овости интернет рекламыInstagram or long-form video platforms for proper...

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Transcript of овости интернет рекламыInstagram or long-form video platforms for proper...


Новости интернет-рекламы

Декабрь, 1-31



Тренды ……………............…………………………………………………………......3

Brand Safety ..……............………………………………………………………….....30

Programmatic ………..………………………………………………………………….31

Audio ………. ………..………………………………………………………………….46

Social Media ..………..………………………………………………………………….47

Интернет-реклама Беларуси .……………………………………………………….68

Новости IAB Global ...……………………..…………………………………………...70


ТРЕНДЫ ……………………...……………………………………………………………

Ad land braces for 6.1% inflation in media prices


There will be an average 6.1% increase in media prices in 2020, as the commercial audiences supplied

by media owners shrinks by approximately 1.6%.

The Global Advertising Expenditure report from Zenith paints a bleak picture for advertisers for the year

ahead, saying after the sustained decline in commercial print audiences, the industry is now seeing the

same with TV amid the rise of ad-free streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, HBO, and


Price inflation will counterbalance the decline in global audiences for TV, leading Zenith to predict that

there will be zero growth in the medium over the next three years.

However, the newspaper and magazine industry will not be able to counter the effect as easily. Prices are

rising for printed newspapers and magazines but not quickly enough to compensate for the persistent and

rapid decline in readership. This means newspaper ad spend will shrink by 4.5% a year to 2022, and

magazines will shrink by 8.1% a year.

Overall it said that the supply of commercial audiences has shrunk by 1.3% a year on average since 2010

while media inflation has averaged 6.5% a year.

"This is a continuation of a trend that has shaped the ad market for the whole decade, but what we’re now

seeing is that TV inflation has reached high enough levels that it’s forcing brands to shift spend to other

channels, even though they are generally less effective at generating rapid mass reach," said Jonathan

Barnard, head of forecasting at Zenith.

"Overall brands have been faced with a choice: continue to rely on TV, spending more to get less, or invest

in data and technology that allows them to aggregate digital audiences cost effectively. The latter is a more

sustainable strategy in the long term."

Internet ad spend will continue to grow though, the pace at which it's rising will slowly decline. In 2019 it

was up 11% and this will fall in 2020 to 10% growth and average 9% growth by 2022, when Zenith expects

internet advertising to account for 54% of global ad spend (it currently stands at 47%).


However, inflation for online advertising is even higher than TV with Zenith estimating it will hit 9.1% in


"Demand is running well ahead of supply, because of this need to make up for falling mass audiences

through television channels, and the influx of small-business advertisers on Facebook and Google," added

Barnard. "Also, the quality of digital environments is improving, allowing advertisers to use the likes of

Instagram or long-form video platforms for proper brand-building campaigns."

Display is winning the majority of this ongoing spend, which includes everything from banner ads to online

video and social media, while paid search and classified are now both lagging behind display, growing at

an average of 7% and 1% a year to 2022 respectively.

Tim Irwin, chief executive for EMEA at WPP media agency Essence said clients are already shifting spend


"When there is competition and a scarcity of inventory, brands must continually evolve and divest their

spend in other channels - for our clients that means keeping up to date with media price inflation across

the ecosystem, and assessing whether that change justifies spending and adjusting accordingly. Our

clients are always exploring new channels, but when it comes to top budget winning channels they will

always be the ones which provide transparency, measurement and ease of working," he said.

"Offsetting these kinds of changes are one of the many reasons we continue to invest significantly in

machine learning-driven optimisation of planning and buying."

Growth of global ad spend stalls despite tentpole events

Despite the world’s eyes set to be on events like the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics, Uefa Euros and US

Presidential elections – 2020 is a so-called ‘quadrennial’ year – there has been no upgrade to growth in

advertising expenditure.

In 2019, total ad spend grew 4.2% but in 2020 it will rise by just 0.1% more to reach $666bn (£507bn).

Zenith said it would normally expect a “comfortable” year-on-year growth of ad spend but laid blame for

the non-existent movement on the US-China trade war which is "interrupting supply chains and rerouting

trade and investment". Overall, the tense relations between the two superpowers has led to uncertainty

among advertisers and resulted in strict budgeting.


Zenith estimates this economic headwind will cost the global ad market 1.1 percentage points of growth in

2020. Without it, the market would be up by 5.4%.

Yet despite the trade dispute, the US and China are still leading global ad spend growth. The US ad market

is forecast to grow by $39.1bn between 2019 and 2022, while China grows by US$10.3bn, and together

will account for 56% of all growth in ad expenditure over the next three years.

Spend in North America has largely been boosted by the flood of new small and medium-sized companies

using Facebook and Google to advertise for the first time, Zenith said.

However, India will take over as second-biggest contributor to ad growth in mid-2020s. Its expenditure will

grow by $4.3bn between 2019 and 2022 with Zenith saying it has “great potential for long-term growth”.

Meanwhile, though political uncertainty continues to plague the UK ad market it will grow by 4.9% in 2020,

up from 3.2% in 2019. This has been driven primarily by very strong digital spending, which will be up

6.9% next year.

“We expect strong growth from UK advertising next year, despite the political and economic uncertainty,

because it is embracing the digital transformation of marketing wholeheartedly,” said David Mulrenan,

Zenith UK’s head of investment.

“In 2022, the share of UK ad spend devoted to digital media will reach 71%, making the UK the first market

in the world to exceed 70% digital ad spend.”

Predictions Series: Top 10 Trends in Digital Advertising in 2020



As we approach the “visionary” year of 2020, we took a look at what the New Year has in store for

the Digital Advertising industry. Here are key things to watch out for as you plan ahead and finalize your

Marketing budgets.

1. Amazon Hits Its Stride


2019 was a phenomenal year for Amazon, supported by a record-breaking Prime Day and a highly

successful back-to-school season. Brands have begun to understand the power of advertising on Amazon

and the unique opportunity it offers to capture people at the beginning of their purchasing journey.

The Opportunity: Brands have flocked to Amazon for its revenue-generating ad capabilities. We expect

this trend to continue in 2020 as Amazon refines its offering and advertiser use becomes more

sophisticated. Experiment with sending more of your paid search traffic directly to Amazon as the offerings

improve, like Amazon Attribution. Amazon is simply too good of an opportunity to miss.

2. Search Remains Strong and Flexes Its Gen Z Muscle

Paid search remains the dominant digital ad channel and as we look into next year we see no indication

of this changing. Google retains the upper hand through constant innovation and releasing a number of

sophisticated tools that help marketers target their customers more effectively.

The Opportunity: As we move into 2020, a key challenge for search advertisers is how to reach the Gen

Z audience. It’s no surprise that mobile, specifically smartphones, will be a core part of this strategy.

Smartphone search usage continues to increase—more local search queries are now done on

smartphones. Marin’s research shows that university students are truly the smartphone generation; with

this in mind, advertisers that adopt a mobile-first approach to search can expect to reap rewards next year.

3. Despite Social Controversy, Instagram Remains Facebook’s Secret Weapon

In spite of an ongoing public image crisis, Facebook has continually published positive results throughout

2019, demonstrating that media backlash doesn’t necessarily equate to poor business performance. This

growth is likely to continue into 2020 due to the roll-out of a number of new features such as Facebook

Watch and Automatic Placements.

However, the real story is still the rise of Facebook’s secret weapon, Instagram. With more than 500 million

people using Instagram Stories every day, there’s plenty of opportunities for advertisers to experiment with

engaging creative.

The Opportunity: Instagram Explore Feed is expected to launch in the New Year. It’s a fairly new concept

for advertisers, bringing more interest-based targeting to the platform. Explore Feed represents a great

chance for advertisers to be part of what’s culturally relevant and trending while reaching new audiences

looking to discover something new. Exciting times ahead!


4. The Meteoric Rise in eCommerce Advertising

One of the biggest stories of the year is the rapid growth in eCommerce advertising. According to Statista,

it’s expected there’ll be more than 300 million U.S. online shoppers by 2023. Brands should identify ways

of finding and engaging with the right shoppers—for example, understanding ad formats on different

channels and the role they play in the customer journey.

The Opportunity: There are so many formats emerging—from Stories to shoppable posts—and each one

is designed to reach audiences at specific points in the journey. Google Shopping Ads, for example, are

designed to move buyers from the consideration phase to conversion.

Understanding these nuances, as well as how these various ad formats can work together in a cross-

platform approach, can help marketers avoid a siloed strategy in 2020 and will propel the business in a

competitive market.

5. Will 2020 See Visual/Voice Search Take Off?

Google, Facebook, and Amazon are the key players in the voice search game. According to Google, 20%

of all searches are Voice and 55% of households are expected to own smart speaker devices by 2022.

We’ve seen a big push this year with Voice technology developing at a rapid rate.

Visual search is also starting to take shape. On the one-year anniversary of Lens, Pinterest revealed that

Pinterest users were carrying out more than 600 million visual searches every month with Lens, a 140%

increase year-over-year. Google’s own visual search tool, Google Lens, has seen similar growth with

images now returned for 19% of search queries on Google.

The Opportunity: As speech-recognition accuracy goes from 95% to 99%, we expect Voice search

especially to continue to see rapid growth in 2020. As Google’s SERP continues to evolve for a mobile

world, 2020 will likely see more ad formats that incorporate a more robust visual offering than years past.

This visual component has already seen an impact in Shopping campaigns since Google expanded to

Showcase Ads this year. And, with 62% of millennials wanting visual search over any other new

technology, it seems natural that using an image to start a search will become the norm in the next 12

months. Take note!

6. Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Digital Advertising


The rise of ML/AI in advertising has had a profound impact on the industry over the last 12 months, opening

up new doors and allowing marketers to deliver relevant and engaging ads to their customers. To optimize

campaigns and truly drive performance, brands have a huge opportunity to leverage automated, AI-driven

technologies that allow for more testing and ultimately smarter strategies.

The Opportunity: Data is what fuels AI/ML if you want to stay ahead of the competition it’s important for

brands to realize the value of their own data—whether it’s from a CRM, product sales, or inventory.

Marketers can be much more effective with their ad campaigns when they leverage both first- and third-

party data. Using both categories of data allows them to be aggressive when they expect good returns,

and to pull back when performance is dipping.

With the rise of responsive search ads, Google has empowered advertisers to test the capabilities of

Machine Learning in their campaigns, reducing the need for traditional A/B testing. In order to deliver

relevant and engaging ads to their customers, marketers will need to focus their time on implementing

Machine Learning and AI to continue to transform advertising options.

But marketers should also be wary of this new technology and ensure that implementing it into campaigns

is in the best interest of your audience. Many of these emerging technologies do not take into account your

unique audience and the proprietary data you have in-house. Marketers can become frustrated with one-

size-fits-all solutions when their business would benefit from customized solutions, tailored to their specific

needs. For instance, Smart Bidding offers limited visibility and control over the data being used, leading to

a missed opportunity to maximize performance.

We expect AI and ML to continue to drive innovation forward in 2020, transforming search and social

advertising by letting you tailor ads to individuals, with the goal of fully personalized ads just around the


7. Digital Video Will Hit Fast Motion in 2020

Digital Video ad spend continues to climb, according to the IAB’s 2019 Video Advertising Spend Report.

Marketers report digital budgets have increased 25% year over year, with a whopping 75% in the Media

and Entertainment category.

The Opportunity: Consumer viewing habits explain this spike in ad spend, and it’s clear that advertisers

should go where their customers are. AI developments for content will allow for more personalization in

digital video, meaning brands will be able to tailor video ads. Brands have more incentive than ever to

reach users with immersive, personalized content.


8. CPC/CTR Keeps Evolving

According to Marin research, overall search click volume has grown 14% YoY with a big jump in ad clicks

for Healthcare (85%). The technology industry came in second, with a 25% increase. The most notable

decrease in CPCs was for healthcare, which dropped 47% YoY and now sits at $0.61 for Q3 2019.

Consumers are heading to the internet for their healthcare education, and marketers in the industry see

this as an opportunity to further engage with patients.

The Opportunity: The update from Google AdWords to Google Ads brings many new features, including

more automated and smart options, like Smart Campaigns, with new and updated tools integrated directly

into the Google Marketing Platform. These updates have great potential with the new features opening up

possibilities for search advertisers.

9. CMOs Tackle Ad Fraud and “Fake Views”

According to a recent report, global ad fraud is predicted to cost an unprecedented $23bn this year. In May

2019, the ANA released a study reporting that advertisers are starting to break down the pervasive fraud

that riddles the digital ad world. However, with losses still projected to total $5.8B due to bot fraud this year

(only an 11% decline from 2017), advertisers have a long way to go before they’ll win this battle. This

growth shows no sign of slowing down as we move into 2020—the amount of fraud will only increase.

The Opportunity: Unfortunately it’s not easy to win the battle against ad fraud. CMOs must keep abreast

of the latest developments. Being up to date means you can be quick to react so they can choose the right

strategies for tackling each issue. For instance, just as AI-powered tools like contextual image recognition

and text analysis are used to combat brand safety threats, using techniques like supply path optimization

and relying less on open exchanges need to become a force of habit when tackling ad fraud.

10. Mobile Keeps the Digital Advertising Trophy

People are spending less time watching broadcast TV on an actual set and reading print newspapers, and

digital media consumption is picking up the slack. Mobile is the main driver of this growth. Within mobile

itself, daily time spent with media on smartphones will be the only category in our forecast to see persistent


The Opportunity: Google recently introduced the launch of several new ad types that will be showing up

on mobile devices. Google searches on mobile devices will include gallery ads that allow advertisers to

display multiple images for users to swipe through.


Users will also begin to see ads in Google’s discover feed—the feed of news stories that are built into

many Android home screens, inside the Google app, and on Google’s mobile homepage—though they’ll

only appear in select locations for now. Brands that maximize these mobile tools will be the ones that

succeed in 2020.

Opinion: Brands can bring down walled gardens, but only if they want to



Once upon a time, “walled gardens” brought with them visions of splendid, sun-drenched, hedge-lined

gardens set against the historic castles of Britain or conjured scenes in our minds from Frances Hodgson

Burnett’s classic English children's novel, “Secret Garden.”

Today, the ad industry paints a very different picture of walled gardens, otherwise known as closed

ecosystems, and laments about the lack of transparency in a place where platform owners have control

over applications, content and media, while restricting easy access to content and applications that they

don’t approve of.

Advertising Research Foundation President and CEO, Scott McDonald, has highlighted the need for

unified, autonomous, third-party measurement across the advertising ecosystem to attain a holistic view

of the consumer across all channels, with full transparency, accountability and unduplicated reach metrics.

McDonald said that if these big walled-garden players would, for the common good, support unified third-

party measurement, the whole industry would benefit from much more comprehensive measurement of

media and advertising exposures.

He’s right.

My company, Cuebiq, recently commissioned a study that found that marketers’ No. 1 concern is the

inability to effectively measure cross-channel. Evolving from walled gardens to an open framework for data

is the only way to guarantee that all channels can be measured and allow marketers to have a complete

view of how marketing decision-making impacts behavior.

The walled gardens are hindering cross-channel advertising because they remain a locked black box. No

matter how much money brands pour into them, everything is still a deep, dark secret that we cannot



Why do those with the power to create change, accept this? Advertisers invest billions of dollars into walled

gardens and have the muscle to exert pressure companies like Amazon, Netflix, Facebook and Google to

cooperate in cross-platform measurement. Brand leaders can flex their wallets and aptly argue that

transparency can’t happen with walled gardens and demand a scalable, cross-channel solution and better

access to data and portability. All the while, importantly, ensuring that safeguards are implemented to

protect the end user via privacy, consent, data provenance and verification.

In determining how to best execute on true cross-channel measurement, I think mobile should be the

catalyst for the new marketing infrastructure. Why? Because mobile sits at the core of 1:1 marketing, and,

by design, allows us to put the user at the center. By beginning with mobile measurement, you can then

expand across all channels effectively, with the right framework in place.

What’s more, mobile can be controlled and is privacy-compliant, which means it can ensure there is a

proper value exchange created between the marketer and the consumer.

Regardless of how we decide independent cross-channel measurement will look like, it’s clear that

marketers need a holistic picture of their efforts in order to understand and impact consumers’ lifetime

value (LTV), which is imperative to take multi-touch attribution (MTA) to the next level.

Cross-channel measurement was a big topic of discussion at Advertising Week in New York this year as

well. In a session hosted by the 4A's, industry leaders agreed that breaking down walled gardens is

necessary for true cross-channel measurement, but maintain there are still challenges facing true cross-

channel measurement coming to fruition. Jane Clarke, CIMM’s CEO, expressed concerns about the lack

of technology available to support the new cross-media standards. Along with the lack of technology,

privacy concerns are also an issue facing the new standards.

As the industry continues to work towards addressing these and any other concerns, ARF’s McDonald

encourages marketers to support standards, such as those advanced by CIMM and the IAB Tech Lab,

who are devising workarounds to fill in the blind spots in measurement. Those organizations have made

great strides in measurement despite the hurdles of black boxes.

But to truly create change, advertisers hold the key to walled gardens cooperating to create independent,

third-party, cross-platform measurement. Until then, we’re locked out of their splendid, sun-drenched,

hedge-lined gardens and are missing huge pieces of information that would better inform and perhaps

completely transform our marketing strategies and tactics.


Antonio Tomarchio is Founder and CEO of Cuebiq, a leading mobile location intelligence company. With

over 15 years of experience, Tomarchio is an industry veteran and entrepreneur with expertise in mobile

marketing and big data, location intelligence, offline analytics and attribution analysis with a deep

understanding of the SaaS and DaaS business model.

Анастасия Можаева, MediaGuru: восемь perfomance-трендов 2020 года

Рамки брендинга и performance стираются, билборды считывают биометрические данные, чат-боты

вытесняют call-операторов, а покупатель становится все требовательнее


Как выглядит продвижение будущего, какие тренды нас ждут в 2020 году и что нужно

внедрять в свой бизнес, чтобы не отстать от конкурентов — рассказывает генеральный

директор digital-агентства MediaGuru Анастасия Можаева.

Тренд 1 — ускорение всех процессов

В большинстве случаев 90% всех устройств и сервисов разработаны для быстрого получения

информации и удовлетворения потребностей в срок.

Например, к интернет-магазину требования такие:

быстрая загрузка сайта и всех страниц;

оперативная и удобная доставка;

оплата покупки всеми способами, через терминал или онлайн.

Если вы отстаете от конкурентов хотя бы по одной из этих позиций, то рискуете отдать

им лояльных клиентов.

Я часто заказываю корм для кошек и раньше пользовалась услугами специализированного

интернет-магазина. Большой ассортимент, скидки, акции — меня устраивало все, кроме долгого

интервала доставки в четыре часа. То есть я могла выбрать время, скажем, с 12 до 16 часов, или

с 16 до 20, но сидеть дома полдня и ждать курьера неудобно. Позже я познакомилась с онлайн-

приложением «Перекресток» и обнаружила, что профессиональный корм для кошек можно


заказать и у них. Скидки здесь не было, но условия доставки оказались удобнее: интервал всего

в 2 часа, а период с 6:00 до 23:00. В итоге я перешла к этому поставщику услуг. Так что даже

обычный ритейл вроде «Перекрестка» может увести лояльного клиента у специализированного


Если не хотите терять клиентов, ускоряйте все процессы. Подумайте, как вашим покупателям

удобно получать товары, когда (ведь ложка дорога к обеду), в каком формате. Требования

пользователей растут в геометрической прогрессии и в Москве, и постепенно в регионах.

Тренд 2 — построение сквозной аналитики

Обычно в парадигме маркетолога царит идеальная воронка продаж. Это путь потенциального

клиента от коммуникации до покупки, его поведение на сайте и после, когда пользователь

становится лояльным покупателем.

На деле реальная воронка отличается от идеальной, а путь пользователя нелинейный. Перед

покупкой клиент может посмотреть сайт, позвонить в компанию или оставить онлайн-заявку

на сайте. Еще есть почта, онлайн-чат, соцсети, приход в шоурум или магазин, что для

мультиканального ритейла — стандартный сценарий. Реклама может быть не только в интернете,

билбордах, ТВ или радио. Нам важно понимать, какой вклад у каждого из каналов взаимодействия,

а чтобы всё это объединить и подсчитать, нужна сквозная аналитика.

Задачи сквозной аналитики:

Настроить сбор информации по всем касаниям с вашим брендом до продажи, чтобы определить,

откуда пользователь, как конвертируется, куда вкладывать деньги.

Дополнить данные об отказах, возвратах и т. д.

Оценить окупаемость каналов привлечения.

Измерить окупаемость рекламных каналов с учетом всех взаимодействий с покупателем. И это

не Last Click! Модель атрибуции — прошлый век, оценивать окупаемость нужно по реальному

вкладу, а не по последнему источнику.

Перераспределить рекламный бюджет для большей выгоды.

Этапы проектирования системы сквозной аналитики:


Определить целевые метрики, движение которых покажет, эффективен ли бизнес. Это самый

важный этап, так как на его основе растет вся архитектура данных.

Собрать данные. Самый современный и безопасный метод — это облачное хранилище Google


Визуализировать аналитику в разных программных средах. Данные обновляются в режиме

реального времени и могут использоваться для управленческого учета (Google Data Studio) и для

аналитики (Google Таблицы).

Вывод: мы должны уметь связывать данные online и offline, а для этого нужна сквозная аналитика.

Если вы еще её не внедрили, то обязательно сделайте.

Тренд 3 — переход к омниканальности и one retail

Ниже на картинке — потенциальные и действующие рекламоносители.

По классике, ТВ, радио, печатные издания и наружная реклама относятся к offline. Но ведь ТВ

сейчас стриминговое, многие смотрят каналы по подпискам, слушают радио со смартфонов,

а печатные издания, которые раньше были только в газетах, есть на новостных порталах,

например, РБК и «Известия». Все больше офлайн-рекламоносителей становятся цифровыми.

Даже наружная реклама, которая сейчас является трендом, становится цифровой. В Москве такой

уже около 70%. Наружную рекламу теперь можно закупать не только у поставщиков или

специализированных агентств, но и через «Яндекс.Директ». Скорее всего, это можно будет делать

и через другие платформы. Еще в «Яндексе» можно запускать Indoor. Если вы уже видели экраны

с рекламой в метро или аптеках, то знайте — это оно. Экраны умеют считывать биометрические


данные человека, определять его пол и возраст, поэтому мы можем настраивать показ рекламы

целевой аудитории. Кстати, мы в числе первых протестировали возможности новинки и даже

описали их в кейсе.

Многие камеры, которыми пользуются службы безопасности, уже научились читать биометрию

и сравнивать видео с фото для определения местоположения человека. Эти технологии могут быть

использованы и в рекламных целях. А если мы точно знаем клиента, то можем показывать ему

персонализированные обращения. Так что, если это узаконят и найдут применение технологии

в рекламной сфере, скоро с каждой камеры нас будут определять и показывать объявления,

на которые мы хорошо реагируем.

Вернемся к рекламоносителям. Как мы можем взаимодействовать с клиентами через

смартфоны, ПК, планшеты:







PWA — это какой-то космос! Система позволяет по-другому формировать отображение страниц

на мобильных устройствах и, скорее всего, скоро вытеснит приложения. Как это работает:

вы создаете мобильный сайт, прикрепляете иконку и выкладываете ее в App Store или Google Play.

Пользователь может сохранить эту иконку на рабочий стол и получить быстрый доступ к сайту.

PWA напоминает приложение, но им не является — технология совершенно другая.

И, наконец, про умные колонки, смарт-часы и виртуальные очки. Эти устройства станут новыми

носителями рекламы уже в ближайшем будущем.

Вывод: люди делают то, что и раньше: слушают радио, смотрят ТВ, читают газеты. Но иначе —

через мобильные устройства. Причем с каждым годом время, проведенное в интернете,


стремительно растет. И если у вас до сих пор нет приложения или мобильной версии сайта,

подумайте над этим.

Теперь рассмотрим эволюцию коммуникации с клиентами:

Single Channel. Использование одного канала: увидел рекламу по ТВ и пришел за покупкой

в магазин.

Multi Channel. Взаимодействие на разных платформах и возможность покупок не только офлайн,

но и в интернете.

Omni-Channel. Непрерывная коммуникация с клиентом, получение информации из разных

источников и разные способы покупки.

Сейчас мы находимся на третьем этапе. Но многие компании уже перестают отличать диджитал

от недиджитал. Например, «Эльдорадо» и «М.Видео», лидеры своей ниши, переходят от понятия

омниканальности к one retail. Здесь нет отдельных маркетинговых бюджетов и разделения между

online и offline. Неважно, как и откуда пришел клиент, главное — результат.

Тренд 4 — работа с аудиторией

Давайте вспомним, как движется клиент, взаимодействуя с интернет-магазином или сайтом услуг.


Осведомленность и интерес мы обеспечиваем медийными кампаниями, рассчитанными на охват.

А как измерить и посчитать пользователей, которые увидели рекламу; как оценить влияние

кампании на покупку? Теперь это можно сделать при помощи трекеров.

А с помощью пикселя Campaign Manager мы можем определить, кто сделал покупки offline. Эти

данные можно соединить с картой лояльности и нашими базами CRM.


Еще мы можем и должны работать с последним этапом воронки — это удержание.

20% лояльных клиентов = 80% выручки.

80% клиентов — залетные покупатели на один раз, непонятные траты.

Не ставьте всех по одной ценности на ремаркетинг. Чтобы грамотно расходовать бюджет, нужно

всё взвесить и определить самую ценную аудиторию. Для этого можно использовать методологию


Это мегатренд, который показывает:

когда клиент совершал покупки;

какая средняя сумма чека;

как часто покупатель приходит.

Мы можем подсчитать и разложить покупателей на матрицы, а затем наглядно увидеть, на кого

повышать ставки по ремаркетингу, а кто не генерирует прибыль.

Схема построения RFM-сегментации:


Еще для работы с аудиторией мы можем использовать офлайн-данные:

банковские данные;

данные сотовых операторов;

транзакционные СРМ;

транзакционные данные от ОФД и производителей касс.

Банковские данные мы можем использовать для того, чтобы таргетироваться на аудиторию

с определенным уровнем дохода. У сотовых операторов можно выкупать push-сообщения

и отправлять уведомления клиентам, которые находится в 200 м от нас. Представьте, проходит

мимо нас человек и получает СМС: «Заходите к нам на кофе!» или «За углом вас ждет

распродажа!». Многие бронируют билеты через, например, Amadeus, и мы можем, определяя

вкусы покупателей, предлагать им путевки или экскурсии.

На фото ниже представлен охват, который можно получить при помощи офлайн-данных.


ОФД и данные касс — вообще сенсационный источник. Каждая покупка, произведенная через

кассу, передается в налоговую. А ОФД — это система передачи данных из кассы в налоговую,

из которых мы узнаем, что куплено, сколько денег потрачено и т. д. При определенных данных чек

офлайн-покупки можно связать и определить покупателя, чтобы потом показывать ему интересную

рекламу. С online еще проще: при покупке в интернете мы оставляем свой адрес электронной

почты и номер телефона, поэтому найти нас тоже довольно легко.

Сейчас появились умные кассы — терминалы ЭВОТОР. Они умеют считывать MAC-адреса,

и благодаря им мы можем настраивать кампанию на покупателей, которые были в магазине

с определенной частотностью.


Тренд 5 — автоматизация

Автоматизация сейчас работает очень хорошо, что мы видим со своей стороны по встроенным

системам Яндекса и Google. Если у вас мало трафика, то чуда не ждите. А если данных много,

вы заметите рост продаж, увеличение заявок и снижение их стоимости. Секрет в том, что система

знает о покупателе гораздо больше нас: что он искал, как ведет себя в интернете, покупает онлайн

или нет. При ручном управлении ставками мы не имеем и половины таких данных.

На деле система интеллектуальных стратегий работает так: Василий задает запрос в Google,

система оценивает много разных сигналов и принимает решение о ставке. Раньше оценивались

интересы человека, время, география и устройство.

Сейчас число сигналов гораздо больше:

тип устройства;




путь до конверсии;


сегмент аудитории;


площадка КМС.

Чтобы подключить эти стратегии интеллектуального назначения ставок, нужно:

Настроить отслеживание конверсий (звонки, заявки, посещения определенных страниц и другие

ценные действия).

Накопить статистику конверсий (у каждой стратегии есть свои требования к накопленной


Тренд 6 — адаптивные креативы

Так как все больше аудитории переходит к онлайну, креативы должны быть адаптированы именно

к нему.

На что лучше всего реагирует покупатель:

адаптивные объявления: Google Реклама, Яндекс.Директ;

настоящие изображения товара;

видеоконтент в соцсетях.

Важно: видео и баннеры лучше делать на светлом фоне. Во-первых, так креативы выглядят

лучше. А во-вторых, многие люди снижают на устройствах яркость экрана для экономии заряда,

поэтому реклама на темном фоне просто теряется.

Тренд 7 — голосовые помощники

На картинке ниже показаны самые известные голосовые помощники.


Сейчас многие бизнесы внедряют в свои технологии личного голосового помощника или

используют навыки, скажем, известной Алисы. У «Мэйла» есть Маруся, а у лидера всех инноваций

«Тинькофф» — Олег. Поговаривают, что Олег иногда даже матерится.

Опять же, мы возвращаемся к первому тренду — ускорению процессов. Согласитесь, гораздо

удобнее продиктовать запрос и найти ответ, чем что-то писать и искать. С помощью голосового

помощника люди уже слушают музыку и радио, смотрят ТВ, управляют умным домом. И это только

зарождающийся тренд. Искусственный интеллект стремительно развивается и возможно, скоро

появятся роботы, с которыми можно будет болтать как с живым человеком.

Тренд 8 — чат-боты

По данным Google, 65% покупателей предпочитает писать компаниям, а не звонить. Поэтому чат-

боты набирают популярность и даже вытесняют call-центры, от которых многие компании уже

всерьез отказываются. Роботы общаются не хуже операторов, часто отвечающих по скриптам,

и к тому же не звонят клиентам в неудобное время.

Что еще хорошего в чат-ботах?

Сокращение затрат.

Упрощение навигации.

Адаптация информации.


Поддержка 24/7. Виртуальный помощник осуществляет поддержку клиентов в режиме ответов

на FAQ.

Поддерживаемые платформы для чат-ботов:


мессенджеры: Телеграм, Viber, WhatsApp и прочие;


Как это выглядит:

Кстати, к чат-боту можно применить навыки голосовых помощников, например, Алисы

от «Яндекса» или Google Assistant.

Сервисы для создания недорогого чат-бота:


Bot Kits.






Итак, что у нас есть. Мир меняется и меняется стремительно. Мы постепенно уходим от digital,

а интернет — не что-то отдельное. Это часть нашей жизни, среда обитания и носитель

информации, который у нас есть. Используйте все возможности по максимуму, становитесь

лучшими в своей нише и не останавливайтесь на достигнутом. Информации все больше, она

сложнее, но от этого только интереснее.

Google не откажется от cookie-файлов в своем браузере при следующем



Использование технологии по-прежнему может быть выгодно для компании на рекламном рынке,

однако Google продолжает искать альтернативное решение

В обновленной версии браузера Google Chrome по-прежнему будут использоваться cookie-файлы.

Несмотря на планы по их ограничению, компания Google решила не прибегать к таким изменениям

в ближайшее время. Как пишет Digiday, об этом представители IT-корпорации заявили на встрече

издателей, рекламодателей и поставщиков рекламных технологий.

Cookies — это текстовые файлы, в которые записываются переходы пользователей браузера на

различные сайты. В мае Google объявил, что собирается ограничить использование технологии,

чтобы усилить конфиденциальность аудитории. Однако позже в корпорации уточнили: полностью

отказываться от cookie-файлов Google не планирует, а «радикальные изменения приведут к

неправомерному сбору данных пользователей».

Как пишет издание, Google старается сохранить лидирующие позиции на рекламном рынке —

именно реклама остается одним из основных источников доходов корпорации. Тем не менее, у

рынка остается вопрос: как Калифорнийский закон о защите прав потребителей, который вступает

в силу 1 января 2020 г. и ограничивает работу с персональными данными, отразится на доходах



«Многое происходит: компания балансирует между конфиденциальностью пользователей и

производительностью продуктов и рекламных технологий с конкурентной позицией и сталкивается

с проблемами из-за антиконкурентного поведения. Но Google не может быть полностью

прозрачным, поскольку это наносит ущерб его позиции в качестве рекламной компании», —

пояснили Digiday в ID5 — фирмы, предлагающей альтернативное решение для идентификации

пользователей. Альтернативу cookies ищет и сам Google, уточняет издание.

Весной компания Apple ввела ограничение на cookies в своем браузере Safari, а летом заявила,

что ужесточит наказание за их использование.

Facebook is working on its own OS that could reduce its reliance on Android



Facebook is developing its own operating system that could one day reduce the company’s reliance on

Google’s Android, according to a new report by The Information. Development is currently being led by

Mark Lucovsky, a Microsoft veteran who co-authored the Windows NT operating system.

The report provides a limited amount of information about how the new operating system could be used,

but it notes that both Facebook’s Oculus and Portal devices currently run on a modified version of Android.

According to one of Facebook’s AR and VR heads, Ficus Kirkpatrick, “it’s possible” that Facebook’s future

hardware won’t need to rely on Google’s software, which would reduce or remove entirely the control

Google has over Facebook’s hardware.

“We really want to make sure the next generation has space for us,” Facebook’s head of hardware,

Andrew Bosworth, told The Information. “We don’t think we can trust the marketplace or competitors to

ensure that’s the case. And so we’re gonna do it ourselves.”

Along with Oculus and Portal devices, Facebook is also working on augmented reality glasses. According

to Bosworth, these glasses, codenamed “Orion,” could arrive as early as 2023. For those keeping score,

that’s the same year that Apple is expected to come out with a pair of AR glasses of its own. Facebook is

also working on a brain control interface for its glasses, which could allow users to control them with their



The report suggests that Facebook is hoping to eventually take a similar approach to Apple with its

hardware in the future. As well as developing its own OS, The Information corroborates reports

from Bloomberg and the Financial Times earlier this year that Facebook is working on its own custom chip

hardware, alongside the voice assistant that it confirmed it’s working on earlier this year.

It’s worth pointing out that Facebook’s last attempt at producing its own OS did not go so well. The attempt

resulted in a forked version of Android that ran on an HTC-produced phone back in 2013. Flooding a phone

with Facebook’s social feed was wildly unpopular even back before Facebook’s brand was tarnished with

numerous privacy scandals. Facebook will have an uphill battle on its hands if it wants people to give its

software another shot.

A glimpse into what’s coming in 2020



What’s that phrase – The more things change, the more they remain the same.

No matter the latest trend, the shiniest new object or techiest technological breakthrough, marketers and

communicators are all still trying to do the same thing: stir action.

That action could be as simple as a sale, a click or a stronger bond.

In our effort to help you stir action in your 2020 marketing efforts and be prepared for the changing

business climate, SmartBrief sought the perspective of some key associations and markers, and asked

them to share their foresight as we move into 2020.

If you have a marketing prediction for 2020, let us know on Twitter and @SBonSocialMedia.

Marla Kaplowitz

President and CEO

American Association of Advertising Agencies

It’s time for national data privacy legislation: The year will kick-off with the implementation of the

California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the ongoing assessment by other states and municipalities

to enact their own legislation. The increased focus on data privacy will continue with

Congress recognizing the critical need for federal legislation. A plan outlined by the Privacy for America


coalition addressing consumer needs and calling for the creation of a Data Protection Bureau inside the

FTC will be recognized as the way forward.

Zoe Soon

Vice President of Mobile


Mixed reality is poised to go mainstream: Augmented reality is the killer app for 5G.

Statista estimates that the value of the AR market will explode from $5.91 billion in 2018 to $198.17

billion in 2025 and it’s no coincidence that this coincides with the arrival of 5G. The best and earliest

places we’ll see AR is in mobile gaming, but that’s just the start. Gartner predicts 100 million consumers

will shop in AR in 2020, both online and in-store. For brands and advertisers, this is an unprecedented

opportunity to reach consumers in a mobile-native environment, no special equipment required.

Caspar Thykier

CEO and Co-Founder


Excitement around wearables hits a fever pitch: The talk around wearables has already been dubbed

the “Face Race.” We expect the hype cycle is going to jump exponentially when augmented reality

glasses with heads-up displays enter the conversation. Many of these programs will fuse audio and

visual information with gesture control, and bring the technologies together to get users and designers

more excited about the intersections between AR and wearable tech. All of that said, content is still the

most important element in these experiences, and that is what brands should always stay focused on.

Trey Green, Digital Strategy

Helina Seyoum, Digital Strategy

The Richards Group

Collaboration fatigue is coming. Here’s what to do about it: As we see the rise of influencer

marketing now hit its peak with oversaturation, it can be argued that brand collaborations are headed for

the same fate. If 2020 is sure to bring a massive surge of collaborations, should we worry that consumer

brands are headed down the same path?

The next iteration of collaborations is co-creation. In a time where consumers can immediately see

through inauthenticity, brands have to work harder and smarter to make meaningful and lasting

partnerships with those that are moving culture. Other industries have been doing this for years – namely


the music industry. Since artists have been able to master the art of sincere co-creation, might music

have the blueprint we need to keep collaborations alive?

Peter Smart

Managing Partner + Head of Product Design


Multimodal design for frictionless user experience: We want digital experiences to operate as

frictionlessly as possible, but our devices still don’t speak the same language. We control our

smartspeaker with our voice, our phone with our fingertips, and our tv with a remote and its endless


The technological challenge to simplify this experience is huge. In the user experience and design world,

there’s a name for it: multimodal design. The goal is a world in which all of our devices operate with a

universal set of controls and commands that feeds a much larger, integrated technological ecosystem.

And the tech company that solves this grand challenge will win the user experience arms race. It’s a

matter of placing a laser focus on creating seamless, connected human experiences: ecosystems that

don’t think and act like single devices but as one that acts in harmony.

Marc Paulenich

Senior VP, Strategy/COO

Hart Inc.

Soft metrics will be eschewed for highly specific, curated measurement data: Coming are the days

of social engagements being the sole driver of social analytics. For communications and marketing

strategies, defining what success “looks like” is becoming more important than the strategies

themselves. Consider that some measurement methods may not even be identified, much less defined,

as we approach 2020.

As the push for curating strategic metrics aligns with increasingly distinctive measurement points, each

marketing organization will require its own interpretation of the metrics. Proprietary scoring may become

the key differentiator from one agency to the next. Additionally, a growing detail will emerge to

incorporate dynamic measurement throughout the sales cycle or the customer journey. Meanwhile, ease

the transition and close the divide by making metrics a pivotal conversation as early as possible in the

onboarding process.


Mike Menkes

Senior VP

Analytic Partners

Social media’s growing role in driving sales: Social media may struggle somewhat in the future,

particularly given rising advertising costs. Increased demand with limited supply (in comparison) leads to

CPM and cost increases that in some cases won’t be offset by increased effectiveness. This is not to

say that brands shouldn’t maintain a strong social media strategy, only that they should follow audience

behavior closely and “buy smart.”

One exciting trend we’re seeing are brands utilizing social media for more upper funnel awareness and

brand equity, which has driven strong results for many brands. This approach, when combined with

additional channels in a comprehensive strategy, can lead to up to a 35% growth in

ROI (source: Analytic Partners ROI Genome).

BRAND SAFETY ..…………...……………………………………………………………

YouTube введет ограничения на рекламу продуктов в детских видео


Изменения не коснутся продакт-плейсмента и рекомендаций лидеров мнений в контенте для детей.

Планы по обновлению рекламной политики видеохостинга вызвали неоднозначную реакцию

законодателей США

Сервис YouTube планирует ввести новые ограничения, касающиеся рекламы, которая

показывается в видео для детей. Как указано в письме от Google сенатору США Эду Марки, речь

идет о рекламе продуктов питания и напитков в детском контенте на основной платформе

видеохостинга. Такое ограничение уже действует на YouTube Kids.

В специальном приложении YouTube для детей запрещен также продакт-плейсмент и реклама с

лидерами мнений. Однако применять аналогичную политику на главной платформе в контенте,

ориентированном на несовершеннолетних, компания не планирует. В письме YouTube

подчеркивается: создателей такой рекламы уведомляют о том, что она должна быть законной.

Реакция адресата на планы компании была неоднозначной. «Я рад, что YouTube прислушался к

моим призывам обновить свою рекламную политику и усилить защиту для детей, которые


переходят на этот сайт. К сожалению, YouTube не стал вносить другие важные изменения в

политику, которые могли бы служить интересам детей», — приводит Mediapost слова Эда Марки.

Сенатор добавил, что по-прежнему ожидает от компании запрета «инфлюенс-маркетинга,

продающего продукты детям». С аналогичным призывом выступили организации «Кампания за

детство без рекламы» и «Центр цифровой демократии».

Ранее видеохостинг заявлял о планах отказаться от размещения таргетированной рекламы в

детских роликах. Предположительно это может быть связано с расследованием Федеральной

торговой комиссии США (ФТК), которая заподозрила YouTube в незаконном сборе данных

несовершеннолетних пользователей.

PROGRAMMATIC …………...……………………………………………………………

Five insights about the future of programmatic advertising


Programmatic advertising has long been kept on the back burner. Here is a deeper look at programmatic

advertising and the trends that could impact its future.

30-second summary:

By 2020, programmatic ad spend is expected to hit $68.87 billion.

Because programmatic advertising is automated, you don’t have to stop what you are doing to change an

ad. This could make the personalization of ads easier than ever before.

Instead of paying to advertise their product during shows with the most viewers, programmatic advertising

allows companies to send targeted ads to very specific audiences.

Programmatic voice search ads are in their infancy, but this shift could have an impact on strategies

moving forward.

75% of all video ads are programmatic. This means if you want access to the vast video audience and

haven’t jumped on the programmatic bandwagon, you’re behind the times.


Programmatic ads are only as good as the data they use. Compiling data from multiple sources and

following users across platforms often results in both good and bad data.

It’s no secret that digital marketing is in a constant state of flux. Let’s not forget that there are over 4.02

billion users on the internet in an ever-evolving time and industry.

Banner ads were a golden goose until people went banner blind. Facebook like-gating was a thing until

organic reach plummeted 52%.

Source: Getcodeless.com

Today, the rapidly growing adoption of tools like AI, chatbots, geofencing using location QR codes, and

machine learning are invading everything from our watches to refrigerators. The future of marketing is

clearly leaning away from manual strategies.

Enter programmatic advertising, automating the ad-buying, and targeting process on the web. Today, with

more readily-available data on every consumer than at any other time in history, brands are using this

information to target extremely granular audiences across the web.

And with more of your online data being controlled by companies like Google and Facebook, more intrusive

and targeted advertising options are available to advertisers.

It’s a double-edged sword for marketers. On the one hand, we have more tools at our disposal than ever

before. On the other, how much information on our consumers is too much? When does it become

Is it okay for the President of the United States to spend up to two million dollars on anti-impeachment

Facebook Ads?


Programmatic advertising is not new, but it has been kept on the back burner as many marketers focus on

shinier objects, like Instagram stories links or the latest Google core update.

If you haven’t been paying attention, now is the time to take a deeper look at programmatic advertising

and the trends that could impact its future.

Let’s get started.

Is the future of marketing programmatic?

According to eMarketer, programmatic ad spend made up $25.48 billion of the total digital ad spend in

2016, up from $17.5 billion in 2015. By the end of 2019, programmatic ad spend is expected to hit $45.72


Source: eMarketer

And by 2020, programmatic ad spend is expected to reach $68.87 billion. That is a growth rate of nearly

4x in just a few years.

If you haven’t used programmatic advertising, you might wonder what it looks like in the real world.


Let’s say, for example, software company HouseCallPro wants to attract more plumbers to use their home-

service business software.

They might build a dedicated landing page for plumbers that uses language specifically targeting plumbing

companies and the challenges they face.

They specifically mention growing your plumbing business, in this example below:

Source: Housecallpro.com

Then, they would hire a programmatic advertising platform to identify online users by looking at information

such as income, gender, location, web sites visited, purchase history, and the devices they use.

For example, HouseCallPros could target people in Illinois who have visited the site Plumbing Perspective,

which is a very plumbing popular industry site and have been searching for information about how to start

a business.

They could also use anonymized purchase data collected by credit card companies to send targeted ads

to Internet users who recently purchased a new home.

Using programmatic advertising and an ad exchange, they can adjust their ads to reach different

demographics and optimize automatically.

The programmatic industry is growing fast, however, there are several trends that could impact the success

and challenges marketers.

Dynamic personalization is taking personalization to a new level


Once upon a time, marketing was about the blanket approach. Tell as many people as possible about your

brand, and inevitably enough people would make a purchase to keep you afloat.

That changed, of course. Most recently, brands have focused on personalization. Personalized emails, for

example, increase transaction rates by six-fold.

Need ideas on how to speak to your audience in a language they connect with?

We found a Facebook case study that revealed Toyota saw a 440% engagement lift from featuring user-

generated content in their Facebook Ads.

User-generated content is the easiest way to speak to your audience in their language. The content comes

from them directly!

Check out how Eterneva, a company turning ashes into diamonds, does it by featuring customer

testimonials from Google and Social Media.

Source: Eterneva.com

Dynamic personalization takes this strategy a step further.


In addition to using information such as user behavior and demographics, programmatic platforms can use

third-party data such as the weather or time of day to create ads that, for example, advertise a breakfast

sandwich during the morning hours and dinner recipe in the afternoon.

And, because programmatic advertising is automated, you don’t have to stop what you are doing to change

an ad, programmatic advertising platforms can do it for you. This could make the personalization of ads

easier than ever before.

Programmatic TV maybe the future of advertising, but with a catch

The average Super Bowl ad costs advertisers roughly $175,000 per second. This high cost is due to the

number of expected viewers for the game, which is estimated to be well over 100 million people. Fair


However, the television industry is on the cusp of a major shift. Networks are reporting a 14 percent drop in

viewership in the last year and a 24 percent C3 drop in the past two years. In addition, the introduction of

5G may increase the number of people cutting traditional cable in favor of streaming services such as Hulu

and Netflix.

Programmatic TV advertising may be the future.

Instead of paying to advertise their product during shows with the most viewers, programmatic advertising

allows companies to send targeted ads to very specific audiences.

For example, advertisers can choose to advertise to women between the ages of 35 and 45 with middle

school children in San Antonio or men under 35 who own Apple devices and make more than $75,000 a

year. By targeting TV audiences more carefully, advertisers may be able to spend less to reach these


The catch, however, is that a rise in programmatic advertising may make it even harder for networks to

sell traditional ad space. This may contribute to the downfall of an already struggling industry.

Voice search advertising?

“Hello Google, tell me about the history of voice search.”

I’m so glad you asked.


Google first launched its voice search feature in 2002, and the industry has been growing rapidly since. In

fact, by 2020 an estimated 50% of all searches may be performed by voice.

What does this mean for advertisers?

Digital marketers have been wary of how voice search would change the digital marketing industry for

years, but a recent change is making waves.

In April, Google announced Android users may begin to see ads in their voice search results.

In February, European digital ad exchange company Global signed a deal with voice-activated ads

company Instreamatic.ai, designed to increase the availability of interactive audio ads in the US.

Programmatic voice search ads are in their infancy, but this shift could have an impact on strategies

moving forward. This shift could make it easier to monetize your content marketing strategy through

podcasts or video content.

Web scraping is for everyone, even machines

Web scraping has long been used by giants like Amazon to generate leads and to inform internet

campaigns. The data they receive is often more accurate than purchasing contact lists and can even power

social media campaigns.

As brands gain access to more information, consumers fight back via VPNs and the use of private internet

settings. However, web scraping is still extremely popular. It used to be just for the big dogs, Amazon

sellers, and people running ads.

Now web scraping can be used by any company.

Skincare company Proven, for example, uses machine learning and technology to develop tailored

skincare solutions.

Founders Ming Zhao and Amy Yuan actually spent two years working on the company’s database before

they even launched their company.

This could cause a few issues, as programmatic ad spends increases. For starters, bots scraping websites

can result in slower site load times, which Google thinks is kind of a big deal.


Plus, as web scraping becomes far more accessible, it also becomes easier for sites to block. Amazon,

for example, recently thwarted Walmart’s ability to scrape their site for pricing, leaving their technology

team scratching their heads for weeks.

If more companies begin blocking bots, it could present a challenge for programmatic ad platforms.

Video ads are mostly programmatic

Nearly 45% of people watch at least one hour (or more) of video content every day. YouTube, the most

popular video platform, receives more than one billion unique visitors every month.

Video is kind of a big deal.

What is even a bigger deal is that video advertising is also going programmatic, and by a lot. One stat says

that nearly 75% of all video ads are programmatic.

This means if you want access to the vast video audience and haven’t jumped on the programmatic

bandwagon, you’re behind the times.


Programmatic advertising may well be one of the fastest-growing segments of the digital marketing


Despite how fast programmatic ad spend is growing, it faces one major obstacle—the quality of data.

Although more of our data is being stored than ever before, there are still challenges.

Programmatic ads are only as good as the data they use. Compiling data from multiple sources and

following users across platforms often results in both good and bad data.

For example, you and I may both love the show ‘Breaking Bad’, live in Texas, and be new homeowners –

but that doesn’t mean that I need a new basement handyman service.

How much information is too much?

Data fraud, often caused by bots, may skew data results. In addition to the points mentioned above,

learning to separate the good from the bad will be critical to the success of programmatic advertising.


Adam Enfroy is Affiliate Partnerships Manager at BigCommerce, and also does Content Marketing

Consulting and Blogging at adamenfroy.com. He can be found on Twitter @AdamEnfroy.

Mail.ru Group создала собственную DMP-платформу


Рекламодатели смогут обрабатывать на ней свои данные и составлять подробное описание

клиентских сегментов. Первым партнером, получившим доступ к платформе, стала PepsiCo

Компания Mail.ru Group запустила единую DMP-платформу (Data Management Platform, платформу

управления и обработки данных). Как рассказали в пресс-службе корпорации, инструмент позволит

рекламодателям хранить, обрабатывать и структурировать обезличенные данные, а также

задействовать их в кампаниях.

Клиенты смогут добавлять на платформу хешированные данные из своих CRM-систем и сегменты

с партнерских ресурсов, собственных сайтов, завершенных рекламных кампаний. Кроме того,

инструмент позволяет составить подробное описание профиля загруженных сегментов аудитории

на основе обезличенных данных о 92% пользователей рунета. Речь идет, в частности, о социально-

демографических и поведенческих характеристиках, а также об интересах. Как пояснили в Mail.ru

Group, такие инсайты нужны рекламодателю в том числе для построения сквозной аналитики.

Первым партнером, который получил доступ к DMP-платформе, стала корпорация PepsiCo — она

планирует строить на ней кастомные аудиторные сегменты. Компания будет использовать

обезличенные данные проектов Mail.ru Group и собственное CRM.

Платформа интегрирована с маркетинговыми инструментами холдинга, включая Social CRM и

Performance Retail. Это позволяет рекламодателям, использующим платформу, работать с

массивом данных, не привлекая других партнеров, и дольше хранить аудиторные сегменты.

Произвести выгрузку и передачу данных вне проектов Mail.ru Group невозможно. Уточняется также,

что DMP работает на базе идентификаторов уникальных пользователей проектов Mail.ru Group.

Это «твердые» идентификаторы (Universal ID), то есть их срок жизни больше, чем у cookie-файлов.

Результаты рекламных кампаний и точность таргетирования на сегменты аудитории смогут

подтвердить независимые игроки рынка, включая X5 Retail Group, Tiburon и OMI. В дальнейшем


перечень партнеров, проводящих верификацию, расширится, уточнили в интернет-холдинге.

Oversold And Overpromised: Marketers Move Away From DMPs


Data management platforms (DMPs) were once painted as a panacea for all of a marketer’s data needs

– from collection, to harmonization to segmentation and syndication.

But marketers have since cooled on the technology, concluding that it‘s too disjointed to perform many of

the functions promised.

Marketers tell AdExchanger they have struggled to achieve ROI, often hiring consultants or in-house talent

to manage their DMPs. Some went through disruptive rip-and-replace processes only to find that their new

DMP providers also had poor match rates, bad integrations and weak connections into paid media.

Today, the DMP’s focus on third-party data no longer resonates in a world where privacy is top of mind,

the cookie is being deprecated and walled gardens grow taller.

Marketers at major brands told AdExchanger they are in the process of sunsetting their DMPs, and

agencies confirm that their clients are moving away from DMPs en masse. Data-poor CPG brands like

Hershey’s are choosing not to renew their DMP relationships, while others, like Bayer, are using their

DSPs for DMP-like capabilities.

“Everybody was so excited about DMPs,” said Belinda Smith, head of global marketing intelligence at EA.

“But it’s expensive, laborious and match rates are low. It felt like the juice wasn’t worth the squeeze.”

A great sales pitch … but not much else

Because they straddled ad tech and mar tech, DMPs were often purchased by c-level executives or IT

teams at large organizations, who then required their media teams use the platform. But those teams

frequently lacked the data or talent necessary to make it work.

“Someone would tell the C-suite this story of real time, one-to-one, omnichannel marketing,” Smith said.

“Someone at that level signed off. Then they’d engage us on the back end, and we’d say, ‘All of the use

cases you wanted aren’t possible.’”


Josh Palau, VP of media strategy and platforms at Bayer, seconded that notion. “Some of the things [the

sales teams] were saying they had functionality to do, I was like, ‘Who does that?’” he said. “No client,

especially these days, has a few people sitting around doing nothing.”

Media teams hoped to rely on DMP managed services for help, only to find support teams were often

unreliable or inaccessible. Marketers described to AdExchanger a lack of vertical expertise at their DMP

vendors, along with high turnover and long waits to get a simple answer.

“Large mar tech companies sell software. They don’t operationalize,” said Tyler Sands, VP of enterprise

strategy at Publicis Media. “In the ad tech space, there’s an expectation of service along with technology.”

While AdExchanger sources struggled with all major DMPs, four called out Adobe specifically for its

aggressive sales pitches that didn’t fully deliver on its promise.

“[Adobe] has such strong engineering capabilities, but their sales force is singularly focused on selling

more products and not helping with implementation,” said Megan Pagliuca, chief data officer at Hearts &


Adobe provides hands-on service, strategic guidance or limited tech support depending on client needs,

said Judith Hammerman, head of Americas sales for Audience Manager and Experience Platform. She

said it also offers tutorials and access to Audience Manager experts to help marketers get the most out of

the platform.

Despite that support, marketers still hired talent to manage the DMP as a full-time job, and consultants

made hay doing cost-heavy integrations and constant repairs on DMPs.

Publicis’ Sands also pointed out that the ad tech and mar tech disciplines required to operate a DMP are

often siloed at large organizations.

Added Palau: “There was an underestimation of how many parts in an organization needed to connect to

realize the full value of the DMP.”

No data for DMPs

When marketers first implemented their DMPs, many struggled because they didn’t have the data to

actually use them.


Some DMPs said they came stocked with third-party segments or access to data marketplaces, but

marketers soon found they weren’t contractually allowed to acquire that data.

Verticals that didn’t have direct relationships with consumers, like CPGs, struggled to generate enough

data to use their DMPs and had to partner with third-party data providers and invest in capturing first-party

data to make the investment worthwhile.

“That’s where a tremendous amount of costs can enter the system,” said Evan Hanlon, chief strategy

officer at GroupM.

Other marketers simply couldn’t get around organizational silos to obtain the data they needed to use the

DMP. In a previous role at a large cable operator, Palau had trouble accessing certain pockets of

viewership data across the organization.

“Some of this rests on, who owns [the data] in your organization?” he said.

When marketers did use the data that came with the DMP, they were unimpressed with its quality and

recency. Cookie profiles turn in 30 to 90 days, leaving marketers to manually sync their audiences or work

with an onboarder to keep them fresh.

“It’s absolutely fair to say people weren’t following any practices before selling that data,” EA’s Smith said.

“People are starting to realize, maybe there wasn’t enough due diligence there.”

Disconnected from paid media

But the biggest setback for marketers was the DMP’s lack of connection into paid media. Brands wanted

to upload media data to retarget consumers, manage reach and frequency across channels and tie

exposures back to first-party data.

The ad buyers AdExchanger spoke to were particularly frustrated with the lack of integration between the

Adobe Audience Manager DMP and Adobe Ad Cloud (née TubeMogul), though Hammerman said Adobe

has invested in a server-to-server integration that uses a shared ID between the two platforms.

But the disconnect didn’t just come from the vendor side. Publishers largely blocked DMPs from dropping

pixels on their pages to protect their audiences.


“Publishers didn’t want them to allow their tag on anything,” said Vinny Rinaldi, head of addressable media

and technology at Hershey’s. “The thinking was, ‘If we don’t sign something, why would you work with me

again after you build an audience off of my site?’”

That promise continued to crumble when Google restricted portability of the DoubleClick ID in 2018, and

Facebook removed third-party data integrations soon after. Adobe launched a CRM matching feature for

social media platforms earlier this year in response, Hammerman said.

Marketers also struggled to upload other, more basic types of data into their DMPs. AdExchanger sources

said they couldn’t upload mobile device IDs and lost data when exporting audiences into their DSPs –

even within a single marketing cloud’s stack. Adobe said marketers can upload device IDs into Audience

Manager directly or through an SDK, and it released a feature this year to alert users when mobile IDs are

formatted incorrectly.

But sophisticated marketers have simply bypassed their DMPs by working with onboarders like LiveRamp

to match audiences directly into their DSP.

“The client can take their data, sync it into the DSP, have no loss, no cost and higher accuracy,” Pagliuca


Do DMPs have value without cookies?

After years of frustration, marketers found themselves in a new regulatory environment that invalidated

many of the DMP’s use cases.

With GDPR in place and CCPA looming, the DMP’s main function as a hub for third-party data has become

more of a liability than an asset. That’s only exacerbated by technical changes like Apple’s ITP and browser

tracking limitations in Firefox and Chrome.

“Now that we’re moving to a cookieless world, what value do [DMPs] have?” Rinaldi said.

One thing DMPs did well was manage for cross-channel frequency capping. But that use case is becoming

less valid as cookies deprecate more quickly, reducing the longevity of audience segments.

“Unless you can identify me at a PII level, which is specifically what DMPs were not designed to do,

frequency capping and sequential messaging become a lot more difficult,” said Jamie Seltzer, global

managing director of mar tech and data strategy at Havas Media.


Many marketers feel DMPs have failed to innovate. Marketing clouds have launched customer data

platforms (CDPs) and talk about creating identity-centric solutions that leverage first-party cookies. Some

have even launched consent management features in their platforms.

But the evolution away from cookies hasn’t yet come to fruition. As DMPs have stalled, technologies that

focus on first-party data, like CDPs and clean rooms, have risen alongside them.

“The reality is, your data is going to live in different places,” Pagliuca said. “It’s killed the vision of what

DMPs were supposed to be.”

Moving on

As marketers move on from DMPs, they’re taking these learnings – and a heavy dose of skepticism – with

them as they test new technologies.

Marketers are adopting CDPs to sit alongside the DMP to manage first-party data and integrations. But

once burned by the DMP, they’re now cynical. Hershey’s, for example, thought hard about the use case

for a CDP before deciding to work with Merkle’s M1 as its identity source.

“Since we’re not going to get scalability on first-party data today, why don’t we just rent it?” Rinaldi said.

But ditching the DMP isn’t so simple. Marketers have invested heavily in both talent and technology. Many

have been upsold deeper into an enterprise stack and are sticking with marketing clouds to see if they can

deliver on the evolutions they promise.

But they can’t continue with the sales pitch they’ve used in the past, Pagliuca said. “There’s no way that

will be successful.”

Location-Based Advertising Is Becoming More Costly

Marketers who use location data will need to present a value proposition


Marketers have embraced location data for several reasons. It can help personalize experiences for

customers, better isolate customer paths to purchase, create better customer segments, and identify


opportune moments to target potential clients. But new restrictions on collecting location data will make it

more costly for advertisers in 2020.

“Verified location data already carries a premium, partly because many consumers aren’t keen on sharing

their location data,” said Yoram Wurmser, eMarketer principal analyst and author of our new report, “Mobile

Trends 2020: 10 Trends to Monitor as 5G Ramps Up and Privacy Battles Loom.”

Indeed, only 35% of mobile device users worldwide reported that they are willing to share location data to

get more personalized advertising, according to location services company HERE Technologies in August


Want more research?

With regulations and operating systems exposing data collection—and very likely reducing the amount of

companies with permission to gather location data — the supply of verified opt-in location data will go

down even further, which has led many advertisers to take a cautious approach. “I'm definitely sensing

advertisers pumping the brakes and really doing some extra homework before leveraging location data,”

said Jenna Umbrianna, general manager at Anagram, the agency division of programmatic buying

company Digilant.

This environment will become even more restrictive in 2020. Starting in September 2019, iOS 13 changed

the way users opt in to sharing their location data. iPhone users now see periodic reminders that apps use

their location data, and they have the option to allow this access just once, when the app is in use, always

or never.

This added transparency has led to a steep reduction in background location data coming from Apple

products (within apps that are allowed to track location even when they are not in use), according to

preliminary data we obtained from Location Sciences, a location verification provider. The company found

that 70% of iOS users it tracks downloaded iOS 13 in the first six weeks after the update's release, and

80% of those turned off access to all background tracking.

Additionally, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) will create greater potential for limited use of

location data. Much like Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), CCPA gives consumers

greater control over their personal information and the ability to deny companies the right to use, keep,

share or sell that data.

Despite these restrictions, location data isn’t going to disappear. But companies must keep the user

experience in mind.


“In 2020, marketers who want to continue using location data will need to make the case that consumers

will get something of value in return,” Wurmser said. "If not, they risk users exercising their right to opt out

of location data tracking and collection.”

With the supply of premium data going down and demand still strong, prices will have nowhere to go but


AUDIO ..…………...………….……………………………………………………………

В Megogo можно будет слушать подкасты и аудиокниги


Megogo запускает новое бизнес-направление — Megogo Audio. Сервис будет доступен

в существующем приложении и появится у пользователей после обновления. Возглавит новое

направление Megogo Ольга Веселова.

Доступ к аудиоконтенту будет у всех пользователей с «Максимальной» подпиской. Большинство

самых новых книг будут доступны в поштучной продаже. Также ряд книг можно будет послушать


На старте в приложении будет доступно 700 книг и 100 выпусков подкастов. По словам Виктора

Чеканова, генерального директора Megogo, в течение месяца в библиотеке появится 5000 книг

разных жанров. На сегодня уже достигнуты договорённости о партнерстве с «Эксмо», «Альпиной»,

«Азбукой-Аттикус», «Ардис» и другими российским издательствами.

Виктор Чеканов, генеральный директор MEGOGO Россия:

Основной тренд ближайших лет — это рост потребления медиаконтента везде и в любой удобный

момент. Это создает огромные возможности для цифровых платформ. Современный

пользователь, потребляя контент, пытается сочетать несколько дел одновременно. Находясь

в дороге, спортзале, выполняя рутинную работу — всегда под рукой смартфон. Сегодня один

из самых удобных способов получения полезной информации — аудио. Во всем мире это

направление стремительно растет. В России рынок аудиокниг демонстрирует неизменно

уверенный рост. 850 млн рублей в 2018 году, хотя пять лет назад эта цифра была 80 млн. И нам

интересен этот перспективный рынок.


Megogo планирует выпускать подкасты собственного производства. Более того, по словам пресс-

службы компании, Megogo не собирается ограничиваться аудиокнигами и подкастами,

и впоследствии представит еще несколько аудиоформатов.

В сентябре стало известно, что Megogo займется производством собственного видеоконтента.

Сервис планирует снимать пять-семь полнометражных фильмов в год, а также развлекательные

и научно-популярные шоу.

SOCIAL MEDIA & INFLUENCERS ………………………………………………………

Объем рынка influencer-маркетинга в YouTube вырос в два раза

Результаты совместного исследования BloggerBase и Woombat



Специалисты платформы расширенной аналитики BloggerBase при поддержке агентства influencer-

маркетинга Woombat провели исследование по рынку influencer-маркетинга в YouTube.

По результатам, его объем вырос в два раза. Если в 2018 году блогеры получили 1,4 млрд руб.,

то в 2019 году — 3 млрд.

Количество видео на российском YouTube за год выросло на 20% по сравнению с 2018 годом,

а подходящие для рекламы — на 13,2%. Если соотнести потенциально возможные видео

с рекламными, то за год доля выросла на 70%. При учете роста общего числа видео за последний

год, в 2019 году доля подходящих для рекламы видео составляет 48,5%.

Стоит отметить, что при устойчивом росте потенциал видеохостинга велик. На данный момент

используется менее 15% рекламных возможностей площадки. Рекламные просмотры выросли

на 54%, а потенциально возможные — на 30%. Следовательно, растет и показатель CPV (Cost Per

View — стоимость 1 просмотра рекламы), он составил 35%. При этом есть еще 47 млрд контактов

для рекламного сотрудничества, которые не были использованы рекламодателями.


Исходя из анализа среднего количества просмотров видео, эксперты выделили топ популярных

тематик. На первом месте — entertainment (детский контент, шоу и развлекательные передачи),

на втором — «фильмы и анимация», далее — «комедия», «авто», «наука и технологии».


При этом растут и другие категории по сравнению с 2018 годом, например, тематика

«путешествия» выросла на 26%, «новости и политика» — на 49%, «фильмы и анимация» —

на 28%.

Категория «Гейминг» стала самой популярной среди рекламодателей в 2019 году. Было

выпущено более 8000 рекламных видео, при этом количество просмотров выросло в 2,5 раза.

Также в пятерку попали такие категории, как «люди и блоги», «развлечения», «спорт», «фильмы

и анимация». Однако самые просматриваемые рекламные интеграции в категории «люди и блоги»,

так как рекламодатели предпочитают лайфстайл-инфлюенсеров для рекламы своих продуктов,

которые легко интегрируются в их контент.

Также стоит отметить рост категорий «спорт» и «музыка», рекламные просмотры первой выросли

почти в 3,5 раза, второй — в три раза. Рекламодатели более охотно сотрудничают с музыкантами,

интегрируясь в их клипы.

Антон Петухов, основатель платформы по аналитике BloggerBase:

Нужно обучать сотрудников и заходить на рынок, пока порог входа довольно низкий. Участники

рынка не могут в полной мере понять и оценить эффективность influencer-маркетинга, потому что

нет структурированных теоретических знаний, нет качественных и масштабных исследований.


Поэтому нам важно предоставить цифры, чтобы на них мог ориентироваться каждый, кто хочет

начать внедрять influencer-маркетинг в свой продукт.

Рынок influencer-маркетинга активно развивается в России, но еще довольно плохо исследован.

Чтобы рынок стал прозрачнее и понятнее, специалисты BloggerBase планируют вести постоянный

мониторинг и сбор аналитических данных, а также проводить аналогичные исследования

о трендах, объеме рынка и поведении брендов.

12 Social Media Marketing Predictions From the Pros


Is your marketing ready for the coming changes? Looking for expert insight to help you get your marketing

plans on the right track?

In this article, 12 marketing experts share their predictions to help you prepare your social media marketing

plans for the coming year.

#1: Facebook Ad Costs Push Advertisers Off the Platform

Facebook advertising is going to get much more expensive in 2020. CPMs will increase, which means it

will now cost you more to reach your target audiences.

The implication of this change is that companies with a low average order value or that don’t change how

they evaluate their Facebook advertising returns will be priced out of the platform. The statement, “the

business that can pay the most for a customer wins” has never been truer. The solution to combating

increasing Facebook ad costs is threefold.

The first is to decrease your cost per purchase or cost per lead. There are numerous ways to do this. One

of the most effective is to continually refresh and test your ad campaign components—such as ad copy,

creative, audiences, offers, and objectives—to reduce the impact of ad fatigue.

The second, which requires no work in your ad account, is to increase your average order value or client

value. By increasing the amount that someone spends when they first buy from you, you create a bigger

gap between your cost per purchase and the revenue from that purchase, thereby increasing your return

on ad spend (ROAS).


The third way to combat increasing Facebook ad costs goes back to my earlier point: Change the way you

evaluate your Facebook advertising returns. Instead of measuring only your first-purchase ROAS, which

is reported directly in Ads Manager, you should also measure your true ROAS, which factors in your

customer lifetime value.

True ROAS is the real worth of a customer to your business when you acquire them via Facebook or

Instagram advertising and they go on to become a repeat customer who spends a multiple of what they

spent when they first bought from you.

By using the lifetime value of your customers, you can attribute more revenue to your Facebook ads and

therefore a higher overall ROAS and effectiveness for Facebook advertising as a marketing channel.

Achieving success with Facebook advertising now goes beyond just the media buying and dives deep into

the fundamental components of your business such as pricing, product positioning, and customer insights.

Charlie Lawrance is the founder and CEO of Gecko Squared, a Facebook and Instagram advertising agency

that specializes in working with high-growth businesses around the world.

#2: LinkedIn CPC Climbs Higher

Driving traffic in Q4 has always been expensive and this year is no different. LinkedIn advertising costs

are currently high and there was a significant jump in cost per click (CPC) when the platform released

objective-based advertising in March 2019. Perhaps LinkedIn’s objective-based advertising created a

more competitive marketplace in Q4 or maybe rising Facebook ad costs have pushed more marketers to

LinkedIn. If CPC drops in January, we’ll know whether the jump was due to seasonality.

Regardless, you need to know how to get the highest ROAS on your LinkedIn advertising in 2020.

First, I recommend that you always bid on CPC regardless of the ad format because it presents the lowest

risk to you as the advertiser. Additionally, CPC bids tend to be significantly lower than bidding by

engagement or impression 90% of the time.

When you bid on CPC, begin low (at the base bid) and only raise your bid when you need more traffic.

LinkedIn won’t initially tell you what the minimum bid is, so start low—say $2. LinkedIn will then give you

a message in red that tells you what the minimum bid is; now you know where to set your opening bid.

Second, disregard LinkedIn’s bidding recommendations. Most often, LinkedIn will select auto-bidding,

which is crazy-expensive and the likelihood that your ads will fall into the 10% of affordable bids is low.


Finally, don’t use audience expansion. It’s just not worth it to pollute the traffic you’re paying for by letting

LinkedIn advertise to someone you didn’t select to be in your audience.

AJ Wilcox is a LinkedIn ads pro and founder of B2Linked.com, a LinkedIn-specific ad agency. He manages

sophisticated campaigns worldwide.

#3: Rising Ad Costs Lead Marketers to Refocus on Organic Video Content

Facebook has more than 7 million advertisers and shrinking available inventory. The ever-increasing costs

of ads across every major social platform will encourage marketers to dust off their content marketing


Smart marketers are making investments in high-value video content that’s super-useful to future

customers. We’ll see increased use of IGTV and YouTube content in social marketing. And yes, that

YouTube content will be promoted using Facebook!

As time spent with content becomes a very valuable metric for marketers, video represents the ultimate

scroll-stopping experience that can and will increase “know, like, and trust.”

Michael Stelzner is the founder of Social Media Examiner, author of the books Launch and Writing White

Papers, and the man behind Social Media Marketing World—the industry’s largest conference.

#4: Stories Are Central to Visibility on Facebook and Instagram

The Facebook and Instagram Stories format will continue to grow in popularity throughout 2020. So much

so that regular feed content will noticeably slow down. And it’s quite feasible that both Facebook and

Instagram may start rolling out more robust tests of its blended feed and Stories format. Both platforms

very briefly tested such a merged, horizontal interface and both were met with disdain.

Most social media users balk at sudden, radical change so Facebook has to come up with a way to

gradually phase in this merged feed on either or both platforms.


One approach has been to make the Stories “cards” bigger and more prominent on the Facebook mobile

app and intersperse them throughout the regular news feed. Facebook also continues to make it easier

and more enticing for users to publish content to Stories by sharing daily memories and automatically

publishing feed posts to Stories as well.


Marketers should understand why the Stories format is being pushed so heavily.

First, back in July 2016 on the Q2-2016 earnings call, Facebook CFO Dave Wehner declared that the

company was running out of places in the news feed to show people ads. To help mitigate this max ad

load, Facebook spun up ads on Instagram in 2018. Soon the ad load started to max out there, too.

This means that Facebook absolutely has to find new places in which to place ads. And those new places

include Stories, video ad breaks, and Messenger ads, among others.

Second, the future of Facebook’s news feed has been in question ever since CEO Mark Zuckerberg

published his 3,200-word privacy manifesto, declaring that the company would be pivoting away from

permanent public posts and toward private, encrypted messaging.

Consider how incredibly easy it is for users to consume content in the Stories format. Tap, swipe, tap,

swipe. The user is in complete control. They can view as much or as little of any individual account’s stories

as they wish. Additionally, creators can publish an abundance of stories and not worry about jamming up

their followers’ feeds. Plus, with the 24-hour shelf-life of a story, creators have to keep producing content,

which means more inventory for ad placement.

Inserting ads into Stories just makes sense and there’s plenty of inventory. On Facebook’s Q3-2019

earnings call on October 30, COO Sheryl Sandberg stated that of the more than 7 million advertisers

across the Facebook family of apps, there are already 3 million advertising across Facebook, Instagram,

and Messenger Stories.

So publishing more organic stories and creating native stories ads is a great place to focus in 2020. One

hot tip for you: Be sure to include interactive elements such as polls, quizzes, sliders, questions, and

donations in your stories. People love to touch their phones. Some studies show that people touch their

phones over 2,600 times a day and extreme cell phone users (in the top 10%) touch their phones as much

as 5,400 times daily. Amazing.

Other notable trends and changes marketers would do well to observe is any new ad unit and/or ad

placement options that Facebook and Instagram roll out. These include ads in search results on Facebook

and ads in Instagram Explore. Video content will also continue to grow across all social platforms. I

declared way back in 2013 that it was the Year of the Video. It seems that keeps being true every year!

Mari Smith is known as “the Queen of Facebook,” and is one of the world’s foremost experts on Facebook

marketing and social media. Her agency provides consulting and training on Facebook marketing best

practices for SMBs and brands.


#5: Personalized Brand-to-Customer Experiences Are No Longer Optional

I believe in 2020, brands are going to see a shift in online marketing starting with the dramatic rise of dark

social conversations. This means more people are moving into private conversation channels.

Brands that haven’t focused on relationship marketing techniques will either spend more on their pay-to-

play model or dive into building and hosting community conversations that create brand advocates and

support a belonging vs. buying mindset.

The latter will strengthen their online home bases (their websites) and create better, faster customer

experiences online with automated processes through conversational marketing via chat as well as

personalized experiences with dynamic ads, video emails, and text.

To build deeper connections with their audience, brands will put more heart and personality into their brand

story by aligning with feel-good causes and taking a strong stance on what they believe. Collaborations

will still be important and brands will look to a new kind of influencer content in the form of stories from

clients or team members.

Additionally, businesses will increase adoption of native tools like Messenger subscriptions, appointment

setting and purchases on Facebook, shopping within stories, and convenience-based integrations to

reduce any friction.

In 2020, a company’s story must be felt by its audience. The process of doing business must be easy for

companies to win, keep, and activate their audience into becoming advocates.

Jessika Phillips is a social media strategist and founder of NOW Marketing Group, a Forbes recognized

Agency Partner and a certified inbound partner with HubSpot.

#6: Template-Based Marketing Fails to Produce Results

Most social media marketing fails because it looks like marketing. People are sick of marketing. Gone are

the days when you can create a standard template image in Canva talking about “National [insert

something generic] Day,” post it on social media and wait for the sales to roll in.

Social media is saturated and the cream really does rise to the top. To understand how to sell your product

or service to your audience on social media in 2020, you really need to understand three things.

What types of content your ideal customer actually enjoys consuming and where they want to see it.


What content and where to put it to attract, convince, and convert your prospects.

The decision-making process your prospects go through to identify and choose a supplier to help them

with the problem you solve.

Now you can map your marketing efforts to provide the right message to the right person at the right time,

driving conversions in a super-creative way.

Stop making bog standard template-based rubbish. Start creating entertaining advertising like this.

Dan Knowlton, a UK-based digital and social media marketing expert, has grown Knowlton (formerly KPS

Digital Marketing) into a multi-award-winning business that works with the likes of FIFA, Nestle, Citibank,

Eurotunnel, and Boston Consulting Group.

#7: Reducing Platform Channels Produces Better Results

The social media marketing industry changes at the speed of light and it’s not going to slow down in 2020.

Here’s how to stay ahead of your competition.

Advertising costs will continue to rise. You’ll either need to build stronger ad strategies or stronger organic


To that end, platform-specific strategies will be key to the success of your marketing campaigns.

Your YouTube audience isn’t the same as your Twitter audience, and neither are the same as your

Instagram audience. Don’t try to spread the same marketing messaging everywhere. Stop being a dabbler

and cease using the platforms you barely use.

Take the time to master the algorithm on one platform at a time, and make sure you can put a considerable

amount of energy into every platform you manage.

Amanda Bond is owner of The Ad Strategist and creator of The StrADegy System.

#8: Niched Marketing Is Key to Success

In 2020, the race isn’t to be everywhere and reach everyone but to reach the right people with focused

intent. It’s about choosing the quality of engagements over the quantity of engagements.

How can your business make the shift?


Pick one thing you want to be known for and stick to it!

Choose two platforms and excel on them. Choose these platforms based on your ideal client, your best-

performing content to date, and the platform demographics. Here are a few platform combination

suggestions for you to consider:

Pinterest + LinkedIn

YouTube + Instagram

LinkedIn + Instagram

Now create a solid hashtag and keyword strategy around your one thing and keep your marketing hyper-

focused on it.

In short, don’t do what every other brand is doing. Do what’s right for your brand to reach your goals.

Peg Fitzpatrick, the co-author of the best-selling book, The Art of Social Media: Power Tips for Power

Users, and beloved blogger, has spearheaded successful social media campaigns for Virgin, Audi, Mercedes,

Google, and Motorola, as well as brand ambassadorships for Adobe, Nestlé, and Kimpton Hotels.

#9: LinkedIn and Pinterest Regain Traction

First, I think we’re going to see continued consolidation and expansion of the incumbent social media

platforms in 2020, namely Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.

Contrary to what a lot of people are saying, I see TikTok following a similar path to that of Snapchat in

2020. TikTok is a hot trend right now, but long-term, the user base will move on to a new hot platform in

2020—just as they moved from Snapchat to TikTok in 2019. Businesses don’t want to continue to invest

resources in the next big thing only to continue to get burned as attention fades and moves elsewhere,

which is why I think they’ll refocus that energy into Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest in 2020.

The two platforms that I think will deliver disproportionate results are LinkedIn and Pinterest.

We’ve seen a resurgence of LinkedIn throughout 2019, and that will only continue to build momentum in

2020. The ad platform on LinkedIn has a long-held reputation of being prohibitively expensive for most

small businesses and difficult to achieve a positive result on, but I think that will also change in 2020. We’re

already starting to see ads on LinkedIn become more effective as they improve the platform for advertisers.

I believe that will continue in 2020.


Pinterest holds a unique position as a social platform in that it behaves much more like a search engine

than other social media platforms. This is why I think marketers will give it more attention in 2020.

Investments of time and effort in traditional social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and

LinkedIn only deliver results for a short period of time.

The life of content on those platforms is very short—days at best. However, on Pinterest, pins can continue

to drive traffic for years. It’s that long-term return on investment in the platform that I think will entice

marketers who are looking for the best way to invest their limited time and resources in 2020.

Andrew Hubbard is the founder of Hubbard Digital, a social media advertising agency that specializes in

helping online educators scale their businesses with Facebook and Instagram ads.

#10: Personalized Micro-Engagements Are Essential On Instagram

Small businesses that struggle to sustain a share of voice in the marketplace can make a deep impact

with two strategic uses of Instagram.

First, when you or your business is tagged, featured, or replied to in Instagram stories, be sure to send a

personalized response via a voice note through Instagram Direct. When someone hears your voice, you

(or your brand) become that much more real to them and they feel more connected to you.

Second, when people visit your business and post about it on Instagram, they may tag your location rather

than your account’s username. Be sure to search your location tag and open every conversation to provide

a personalized reply to thank people for their purchase or for visiting your business. It’s a great way to

create a deeper connection with people.

Alex Beadon is an Instagram Stories expert and online business strategist who helps small business owners

and marketers learn how to use Instagram Stories. She’s the creator of the online course, Gram Slam, and a

daily prompt subscription service, Project Storyline.

#11: Authentic Content Trumps Polished Marketing

2020 is the year the facade of perfectly polished marketing crashes and burns. Too many people have

been burned by influencers faking it with perfect photoshoots, and consumers are desperate for

authenticity. As consumers’ hunger for real answers grows, they’re looking for signs of congruency, for

proof that their favorite people are actually walking the walk on and off the platforms on which they engage.


2020 is the year of humanized marketing, and the business that provides all-access, behind-the-scenes,

contextual marketing wins. Here are six tips to help you beat the bandwagon marketers with authenticity:

Test out TikTok. TikTok is a rare platform that shows more dimensions and allows audiences to fall in love

with your creative, unpolished, impromptu, or user-generated content.

Go live. Anywhere. Showcase the chaos of getting ready for an event with three kids when your baby has

the flu and your last clean outfit was *cough* messed up.

Record your podcast within real-life scenarios that allow your audience to experience your life and

surroundings through the audio.

Drop the face filters. You have a scar on your eyebrow? The holiday eating magically added an extra 15

pounds on your photos? Let it be. Let your audience see.

Video tells all. Consumers are looking for contextual clues in your video marketing. They want more than

a perfect set and script; they want to see who you are. Give them more to work with.

Tell the truth. Was 2019 was a hard year? Tell your audience about it and don’t brush it off with the usual,

“Oh man, it was a challenging year!” Share what went wrong, how your heart broke, about the night when

you almost quit. Tell them about the mistakes that nearly destroyed you. Just tell them the truth.

Rachel Pederson is founder and CEO of award-winning social media marketing agency, The Viral Touch, and

founder and CEO of Social Media United.

#12: AI Makes Humanizing Your Brand Imperative

Artificial intelligence (AI) will be the beginning of the end of marketing as we know it. 2020 will officially

mark the start of the next industrial revolution and the social media industry will be affected in a variety of


Data analysis and programming will become the new marketing manager’s role as AI replaces community

managers and copywriters. Not even influencers and content creators are safe because it’s possible to

use AI to build an entire persona. To illustrate, Lil Miquela is a computer-generated influencer with 1.8

million Instagram followers at the time of this writing.

Humanizing your brand is more than a catchy hook. It’s a real business strategy that every marketer should

take seriously to stay in business. Here are five ways to humanize your brand in the next year.


Step 1: Create content as if it’s coming from an individual. When a brand shares content on social media,

they’re not just competing with other brands. They’re competing with everyone on social media for users’

attention, including an individuals’ friends and the celebrities they follow. As such, if you simply share

salesy messages that sound like they came from a press release, social media users will scroll right past

your content until they find something more social or entertaining to engage with.

Brands should try to create content that sounds more like it came from an individual than a corporate

entity. Don’t be afraid to adopt a more personal, casual tone, and aim to create content that you would

want to engage with yourself.

Step 2: Engage in actual conversations. If someone comments on your content, don’t send them a copy-

and-paste response. Instead, treat that message more like a note from a friend and respond in a personal

way. Similarly, you can jump into conversations others are having online. To visualize this, if you’re a

real estate agent and you see someone talking about things to do in your city, chime in with a personalized

response about what you think that person might like to do, rather than pitching your real estate services.

Give those conversations room to naturally evolve, and eventually, a personal conversation can turn to a

more business-focused conversation initiated by the customer.

Step 3: Highlight the employees behind your brand. Try showcasing what a day in the life of different

employees at your company is like by letting them do a Snapchat or Instagram Stories takeover for the

day or week. You can also share more content about company events and employee initiatives to help

consumers connect with your brand on a personal level.

Today’s consumers don’t simply want to purchase from a logo. They want to purchase from companies

they feel a connection to, and highlighting your employees can help in that regard.

Step 4: Give a voice to the customers who help make your brand what it is. Encourage customers to submit

content as part of a contest you’re running. A restaurant, for instance, could ask customers to share their

favorite holiday foods and holiday memories, and the restaurant could then choose a winner to receive a

free meal and share their story on social media.

In doing so, you not only provide a more human element to your marketing but you can also expand your

reach by leveraging the individual networks that your customers each have when they share content

related to your brand on their own channels.

Step 5: Don’t try to be all things to all people. Accept this as part of being human and it will also make you

a better marketer. While you may be tempted to hop on every social media platform and try to amplify your


message as much as possible, you likely won’t be very effective. Just as it’s difficult for a person to be

everywhere at once, your brand marketing will likely be diluted if you try to be active on Facebook, Twitter,

Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok all at the same time.

Similarly, you can’t always comment on every trending topic or be funny, informative, inspirational, and

more, all at the same time. Focus on the platforms and content you excel at.

By following these steps, you can form more genuine connections online, which tends to translate to more

marketing success. The online landscape is too crowded for most brand messaging to stand out. Instead,

organizations need to adapt by being more human to form connections that make a lasting impact.

Carlos Gil, author of The End of Marketing: Humanizing Your Brand in the Age of Social Media and AI, is

an international keynote speaker and award-winning digital storyteller. He has over a decade of experience

leading social media strategy for global brands including LinkedIn, Winn-Dixie, Save-A-Lot, and BMC


What do you think? Do any of these predictions surprise you? What are your predictions for the

upcoming year? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Ad spend on Instagram Stories jumped 70 per cent YoY – report



Ad spend on Instagram Stories has grown almost 70 per cent YoY and accounted for 10 per cent of

total Facebook ad spend in Q3 2019, according to a new report released by marketing platform

Socialbakers. The report, titled Instagram and Facebook Trends, also revealed that ad spend for Facebook

Stories only grew by a mere 0.3 per cent.

“The latest data shows that marketers continue to shift their resources to social media channels and

formats that can better attract and engage users, but it’s a gradual evolution with a lot of moving parts,”

said Yuval Ben-Itzhak, CEO, Socialbakers. “The rise of social commerce, the changing roles of Instagram

and Facebook, influencer marketing, and the exploding popularity of video are just a few of the

developments that online marketers will need to analyse and incorporate into their strategies in the coming



“Although brands still put the majority of their Facebook ad spend into Facebook feed (more than 60 per

cent), over the long term the data shows that the volume of ad spend on Facebook has been decreasing,”

said Ben-Itzhak. “With a 10x jump in ad spend on Instagram Stories from January 2018 to the end of Q3

2019, it’s clear that marketing budgets are increasingly shifting their investments towards Instagram. The

reason is obvious - Instagram has a much superior engagement rate compared to Facebook today.

When it came to the engagement rates of different areas of interest on social media, eCommerce become

more popular in 2019, ranking first on Facebook and second on Instagram in total interactions. Ranking

first on Instagram was fashion, which jumped in engagement from 27.8 per cent in Q2 to 31.9 per cent in

Q3 2019. Socialbakers says this jump in social commerce stems from the rising popularity of purchasing

products straight from social media platforms.

“With its leading position for total interactions on both Facebook and Instagram, the eCommerce category

is hot,” said Ben-Itzhak. “And one of the biggest trends within Ecommerce is the expansion of social

commerce. More and more, users are able to make purchases directly from social media platforms after

they discover a product, instead of having to visit a shopping site’s app or an online store. There’s plenty

of reason to believe that the growing social commerce trend will only continue.”

The report mentioned that sporting goods, beauty, and eCommerce all had the lowest exit rates on

Instagram Stories, while food, beverage, and finance brands had the highest. Use of the hashtag #ad

by Instagram influencers grew by 60 per cent in Q3, and Walmart ranked as the number one brand

associated with Instagram influencers.

Additionally, video engagement grew immensely, with the help of new features including Facebook Live,

IGTV, and interactive add-ons for Instagram Stories. Socialbakers also found that paid ads are now seen

on mobile devices 95.8 per cent of the time, compared to 4.2 per cent of the time on desktop computers.

“Of all the trends we uncovered this quarter, the rapid expansion of social commerce is one that we expect

to have a tremendous impact in the year to come. Very soon it will be possible to run the entire marketing

funnel from discovery to post-purchase customer care via social media,” Ben-Itzhak said. “We don't need

a crystal ball to predict that social commerce will eventually overtake Ecommerce as we know it today.

Moving into 2020, we will see more and more Ecommerce features being added to the social media


“Of all the trends we uncovered this quarter, the rapid expansion of social commerce is one that we expect

to have a tremendous impact in the year to come. Very soon it will be possible to run the entire marketing

funnel from discovery to post-purchase customer care via social media,” Ben-Itzhak said. “We don't need


a crystal ball to predict that social commerce will eventually overtake Ecommerce as we know it today.

Moving into 2020, we will see more and more Ecommerce features being added to the social media


Instagram без лайков: микроблогеры против миллионников, акцент

на performance-метрики и объединение агентств

Как изменится influencer-маркетинг, если Instagram скроет лайки.



В ноябре 2019 года Instagram начал тестировать функцию, скрывающую от других пользователей

количество лайков под публикацией. Статистика будет доступна только авторам публикаций.

Мнения экспертов на счёт теста разделились — некоторые считают, что это поможет авторам быть

более креативными, а другие — что многие блогеры покинут Instagram, чтобы публиковать контент

на других площадках.

Insense решили поделиться своим мнением на этот счёт и перевести статью

издания Ad Exchanger с интересным взглядом на ситуацию.

Что произойдёт, когда Instagram скроет лайки

Если Instagram навсегда скроет лайки, то это хорошо повлияет на рынок influencer-маркетинга —

и лидерам мнений придётся адаптироваться к новым необычным метрикам.

Маркетологи будут оценивать эффективность работы с блогерами только с помощью кликов,

показов и просмотров историй, считает операционный директор платформы Linqia. По его мнению,

лайк не может быть бизнес-целью и главным результатом работы.

При этом лайки помогают брендам отбирать подходящих лидеров мнений и избегать накрученных

подписчиков. Агентства с доступом к подсчёту лайков через Facebook API будут выгодно

отличаться от тех, у кого такого доступа нет.


В новых условиях бизнес будет стремиться больше работать с микро-инфлюенсерами, а не

с большими звёздами, которые почти не взаимодействуют со своей аудиторией. Расскажем о трёх

переменах, которые произойдут с influencer-маркетингом, если Instagram скроет лайки.

Больше performance-метрик

По мнению сооснователя агентства Cohley, соцмедиа-менеджеры зациклены на лайках, но это

устаревшая метрика.

Лайки показывают, что пользователь вовлечён в аккаунт, но могут исказить картину, когда речь

идёт о дальнейших действиях. Многие лайкают публикации только потому, что видят лайки

от остальных пользователей, но при этом не собираются покупать что-либо бренда и дальше


Поэтому многие маркетологи ставят в KPI инфлюенсерам не лайки, а конверсию и процент

досмотревших видео. Это особенно относится к формату историй, когда пользователи не бездумно

листают ленту, а просматривают контент.

Также бренды больше ценят комментарии, чем лайки. С помощью анализа комментариев под

публикацией инфлюенсера маркетологи могут отследить реакцию на кампанию и то, как аудитория

блогера по-настоящему относится к бренду.

Объединение influencer-агентств

Внедрение performance-метрик означает, что агентства без доступа к Facebook API будут

испытывать трудности — и как следствие, объединяться. Не у всех агентств и брендов есть

инфраструктура, которая позволит выгружать статистику по лайкам из Instagram, — и поэтому

полагаются на непроверенные отчёты от самих блогеров.

Успешным агентствам придётся отсеивать «фейковых» пользователей, детально анализировать

статистику из Instagram и конверсию между лайками, подписчиками и просмотрами видео. Такой

анализ покажет, что не так с блогерами-миллионниками, под публикациями которых всего

несколько тысяч лайков.

И поскольку лайки могут стать недоступными, то агентствам придётся сильно постараться, чтобы

качественно делать свою работу, — и это будет двигать рынок. И вперёд выйдут агентства,

которые работают с блогерами на эксклюзивной основе, как продюсерские центры.


Рост микроинфлюенсеров и более разнообразный контент

По мере того, как маркетологи будут больше ориентироваться на детальные метрики, они станут

чаще выбирать блогеров, которые действительно взаимодействуют со своей аудиторией,

а не просто собирают лайки под фотографиями.

Это значит, что бренды будут выбирать 50 микроинфлюенсеров со 100 тысячами подписчиков

у каждого, а не вкладывать весь рекламный бюджет на продвижение у одного блогера-

миллионника. Так рынок постепенно идёт в сторону диверсификации рекламных сообщений,

а не одной универсальной рекламной кампании.

Без необходимости постоянно зарабатывать лайки блогеры смогут немного расслабиться

и создавать более разнообразный контент и вовлекать больше пользователей. Сейчас креаторы

постоянно напряжены — они знают, что бренды пристально следят за лайками на их публикациях.

Это как если бы кому-то пришлось жить под круглосуточным наблюдением.

И пока большинство блогеров радуется свободе от лайков, некоторые переживают предстоящим

переменам. Возможно, им стоит обратить внимание на другие площадки, — например, TikTok.

Так, если Instagram решит окончательно скрыть лайки, то и у других соцсетей появится

возможность привлечь к себе влиятельных блогеров.

Комментарий Insense:

Мне кажется, от скрытия лайков все выиграют. Блогеры постараются делать более интересный

и разнообразный контент, постепенно сотрётся граница между огромными блогерами

и создателями интересного контента. Рекламодатели заинтересуются качеством контента, а после

публикации будут продвигать публикации через Facebook Ads на целевую аудиторию с целевыми

действиями в зависимости от задачи рекламной кампании (с помощью связки Influencer+Paid

Social). Платформы будут привлекать более смелых и креативных авторов, а не только аккаунты

с большим количеством подписчиков.

TikTok's Year in Review: How the App Transformed Social Networking in 2019

And what that means for marketers next year




Social networks are no longer what they used to be. Case in point: The rise of short video-app TikTok in

2019 is a sure sign that what defines a social network will be very different in 2020.

Since the 2000s, social networks were known as places where internet users could create profiles and

interact publicly with a network of contacts. While those are still core characteristics, the meteoric rise of

TikTok in 2019 has been a major factor in redefining the space.

While TikTok users can create a profile and interact with a network of contacts (which makes it a social

network in our definition), the primary activity is watching or creating short videos. That makes TikTok part

of a new type of “social entertainment” that’s capturing the attention of teens and young adults worldwide.

According to a September 2019 survey by Morning Consult, TikTok was used by about the same

percentage of US internet users ages 13 to 16 as Instagram and Twitter. Overall, more than one-fifth (22%)

of US Gen Z and millennial internet users used TikTok.

TikTok’s rapid growth has caused older consumers and industry experts to scratch their heads. Leaked

audio of a July internal meeting showed Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg comparing TikTok with

Instagram’s Explore tab—a place where users can discover personalized content from Instagram. That


caused observers to question whether Zuckerberg fully understood the app and if Facebook could maintain

its dominance. To be fair, TikTok’s algorithmically driven “For You” tab also shows personalized content,

but the makeup of the content (often 15-second selfie-style videos) bears little resemblance to Instagram.

Despite that, Facebook has stayed well ahead. As the Morning Consult study shows, it is still used by a

greater percentage of young users than TikTok, though it is losing users in the 12 to 24 age group,

according to our latest forecast. Then there’s sister-app Instagram, which will continue to make up for

Facebook’s losses among younger US generations.

But time spent on Facebook is declining, and the growing popularity of TikTok may help to explain why.

Instead of sharing status updates, photos and links to articles (the type of content that typically appears in

a user’s Facebook News Feed), TikTok users create content primarily to entertain their audiences.

In December 2019, TikTok released the TikTok 100, its ranking of the top videos, genres, creators and

memes over the past year. The list gives deeper insight into what exactly makes TikTok tick: fun,

lighthearted content like a video of someone trying Kombucha for the first time or a man performing surgery

on a banana—all set to background music, of course.

That’s in stark contrast to traditional social networks like Facebook, which tend to be more serious and at

times, negative. In fact, too much negativity was one of the leading reasons that US Facebook users ages

13 and older were using Facebook less in a May 2019 survey by Edison Research, cited by 59%. Not

liking rants or too personal comments was the most-cited response.

At the same time, TikTok has also brought about a new wave of amateur content creators, many of whom

have amassed followings that rival those of the more-polished influencers on other social platforms.

According to the TikTok 100, this year’s top creators were primarily ordinary teenagers who have risen to

“TikTok fame.” That’s thanks to the app’s algorithm that serves viewers content even before it has proven

engagement, meaning that any user could become “TikTok famous” regardless of their follower count,

likes or shares.

Other social apps also algorithmically recommend content to users based on previous viewing habits, but

they prioritize content with high engagement rates. That’s how the “Explore tab” on Instagram works, for

example, making it harder for a regular person with a smaller following to get discovered there than may

be the case on TikTok.


The jury may still be out on whether TikTok can sustain its success, but its impact on the social media

landscape is not in question. In 2020 and beyond, marketers will have to grapple with how to develop

content that resonates with social users who prioritize entertainment and authenticity over practicality and



Более 40% домохозяйств имеет телевизор с доступом в интернет. "Реальное

измерение" исследовала типы телевидения у горожан



В рамках ежегодно проводимого установочного исследования в исследовании популярности

телеканалов в Беларуси компания «Реальное измерение» предоставила данные о

распространении различных типов телевидения среди городского населения страны.


По данным Национального статистического комитета городское население составляет 7.429.213

человек. Исходя из данных установочного исследования в среднем в одном домохозяйстве

проживает 2,655 человек, следовательно, получается 2.798.197 домохозяйств. Из них:

– 37.216 (1,33%) – вообще не имеют телевизора;

– 15.390 (0,55%) – есть телевизор, но нет подключенного телевидения, пользуются только


– 42.813 (1,53%) – подключено только спутниковое телевидение (без белорусских телеканалов).

При этом у 27.702 из них на телевизоре есть возможность пользоваться Интернетом;

– 57.363 (2,05%) – подключен только социальный пакет телеканалов, но при этом есть возможность

пользоваться Интернетом. По факту для этой группы домохозяйств Интернет это основной

источник контента, а социальный пакет телеканалов идет как бесплатное дополнение;

– 328.788 (11,75%) – подключен только социальный пакет телеканалов и нет возможности

пользоваться Интернетом;

– 1.563.073 (55,86%) – подключено телевидение с интерактивными функциями (пауза, перемотка,

отложенный просмотр). При этом у 688.356 из них на телевизоре есть возможность пользоваться

Интернетом, а у 45.611 есть дополнительно спутниковое телевидение;

– 753.554 (26,93%) – подключено телевидение с возможностью просмотра только в режиме

реального времени (кабельное, эфирное платное, спутниковое). При этом у 365.165 из них на

телевизоре есть возможность пользоваться Интернетом, а у 61.650 – спутниковое телевидение.

Таким образом у 1.153.976 (41,24%) городских домохозяйств есть хотя бы один телевизор с

возможностью выхода в Интернет. К ним относятся и те домохозяйства, которым их телеком-

оператор выдал приставку к телевизору, а в ней предустановлен браузер и есть возможность

смотреть контент из Интернета (так поступают практически все частные операторы).

У 150.074 (5,36%) домохозяйств есть хотя бы один телевизор со спутниковым телевидением.

Специалисты компании отмечают, что темп прироста (за счет эфирного и кабельного телевидения)

домохозяйств, у которых есть платное телевидение с интерактивными функциями снизился по

сравнению с предыдущим годом. Начинает набирать обороты тренд на отказ от платного


телевидения в целом, в пользу наличия связки бесплатное телевидение плюс доступ в Интернет

на телевизоре.

Описание исследования: в сентябре-декабре 2019 года было опрошено 5037 домохозяйств.

Метод – телефонный опрос. Генеральная совокупность – городское население Беларуси. Тип

выборочной совокупности – случайная прямо пропорциональная численности населенного

пункта выборка. Всего опрос проведен в 202 городах.

НОВОСТИ IAB GLOBAL ..………………………...…….……………………………….

IAB: Higher Ad Growth For OTT Platforms, 'Walled Garden' Concerns



In the wake of continuing strong growth OTT projections, the Interactive Advertising Bureau has released

an overview of the space in a report called the OTT Streaming Video Playbook for Advanced Marketers.

The report from the IAB, the media and marketing trade group, which focuses on the digital economy, cites

37% growth in advertising spending on OTT platforms in 2019 to almost $7 billion, according to an

eMarketer October 2019 report.

An August IAB study showed that 76% of those who regularly stream watched ad-supported OTT, with

49% of those streamers watching ad-supported OTT streaming video the most.

Looking more specifically at connected TV, those ad views now account for nearly half (45%) of all digital

video ad impressions in the second quarter of 2019 -- while there has been relatively flat demand on mobile

and decline in PC/desktop video impressions.

Sourcing data here comes from the second-quarter reports of Extreme Reach, Innovid, and FreeWheel.

But the IAB does have concerns about the future of streaming when it comes to new services that may be

looking to restrict TV program content and/or data for potential marketers. For many, this could come from

more advertiser-supported platforms, such as the forthcoming HBO Max and NBCU’s Peacock.


The IAB says: "There is risk that device platforms which hold the most robust data for targeting and

measurement could become more like 'walled gardens' making it difficult for advertisers to freely execute

campaigns and measure results across the OTT ecosystem."

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Smart TV Ad Glossary https://iabrus.ru/www/doc/smart_tv/IAB19_Smart_TV_Ad%20%284%29.pdf

Mobile Ad Glossary https://iabrus.ru/www/doc/mobile/IAB19_MobileAd_Glossary_fin.pdf

Audio Ad Glossary https://iabrus.ru/www/doc/audio_ad/IAB19_AudioAd_Glossary_fin.pdf

CPA Glossary https://iabrus.ru/www/doc/e-comm/IAB19_CPA_Glossary_0512.pdf