (a string).

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