α+α Lydia

Post on 21-Jun-2015

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Transcript of α+α Lydia

Aphrodite and AdonisAphrodite and Adonis


Greek Goddess of; Love Beauty Pleasure Procreation

• Zeus and Dione are considered to be her parents (according to Homer’s Iliad).

• She was married to Hephaestus but she was also related to other men (ex. Aris, Anchises, Adonis, e.t.c.)

• Her Roman equivalent is the goddess Venus.

AdonisMortal god of Beauty

• His name is often applied in modern times to handsome youths, of whom he is the archetype.

• Adonis is the son of Myrrha and her father Cinyras.

• The city Berytos (Beirut) in Lebanon was named after the daughter of Adonis and Aphrodite, Beroe. Both Dionysus and Poseidon fell in love with her.

• A wild boar  hurt him and caused his death.

The myth of Aphrodite and Adonis

It is one of the most popular Greek myths, since it is directly associated with love and Eros. Not even Gods and deities could escape the powerful arrows of God Eros and fell in love with mortals with catastrophic results.

Their Story…They met when Aphrodite arrived at Cyprus and it was love at first site. Even though she went and lived on Olympus she visited him very often. Their love was strong that the Gracae wanted to prove that it wouldn’t last forever. So…

Aphrodite arises from the seaAphrodite arises from the sea

So, one day, while he was hunting without his beloved goddess, a wild bore hurt him deathly. Aphrodite was devastated. She cried so much that Zeus decided to order Hades to let him visit her for 6 months every year.

Aphrodite & AdonisAphrodite & Adonis

The point of the myth

“Love will always remain the most beautiful thing in the world. It is the emotion that brings people’s relationship to life.”

The End…

Lydia - Aristea Poulikakou3rd Grade of Secondary School

“The myth of Aphrodite & Adonis”