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Ніжинська загальноосвітня школа І-ІІІ ступенів № 15

Розробка уроку з англійської мови в

5 класі

на тему:

Пори року та погода


вчитель англійської мови

Ніжинської загальноосвітньої школи І-ІІІ ступенів

Богачова І.В.

Ніжин 2017

Практичні завдання: Активувати та систематизувати вивчений матеріал,

удосконалювати вміння вести бесіду у зв’язку з ситуацією.

Освітні розвиваючі завдання: Формувати та вдосконалювати

комунікативні навички та вміння учнів, активізувати лексичний та

граматичний матеріал, перевірити, розвивати та вдосконалювати навички

сприйняття іншомовного матеріалу. Розвивати мовленнєву реакцію учнів,

пізнавальні здібності, мовленнєву реакцію та готовність школярів до


Виховні завдання: Формувати інтерес до природи та природних явищ,

прищеплювати інтерес до рідного краю, розширювати світогляд та

пунктуальність; розвивати творчі якості учнів.

Навчальний матеріал: комп’ютерне обладнання, аудіозапис тексту;

ілюстративний матеріал “Пори року”.

Procedure1. Introduction part

T.: Good morning! I`m glad to see you! How are you? Are you in a good mood? I

hope you are fine. Sit down and be ready for the lesson. Now let`s start.

2. Brainstorming

Today we continue to learn more about Nature and Weather. We`ll revise ,

develop our reading, communicative and creative skills. We`ll do different

exercises, puzzles and crosswords. It`ll be a great opportunity to improve your

English and learn something new. We are going to speak about the weather in

different seasons.

T.: Let`s remember when it is spring, summer, autumn and winter in our country.

Find out what kind of weather your classmates like the best in a particular season.

P1, P2,

P3:What kind of weather do you like in spring? I prefer spring weather because I

like to spend much time outdoors.

Do you listen to weather forcast?

Do you trust them? Have you heard weather forecast for today? Is it true?

II. Checking asssignment

Let`s check your assignment. Say why English people talk about the weather.

III. The main part of the lesson

Speaking practice.

Look at the list of words. Translate them into Ukrainian. Say which of them we use

expressing our emotions when we speak about weather we like or hate.

It is horrible (fine, nice, hot, dreadful, wonderful, lovely, brilliant, stormy,

excellent, uncertain, rather warm, terrible, too hot, awful, clear, windy, foggy,

rainy) Use the words and try to characterize weather you like or don’t like.

Pair work

Make dialogues using the words. Ask your friend like nature looks in different

seasons. Give reasons for your answers .Work in small groups.

Reading Comprehension.

Imagine you are a weatherman . Read the dialogue (ex.3p.154)

Look at the map of Europe. Make the information forecast for European cities.

1. Today it will be windy in…

2. It can be snowy in…

3. It will be warm in…

4. It may be foggy in…

5. It will be sunny and hot in…

6. It will be frosty in…

7. Today it will be rainy in…

T.: Where would you like to go? Choose the best place for your trip. Tell the ideal

forecast for your trip.

Write the opposite meaning of the words











Look at the pictures and describe the weather in different seasons.

T.: You have papers with proverbs. Match the parts of the proverbs about seasons

and weather and give their Ukrainian equivalents.

1. After rain or clouds

2. Rain before seven

3. Everything is good

4. The morning sun will

5. April showers

6. There is no bad weather

7. Rich season

1. fine before eleven

2. bring May flowers

3. comes fair weather

4. never last a day

5. in its season

6. rich year

7. there are bad clothes

2. Listening Comprehension

Pre - listening

What climate does our country have? What do tourists need to wear (bring, carry)

in our country?

While- listening

Listen to the article and tell some facts about British weather conditions.

The English and the Weather

The weather in England explains much about the English. The umbrella is carried

even if it doesn’t rain, for good luck with the weather. The well-dressed man in

England always carries his umbrella. To many English people the word “umbrella”

means “good weather”. The weather in England wet, dry, hot, cold, tropical or

arctic is the conversational topic for all English people.

British climate is rather cold. The weather is often rainy and foggy. It usually

snows in winter and it is cold. In summer is usually warm and sunny. Spring is a

warm and pleasant season. It is often windy and foggy in autumn, and it rains a lot.

You`ll never know what weather to expect in Britain.

Post - listening.

Make the true/false statements.

1. Britain has warm climate.

2. The umbrella isn’t carried for good luck with the weather.

3. It is often warm in autumn.

4. It is usually rainy and foggy in Britain.

5. Spring is a pleasant season.

6. You always know what weather to expect in Britain.

Recommend the best season for British tour. Give reasons for your choice.


And now it is time for rest. You have the papers with crosswords. Try and guess

the words. You must circle the words you can find.

Doing crossword “ Seasons and Weather ”.

n m s u n n y f k

i i c e f c r c w

c l o u d c o o l

e d r y r n s l w

h s k d a y t d a

o k c v i k y f r

t y w i n d d y m

Do you agree that the weather is very changeable? Let`s read the poem about the


Whether the weather is fine

Or whether the weather is hot

Whether the weather be cold

Or whether the weather be not

We`ll weather the weather,

What ever the weather

Whether we like it or not.

3. Summarizing

Let’s sum up the results of our work . I think today’s lesson was very fruitful and

useful .You were very active, so you get only good marks.

Your home assignment is to write e-mail letter to your English pen- friend. You`ll

describe seasons in our country and recommend him/her the best time for visiting


Today you have learned a lot of in information about climate and weather. Thank

you. Good luck.