晚 河南+西安古都精华之旅edenvacation.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/8XIY-3_EDEN.pdf ·...

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Transcript of 晚 河南+西安古都精华之旅edenvacation.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/8XIY-3_EDEN.pdf ·...

团费 :机场税 :旅游保险 :小费 :总额 :

壹等旅游 Eden Tours & Travel Sdn. Bhd.Address : No. 290, 1st Floor, Jalan Pudu, 55100 KLEmail : sales@edenvacation.comWebsite : www.edenvacation.com

CALL US (03) 2148 3880出发日期 :

飞行航班 :


◆ 天下第一名刹~少林寺 ◆ 含一程快速高铁(二等) ◆ 世界文化遗产~龙门石窟 ◆ 北方小九寨~云台山风景区 ◆ 世界第八大奇迹~秦始皇兵马俑 ◆ 全程入住当地4+5星酒店

第五天 郑州 - 开封 - 郑州 (早/ 午/ 晚 )早餐后,乘坐黄河气垫船游览黄河景区,黄河两岸风景秀丽、景色迷人,可远眺“黄河之水天上来”,饱览黄河风光以及炎黄塑像、炎黄广场、鸿沟、桃花峪。前往清明上河园。一座大型宋代文化实景主题公园,是国家首批5A级旅游景区和中国非物质文化遗产展演基地;以宋朝市井文化、民俗风情、皇家园林和古代娱乐为题材,以游客参与体验为特点的文化主题公园。参观开封城包公祠,是纪念中国历史上著名清官包拯而建的祠堂。乘车游宋都卸街。住宿:粤海酒店 或同级

第六天 郑州 - 洛阳 - 西安 (早/ 午/ 晚 )参观关林,这里俗称关帝庙,一处保存完整的古建筑群。相传为埋葬漢末蜀汉名将关羽首级的地方。下午乘高铁(二等)坐前往西安。抵达即前往曲江遗址公园观赏夜景。住宿:经开智选假日酒店 或同级

第七天 西安 a 吉隆坡 (早/ 午/ 晚 )参观陜西历史博物馆,是中国第一座拥有现代化设施的大型国家级博物馆,收藏了多达370000余件文物,上至远古时期,下到1840年以前,时间跨度长达100万年。参观古城墙,是保存最完整的中国古代城垣建筑,也是世界上现存规模最大、最完整的古代军事城堡设施。前往市中心的钟鼓楼广场,此处商店林立,是古都西安最为繁华之地;往回民一条街体验西安平民百姓的生活一部分。参观闻名遐尔之大雁塔,唐高宗李治为追思其母恩所建之慈恩寺塔,三藏法师西游归来后,也在此翻译佛经之。前往雁塔音乐喷泉广场,亚洲最大的喷泉广场和最大的水景广场,水面面积达2万平方米。晚餐后送往机场。

第八天 吉隆坡 抵达美丽的家园。


第一天 吉隆坡 a 西安 集合于吉隆坡国际机场,乘搭航班飞往西安。抵达后送往酒店休息。住宿:经开智选假日酒店 或同级 第二天 西安 - 洛阳 (早/ 午/ 晚 )早餐后,参观世界八大奇迹之一的秦始皇兵马俑(含单程电瓶车)。据说这是秦始皇皇陵的守卫部队,近万名全副武装的陶制武士战马,气势宏大,工艺精湛,令人叹为观止。住宿:牡丹城宾馆 或同级

第三天 洛阳 - 登封 -上街 (早/ 午/ 晚 )早餐后,前往参观世界文化遗产~龙门石窟(含双程电瓶车),它与敦煌莫高窟、大同云岗石窟并称为中国三大石刻艺术宝库。现存窟盒2000多座,佛塔40余座,佛像10万多尊,堪称古典雕刻艺术之宝库。前往参观天下第一名刹~少林寺(含单程电瓶车),距今已有1500多年的历史,故有著名古迹:唐太宗御书碑、达摩亭、千佛殿、白衣殿壁画和中国最大古塔林群~塔林,并特别安排观看武僧表演的出神入化的绝世武功~少林真功夫表演。住宿:雅乐轩酒店 或同级

第四天 上街 - 焦作 - 郑州 (早/ 午/ 晚 )早餐后,游览北方山水名胜,具有“北方小九寨”之称的云台山风景区(含景区环保车)。景区面积约35平方公里,区内层峦叠嶂,泉瀑争流,峭壁悬崖,奇石翠柏遍布山岩,有大小名峰36座,天然溶洞十数个,潭瀑泉池不计其数。以水叫绝。单级落差314米的云台天瀑雄冠全国之最;天门瀑、白龙瀑、黄龙瀑、丫字瀑...形成云台山独有的瀑布景观;多孔泉、珍珠泉、王烈泉、明月泉、三官泉...清冽甘甜。游览完毕,前往郑州。住宿:粤海酒店 或同级

8天 6晚



◆ Shaolin Temple ◆ Included One Way High Speed Train (2nd Class) ◆ LongMen Grottoes ◆ Local 4 + 5 Star Hotel◆ Yuntai Mountain Scenic Area ◆ Wonder of the World ~ Terra-cotta Warriors and Horse Museum

awarded as 5A grade tourist scenic area, a theme park displayed Intangible Cultural Heritage Base in China. Visit Kai Feng Temple Of Lord Bao, a memorial clen for a famous, honest and anti-corrupted Justice during Song Dynasty. Sit in coach tour Song Dynasty Imperial Street.Stay: Guangdong Hotel or similar DAY 6 Zheng Zhou - Luo Yang - Xi An (B/ L/ D)After Breakfast, proceed to Guan Lin Forest Temple, a temple built with forest theme in China. It is built to commemorate the great General Guan Yu from the Shu Dynasty. After lunch, proceed to Xi An by High Speed Train. Upon arrival, visit Qujiang Ruins Park. Qujiang was once the most famous scenic spot in Chang'an during ancient China, current name is Xi An. *APRIL - Visit China Peony Garden*Stay: Holidayinn Express Xi An or similar

DAY 7 Xi An a Kuala Lumpur (B/ L/ D)After breakfast, visit ShanXi History Museum. It is the first in large-scale and modern national structure museum, collection of cultural relics more than 370,000 pieces. Visit Ancient City Wall, the world largest, an existing and most complete ancient militiary castle facilities. Walk around Bell Drum Tower Square, stroll at Muslim Street. Visit Giant Wild Goose Pagoda, one of the seven UNESCO World Heritage site, the pagoda was built inside the Ci En Temple in 652 AD during the Tang Dynasty; its also place where Master Xuan zang brought back Buddhist scriptures in Sunskrit from India, he translated to Chinese scripture. Proceed to Musical Fountain Square, when the music starts, the central area of the square is full of different shapes of fountain sprays showing 22 matrix patterns.

DAY 8 Kuala Lumpur Home sweet home.

** The above itinerary is for reference only and is subject to any necessary changes in accordance to local requirement. Final and correct accordance of itinerary will be based on Chinese version itinerary.**


壹等旅游 Eden Tours & Travel Sdn. Bhd.Address : No. 290, 1st Floor, Jalan Pudu, 55100 KLEmail : sales@edenvacation.comWebsite : www.edenvacation.com

CALL US (03) 2148 3880Tour Fare :

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DAY 1 Kuala Lumpur a Xi An Assemble at Kuala Lumpur International Airport 2 for your flight depart Xi An. Upon arrive, check in hotel.Stay: Holidayinn Express Xi An or similar DAY 2 Xi An - Luo Yang (B/ L/ D)Visit one of the Eight Wonder of the World~ Terra-cotta Warriors and Horse Museum (one way buggy included). Burried site of imperial Terra-Cotta Army of Emperor QinShi Huang, the army formation in the pit consist thousands of worriers.Stay: Peony Plaza or similar

DAY 3 Luo Yang - Deng Feng - Shang Jie (B/ L/ D)After breakfast, visit Long Men Grottoes (two way buggy included) - one of the famous treasure houses of stone sculpture in China, it is ranks no.1 among all grottoes in China. Visit the world's famous temple ~ Shaolin Temple (one way buggy included), carried history of over 1,500 years. The temple bore witness of rise and fall of several Dynasties, its also famous for its”Kung Fu”. Forest of Pagoda, the buried place for the master of Shaolin Temple. Enjoy watching special arrangement of Shaolin Kung Fu Show.Stay: Aloft Hotel or similar

DAY 4 Shang Jie - Jiao Zuo - Zheng Zhou (B/ L/ D)After breakfast, visit Yuntai Mountain Scenic Area. The scenic area covered around 35 square kilometers, there were overlapping peaks, streams, waterfalls, cliffs, strange rock, 36 peaks, plenty of natural caves, lakes, and spring pool. Tour end, transfer Zhengzhou.Stay: Guangdong Hotel or similar

DAY 5 Zheng Zhou - Kai Feng - Zheng Zhou (B/ L/ D)Sight-seeing at Yellow River Scenic Area by hovercraft, sailing on Yellow River, enjoying the beautiful scenery a long the Yellow River. Visit Millennium City Park, a Sung Dynasty cultural base theme park, featuring tourist participate and experience the special culture, which is include cultural and folk customs, as well as ancient entertainment; its been