填空 ( 所有空格均为同一个单词 ) _________ is greater than God. _________ is more evil(...

Post on 03-Jan-2016

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Transcript of 填空 ( 所有空格均为同一个单词 ) _________ is greater than God. _________ is more evil(...

填空 ( 所有空格均为同一个单词 )

_________ is greater than God .

_________ is more evil( 邪恶的 ) than the Devil ( 恶魔 ).

The poor have ____________ .

The rich need _____________ .

If you eat ________ , you will die .






Choose the nicknames of the following cities .

( ) 1. London A. the city of music

( ) 2. Washington B. the city of beer

( ) 3. Oxford C. the city of water

( ) 4. Venice D. the city of universities

( ) 5. Munich (慕尼黑 ) E. the city of snow

( ) 6. Vienna F. the city of fog







I have cities , but there are not any houses in them .

I have forests , but not any trees in them .

I have rivers , but there is not any water in them .

What am I ? ___________


1.what room has no walls, no doors, no

windows and no one to live in?

2.Where does afternoon always come

before morning?


In the dictionary

3.What has two legs but can not walk.

4.what kind of dog never bite?



There are three men on a train. Mr A speaks

English and Chinese. Mr B speaks   French

and English. Mr C can only talk with Mr A.

What language does Mr C speak?     


( ) 1. What’s the Chinese for “six of one and half a

dozen of the other?”

A. 六分之一 B. 人云亦云 C. 半斤八两 D. 见一面分一半

( ) 2. We don’t want it. It’s “a white elephant.” What is it?

A. 一件无用而累的东西 B. 一头白象 C. 白给的东西 D. 白色陷阱

( ) 3.What’s too much for two and just right for one?

A. Time B. A secret C. friend D. A room




( ) 4. What’s the Chinese for “talk big”? A. 吹牛 B. 说谎话 C. 骂人 D. 很大

( ) 5. I know that from A to Z.

A. 从 A 到 I B. 从头到尾 C. 字母表 D. 距离很远 ( ) 6.What’s that? That’s a lily I like it very much.

A. girl’s name B. flower C. picture D. cup




A candle burns out in sixty minutes , how many minutes will it take five candles burning together ?

A. 300 minutes B. 200 minute

C. 100 minutes D. 60 minutes

( D )

If a band plays in a thunderstorm , who

is most likely to get hit by lightening?


When is your uncle’s sister not your aunt?

When she is my mother .

Can you show that eight 8's added together add up to 1000?


Who can stop a car with one hand only ?


A police officer had a brother ,but the brother had no brother.How could that be?

The police officer was a lady!

How can you make a rope shorter without cutting or winding it?

Take a longer rope and compare with it!

Why do giraffes have long neck?

Because their heads are far from their bodies!

Why does a cat look first to one side and then to the other side when it enters a room?

Because it can't see both sides at once.

Mr. Brown has five sons. They are Ted, Tom , Bob, Jack, John. John has no elder brother and he was four years old when his first younger brother was born. Tom is very lucky. The number of his elder brothers is the same as his younger brothers. Jack will be 21 next year, and he is five years older than Bob. Bob is two years younger than Tom. Ted has no younger brother. There is 12 years between him and John. How old are Mr. brown's sons?

John ________years old Jack _______ years old

Tom ________ years old Bob _______  years old

Ted ________ years old

24 20

17 15


If you are facing east and take ten steps forward , then right and take three steps backward , then turn round and take five steps forward , and then turn left , and take two steps forward , which direction are you facing ?


The driver was drunk and drove the doctor's car directly into the deep ditch.


Sandy sniffed sweet smelling sunflower seeds while sitting beside a swift stream.


A snow-white swan swam swiftly to catch a slowly-swimming snake in a lake.


A pleasant peasant keeps a pleasant pheasant and

both the peasant and the pheasant are having a

pleasant time together.

