《中華道學》第五期 Bulletin of Taoism Vol.5

Post on 05-Mar-2016

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《中華道學》是新中華道教學會的官方刊物,每兩個月出版一期,英文刊名定為 Bulletin of Taoism,刊物內容均以中、英雙語對照。本刊宗旨,在於為國際道教界提供一個對話交流的平台,設計不同欄目從不同側面討論「道」與「道教」,力求在現代社會發揚「道」和「道教」。 Bulletin of Taoism is the official publication of the New China Taoism Society. It is a Chinese-English bilingual bimonthly. It aims at serving as an international platform for exchange of ideas about Taoism, discussing different aspects of Tao and Taoism through columns of different natures, with a mission to introducing Taoism as a practical approach to modern life.

Transcript of 《中華道學》第五期 Bulletin of Taoism Vol.5


Bulletin of Taoism

Bulletin of Taoism


Bulletin of Taoism is a platform that covers different aspects of Tao and Taoism. Its success cannot be impossible without your contributions.

.Manuscripts may cover any of the areas mentioned in the publication proposal of Bulletin of Taoism. For the area of ‘People’, contributions may be completed articles or outlines of a target interviewee for the follow- up of the editorial board..A manuscript should include a title, author’s name (pseudonym is acceptable though the provision of real name is mandatory), institution, contact number, and email address. Manuscripts please be sent to info@nctaosoc.org, or sent by mail to the New China Taoism Society at the following address: 1/F, 169 Fa Yuen Street, Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong..Manuscripts may be in Chinese or English with a word  limit of 1,500 words.









.Manuscripts must not have been accepted or published   in other publications. Plagiarism from sources such as Wikipedia and Baidu are strictly prohibited..Deadline of contribution is the fifteenth of every even  

month..Copyright of manuscripts belongs to the authors. However, they should seek prior written permission from the editorial board if they are to reprint their articles in other venues..The editorial board reserves the right to introduce modifications where it is considered appropriate..This bulletin operates on a very limited budget, and all   editors work as volunteers. We apologize that there will  

not be remuneration for accepted manuscripts. Instead, three complementary copies will be given as souvenirs. Rejected manuscripts will not be returned.









