جزوه آموزشی مقاله نویسی انگلیسی

Post on 08-Jan-2017

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Transcript of جزوه آموزشی مقاله نویسی انگلیسی

نویسی مقاله آموزشی جزوهانگلیسی

اول ترم

شر�یف احمدزاده

گیالن دانشگاه1394

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• Phone Number: 0933-285-0297

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رزومهانگلیسی • تحقیقات مرکز در عضویتدر • ترجم�ه فن دوره گیالن مدرس� دانشگاهگیالن • دانشگاه در انگلیسی زبان به نگارش دوره مدرس�گیالن • دانشگاه در انگلیسی زبان به نویسی مقاله دوره مدرسگیالن • دانشگاه در انگلیسی زبان به آکادمیک نگارش دوره مدرساصفهان • صنعتی دانشگاه دانشگاهی جهاد در ترجمه فن دوره مدرساسالمی • آزاد دانشگاه نخبگان و جوان پژوهشگران باشگاه در عضویتگیالن • دانشگاه آزاد آموزشهای مرکز در آکادمیک نگارش دوره مدرس•) اصفهان ) خوراسگان واحد اسالمی آزاد دانشگاه در ترجم�ه فن دوره مدرس�•) آنالین ) و حضوری گروهی و خصوص�ی بصورت زبان مکالمه های دوره مدرس•) آنالین ) و حضوری دکتری و ارشد کارشناسی، کنکور داوطلبان ویژه زبان مدرساصفهان • در واقع بهتر فردای خارجی زبانهای آموزشگاه در ترجمه فن دوره مدرس• " هیئت " عض�و زارع�ی علیرض�ا س�ید مهندس تالی�ف عمران مهندس�ی تخص�صی زبان جام�ع مرج�ع کتاب ادب�ی و علم�ی ویراس�تاری

) اصفهان ) خوراسگان واحد اسالمی آزاد دانشگاه علم�ی


ویژه انگلیس�ی زبان ب�ه نویس�ی مقال�ه چاپ حال در کتاب از بخش�ی حاض�ر، جزوهعلمی هیئت محترم اعضای از اعم دوره این داوطلبان به که باشد می ایرانی داوطلبان . دلیل ب�ه آ�ن کام�ل مت�ن انتشار شود م�ی تدری�س تکمیل�ی تحص�یالت دانشجویان و . در انگلیسی زبان ب�ه نویس�ی مقال�ه های کالس نیس�ت پذی�ر امکان های�ی محدودی�ت ) ( ) مولف ) توس�ط آنالی�ن بص�ورت کشور س�راسر در و حضوری بص�ورت گیالن دانشگاه . مقاله ب�ه مرتب�ط های س�رفصل کلی�ه ب�ا داوطلبان دوره ای�ن در شود م�ی برگزار کتاب . انگلیسی زبان ب�ه نگارش آموزش�ی های دوره شوند م�ی آشن�ا انگلیس�ی زبان ب�ه نویس�ی . اطالعات کسب جهت عالقمندان باشد می انگلیسی زبان به نویسی مقاله دوره مکمل

. نمایند حاصل تماس مولف با توانند می الزم


نوشتن به زیادی تمایل و هس�تند واق�ف نویس�ی مقال�ه مزایای به تکمیل�ی تحص�یالت دانشجویان از بس�یاری . و رسانیده انجام ب�ه نی�ز را وس�یعی مطالعات و تحقیقات دانشجویان ای�ن از برخ�ی دارند علم�ی مقاالت . به اعتماد مقال�ه نوشت�ن در آنه�ا ک�ه اس�ت حال�ی در این دارند اختیار در ارائه برای مطلوبی نتایج و ه�ا دادهدر تحریر رشت�ه به اس�ت شایس�ته آنچنانک�ه را خود ارزشمند اطالع�ات توانن�د نم�ی و نداشت�ه را کاف�ی نف�سو. کرده زیادی تالش مناسب های داده آوردن دس�ت ب�ه برای دانشجویان از بس�یاری همچنی�ن بیاورنداز روشن دیدی ابتدا در توانن�د نم�ی ک�ه آنج�ا از ام�ا نماین�د؛ م�ی آزمای�ش ی�ا مطالع�ه ص�رف را زیادی زمانبی عم�ل در ه�ا داده ارائ�ه برای آنه�ا تالشهای بیشت�ر متأس�فانه باشن�د، داشت�ه مقال�ه کاربردی تحقی�ق روش . با آشنای�ی عدم و پژوه�ش حوزه در مختل�ف س�دهای ب�ا شدن مواج�ه مح�ض ب�ه حقیق�ت در شود م�ی نتیج�ه . رسانند م�ی انجام ب�ه را آن ضعی�ف ای پایه با یا و بازمانده تالش و تحقی�ق ادام�ه از پژوهشگران اکث�ر آنه�ا، . است آ�ن انجام در وی جدی�ت میزان و تحقیقات�ی کار انجام ب�ه دانشج�و عالق�ه دهنده نشان علم�ی مقاالتدر پذیرش اخذ برای بیشتری شان�س دارن�د، علم�ی مقاالت ک�ه دانشجویان�ی ک�ه اس�ت شده ثابت تجرب�ه ب�هاز پذیرش اخذ در چندان�ی دو تأثی�ر ام�ر ای�ن البت�ه و داشت�ه دکتری مقط�ع در ویژ�ه ب�ه تحص�یلی باالت�ر مقاط�ع . دانشجویان به ه�م ع�لم�ی مقال�ه چاپ و نوشت�ن دلی�ل همی�ن ب�ه دارد نی�ز خارج�ی معت�بر دانشگاههای

و . کارشناس�ی در ً معموال علمی مقاالت شود م�ی توص�یه مواکدا تکمیل�ی تحص�یالت دانشجویان ب�ه ه�م . یکسان ژورناله�ا و کنفرانس�ها تمام اعتبار، نظ�ر از شوند م�ی چاپ ژورناله�ا در ی�ا و ارای�ه کنفرانس�ها . برای وقتی ک�ه باشی�د داشت�ه توج�ه اس�ت متفاوت شود م�ی چاپ آنه�ا در ک�ه مقاالت�ی کیفی�ت و نیس�تندکه کنفرانسی یا مجله و شما مقاالت تعداد کنید، می اقدام کشور از خارج دانشگاههای در تحصیل ادامه . امروزه بود خواهد شم�ا ارزشیاب�ی معیارهای مهمتری�ن از یک�ی اس�ت، شده چاپ آ�ن در شم�ا مقاالت . از یکی گردد م�ی منتش�ر مقاالت در آنه�ا از کوچک�ی بخ�ش تنه�ا ام�ا شود، م�ی انجام فراوان�ی تحقیقات . جزء آن یادگیری ک�ه روس�ت ای�ن از اس�ت علم�ی مقال�ه س�اختاری تدوی�ن در محق�ق مهارت عدم آ�ن، دالی�ل

. آید می حساب به آموزشی الزامات جزء دیگر عبارت به یا و نیازها6

*Overview of a paper

Writing an article is a cyclic process!




What we might talk about• Why publish?• What do editors want?• The basics of writing a paper• The rudiments of style• Peer-review processes• Authorship/contributorship• Conflict of interest• Redundant publication• Good practice in publishing


Why publish?• Because you have something important to say

• To promote thought or debate

• To allow examination of your work

• Money

• Career advancement

• To entertain/divert/amuse

• To educate

• To inform other of your findings

• To change practice (habits)

• To award a grant or scholarship

• To promote your academic degree

• Personal satisfaction (pure pleasure)

• To establish a reputation and build a career (promotion)

• To build knowledge (save the world)

• Fame and the love of …

• Advance knowledge in your research field with evidence

• Explain your ideas and make them accessible to others

• Yours?


Why to Write a Scientific Paper

• Two key components in a research paper:

• An explicit claim on your contribution on a research problem (gap)

• Evidence to support your claim (answer)

• Your contribution can possibly be a refutation of a hypothesis on the

research problem

• It is NOT enough to design another technique or system without

convincing evaluation.


What do editors want?• Excitement/“wow”• Importance• Relevance to the audience (In journalism, readers take precedence over authors.)• True• Clearly written• Innovation • Simplicity, Can it be clearer, shorter?• Contribution • Originality, What’s new?• Content, Is there enough?


Questions reviewers askDoes the paper fit the standards and scope of the journal it is being considered for?Is the research question clear? Was the approach appropriate? Is the study design, methods, and analysis appropriate to the question being studied? Is the study innovative or original? Does it add to existing knowledge and/or develop

novel concepts?Are the methods described clearly enough for other researchers to replicate? Does the paper advance previous work or does it introduce a new concept?Does the paper have hardware: has a chip/device/machine been fabricated and



Questions reviewers ask (contd.)Are the methods of statistical analysis and level of significance appropriate?Could presentation of the results be improved and do they answer the question?If humans, human tissues, or animals are involved, was ethics approval gained and

was the study ethical?Are the conclusions appropriate?Does the topic of the paper fit into the scope of the Journal?In which subcommittee does the paper fit?Have parts of the paper been published before?


*Research process

• Do some research.• Write it up (prepare a report).• Send it to a journal (submission).• Editor rejects the paper ... accepts or invites a revision.

• You revise and resubmit (possibly several times).

• Paper is accepted.• Paper is published.


1. Before you begin, ask yourself• What do I have to say? Originality or filling the gap• Is it worth saying? Importance • What is the right format for the message?• What is the audience for the message? Scholars or the public• Where should I publish the message? Journal • How can I best use literature and the web? Literature • What results do I want to communicate? Contribution • How does my work improve on previously published work?• Who are the key players in this area? Scholars • What are the latest references? The newest publications and research


• Should I publish alone or with others?• Should I publish with my supervisors or advisors?• Why may my paper be rejected?• How do I react/respond to rejection?• Who is likely to review my paper?• Do I have any influence in selecting the reviewers of my paper?• What if I disagree with the reviewers’ comments?• Should I submit to more than one journal at a time?• Should I reference my own work?• Should I reference the work of the editorial board?


Publishing checklist

2. The importance of structureStructure is (almost) everything.

Beginning, middle, end

Tell people what you are going to say, say it, tell them what you’ve said.

What, Why, When, How, Where, and Who?

Make sure that readers know where they are, where they are going, and why.



*3. Possible structures (cont.)

• title, byline and institutional affiliation, abstract, key words, introduction, literature review, methods, results, (and) discussion, (and) conclusion, references

• significance of the study, implications, limitations, suggestions for further research, appendices, footnotes, endnotes, acknowledgments, the model/theory, hypothesis development (if appropriate), data description, biodata

• Research questions, research hypothesis: Need or curiosity?


4. IMRaD• Introduction -- Why did I do it? Logic • Methods -- What did I do? Actions • Results -- What did I find? Achievements • Discussion -- What might it mean? Comparison and contrast What is our overall finding? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the study in relation to/compared to other studies? Why might we have got different results? What might the study mean, particularly for clinicians, experts, or policy makers? What questions remain unanswered?


5. IMRaD (Introduction)

• Why did we start? Logic • What has gone before? A systematic review (LR)• Why was this study needed? Filling the gap or statement of the problem • Be sure that readers understand the importance of the study, but don’t

overdo it. Significance of the study • Don’t try to show readers that you have read everything.• Short, short, short


What to Claim for a Scientific Paper• Your technique solves a problem for the first time.• Your technique performs better, in one or more of the

following dimensions, than its rivals:• Behavior: X has a higher success rate than Y or produces better quality outputs,

(e.g., shorter, easier to understand, more similar to human outputs, etc.) • Coverage: X is applicable to a wider range of examples than Y. • Efficiency: X is faster or uses less space than Y.• Usability: Users find X easier to use than its rivals.

• You should avoid claiming too many dimensions, but one or two with in-depth evidence.


5. IMRaD (Methods)• Like a recipe; process writing • For informed readers, this is the most important section; replicability • Describe how subjects (participants) were selected and excluded;

sampling procedures• Don’t describe standard methods in detail - use references, appendix • Statistics; number of participants, instruments, …• Ethical issues; informed consent, anonymity, voluntarily participation, …• Remember that you can put more detailed methods on the web or as an

appendix (e.g., questionnaires, treatment material, etc.)


5. IMRaD (Results)• Stick to what is relevant.• Be sure to include basic descriptive data.• The text should tell the story.• The tables give the evidence.• The figures illustrate the highlights.• Don’t include just percentages or p-values.• Include confidence intervals.• Think about absolute risk number needed to treat, etc.• Avoid beginning to discuss the implications or strengths and

weaknesses of your study.


5. IMRaD (Discussion)

• Statement of principal findings • Strengths and weaknesses of the study • Strengths and weaknesses in relation to other studies,

discussing particularly any differences in results • Meaning of the study: possible mechanisms and implications

for clinicians or policymakers, etc. • Unanswered questions and future research


6. Topping and tailing

• Title: Include design; Don’t try to be clever• Authorship: by-line and institutional affiliation• Abstract: Must be structured; include some numbers,

not all, follow a kind a genre• References: Keep to the essentials• Covering letter: Something very crisp• Acknowledgements, competing interests


*The rudiments of style• Short words • Short sentences• Short paragraphs, even in length • No jargon• No abbreviations• Either American or British (keep consistency)• Prefer nouns and verbs to adjectives and adverbs• Cut all clichés


The rudiments of style (cont.)• Don’t be too chatty. • Don’t be pleased with yourself.• Avoid figures of speech and idioms.• Prefer passive to active voice. • Prefer the concrete to the abstract.• Avoid the not unblack cat crossed the not unwide road.• Don’t hector.• Be careful with slangs.• Add a dash of color, just a dash.


Peer-review processes

• As many processes as journals or grant-giving bodies

• No operational definition--usually implies “external review”

• Benefits come from improving what is published rather than

sorting the wheat from the chaff.


Problems with peer-review• Ineffective• Slow• Expensive• Biased• Easily abused• Unable to detect fraud“Stand at the top of the stairs with a pile of papers and throw them down the

stairs. Those that reach the bottom are published.”“Sort the papers into two piles: those to be published and those to be rejected.

Then swap them over.”


Overview of peer-review process

Paper submitted

Initial decision by editor

Confirmation of receipt

Rejection Decide to review

Assign reviewers

Reviewers accept invite

Reviews completed


Notification to author


Paper sent to publisher


Revision received

Revision checked


*After submission• Most journal editors will make an initial decision on a paper (to review or

reject).• Most editors appoint two referees or even more.• Refereeing speed varies tremendously between journals.• Authors should receive a decision of “accept”, “accept with revision

(minor or major)”, or “reject”.• If a paper is rejected, most editors will write to you explaining their

reason for such a decision.• After rejection, authors have the option of submitting the paper to

another journal - editor’s suggestions should be addressed.


*Last clue

The most common vocabulary items in every section of an article


What is the purpose of a title?

Gives the reader a gist of what the paper is about. It is the gateway to a paper.



Title: Characteristics of good titleA good title should contain the fewest possible words that adequately describe the

contents. 12 +/-2 words (based on APA)A good title• is concise, but informative and attractive• is accurate, clear, specific, succinct, simple, unambiguous, and complete• identifies the main issue of the paper: should give a good idea of the paper’s

contents and highlights and truly reflect the purpose of the study• is short but meaningful and reflective of the research work• contains key words that will attract the interest of the editors, reviewers, and readers


Title: things to avoid• Do NOT make the title too broad or general (or too specific). • Title should NOT contain chemical formulas, proprietary names, or

multiple sub-clauses.• Title should NOT contain technical jargon and infrequently used

abbreviations if possible.• Title should NOT be too short or too long.• Title should NOT state the results.• Title should NOT include waste words (studies on, investigations on, a,

an, the, etc.).• Do NOT use a question/full sentence.• Do NOT stack adjectives.• Avoid novel, facile, simple, etc. in the title.


Importance of title• The title is extremely important and must be chosen with great care as it will be read by

thousands, whereas few will read the entire paper.• Indexing and abstracting of the paper depend on the accuracy of the title. An improperly titled

paper will get lost and will never be read.• Search engines/indexing databases depend on the accuracy of the title - since they use the

keywords/title to identify relevant articles.• Good title can attract readers’ attention: Title is the advertisement for the article: readers are the

potential authors who will cite your article.• Title is like a signpost that draws people to visit your paper.• Title is first reviewed by journal editors and readers before the abstract.• Articles with good titles are often better cited.• The title should be substantially different from others.


Tips to remember in a title Start with a short descriptive working title. Spell out symbols rather than using the symbol (e.g., Beta blocker

instead of ᵝ blocker). Write the scientific name in full (e.g., Escherichia coli instead of E. coli). Use generic names instead of brand names. Use formal language. A descriptive, specific title perfectly framing your study will be apparent only

after you’ve written the paper and abstract. So, reWrite last—your findings and conclusions may alter your title.


Unnecessary Title Phrases• A Study to Determine …

• Results of …

• An Innovative Method …

• Contributions to (of) …

• Investigations on (concerning, about) …

• Observations on …

• A Trial Comparing …

• Filler words.. “a study of…” “evaluation of..”

• Overselling your paper – “novel”, “facile”, “simple”

• Caste names, puns

• Spelling mistakes

• Syntax (word order) must be very carefully considered.



Rewrite titles based on abstracts • Count number of words

• Less is better

• Count number of clauses• Less is better

• Does title accurately describe paper?• Is title specific?• Discuss the title with your co-author or any other person.• What is the single most important point of this study?• How would I tell my colleagues, in one short descriptive sentence, what’s this

study about?


Examples of Good Titles• The Impact of Information Technology on Agricultural Commodity Auctions in India

• Tells readers precisely what paper is about

• Hydrodynamic Study of a Liquid/Solid Fluidized Bed Under Transverse Electromagnetic Field

• Retinoic Acid Regulation of the Mes-pripply Feedback Loop During Vertebrate Segmental Patterning

• Establishing a Reference Range for Bone Turnover Markers in Young, Healthy Women• A Review of Component-Based Software Development

• Short, to the point

Good Titles• Comparison of MRI and CT for Detection of Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage

• Extracranial Thrombotically Active Carotid Plaque as a Risk for Ischemic Stroke

• Annual Revaccination Against Influenza and Mortality Risk in Community-Dwelling Elderly Persons

• Effect of Antihypertensive Agents on Cardiovascular Events in Patients With Coronary Disease and Normal Blood Pressure

• The CAMELOT Study: A Randomized Controlled Trial



Examples of Bad Titles• Mobilizing Informational Social Capital in Cyber Space: Online Social Networks and Knowledge

Sharing• Not clear what will be in paper• Multiple possibilities presented in title

Rewritten• Online Social Networks and Knowledge Sharing

• Knowledge Acquisition Through Computer-Mediated Discussions: Potential of Semantic Network Representations and Effect of Conceptual Facilitation Restrictiveness

• Too long• Tries to say everything that is in paper

Rewritten• Semantic Network Representations for Knowledge Acquisition in Computer-Mediated Discussions

Original Title Revised RemarksPreliminary observations on the effect of Zn element on anticorrosion of zinc plating layer

Effect of Zn on anticorrosion of zinc plating layer

Long title distracts readers. Remove all redundancies such as “observations on”, “the nature of”, etc.

Action of antibiotics on bacteria

Inhibition of growth of mycobacterium tuberculosis by streptomycin

Titles should be specific. Think to yourself: “How will I search for this piece of information?” when you design the title.

Fabrication of carbon/CdS coaxial nanofibers displaying optical and electrical properties via electrospinning carbon

Electrospinning of carbon/CdS coaxial nanofibers with optical and electrical properties

“English needs help. The title is nonsense. All materials have properties of all varieties. You could examine my hair for its electrical and optical properties! You MUST be specific. I haven’t read the paper but I suspect there is something special about these properties, otherwise why would you be reporting them?” – the Editor-in-chief

Examples of Bad Titles


Comment on these titlesWill the pill make you ill?Keep off grassOld wine in a new bottleOn shadows and illusions

They are suitable for articles in lay pressThe topic will be missed if the connotations are not

understoodLess number of peers may select the article to readVisibility will be less as people search using keywords

Catchy titles and phrases which rhyme should be used sparingly, if used at all.



Punctuation ک�ه کنی�د . punctuationدق�ت این همگ�ی مطمئن�ا اس�ت برخوردار ای ویژ�ه اهمی�ت از انگلیس�ی در

. اعدامش " نیس�ت، الزم بخش�ش کنید اعدام�ش نیس�ت الزم بخش�ش، ای�د، شنیده را مشهور مثالمتون. “ معنای تغییر و گذاری عالم�ت انکار قاب�ل غی�ر اهمی�ت ب�ه توان م�ی ک�ه اس�ت رو ای�ن از کنید . می کم�ک خواننده ب�ه انگلیس�ی در گذاری عالم�ت برد پ�ی ه�ا گذاری عالم�ت در تغیی�ر ب�ه توج�ه ب�ا . بپردازد متن ادام�ه خواندن ب�ه وقف�ه ب�ی کج�ا و کن�د مک�ث کج�ا کن�د، توق�ف بایس�تی کج�ا بدان�د ت�ا کن�د

( : نقط�ه از عبارتن�د انگلیس�ی در عالئ�م ویرگول( )periodپرکاربردتری�ن ،comma )سوال عالم�ت ،(question mark( تعج�ب( عالم�ت ،exclamation mark( ویرگول( نقط�ه ،semicolon )دونقطه ،(colon .)


Punctuation اعدامش • نیست، الزم بخشش،



Period Use a period

1) to end a complete sentence. The teacher gave an exam. The students took an exam.

2) with abbreviations: Dr. Lotfi arrived from Washington, D.C., at 6 p.m. Notice that when

the period ending the abbreviation comes at the end of a sentence, it will also suffice to

end the sentence. Also notice that when an abbreviation ends a question or exclamation,

it is appropriate to add a question or exclamation mark after the abbreviation-ending

period: Did you enjoy living in Washington, D.C.?

3) as a decimal point in fractions. 1.5 degrees, 0.23 s, 12.99 grams, 9.8 centimeters, -1.09 °C


Comma Use a comma

1) between elements (including before and & or) in a series of three or more items. Comma functions as a conjunction ↔. Ali, Hasan, and/or Kambiz discussed on the matter. In a few easy-to-learn steps, we can show you how to write clear, concise, and correct letters.

2) to set off a nonessential or nonrestrictive clause, that is, a clause that embellishes a sentence but if removed would leave the grammatical structure and meaning of the sentence intact. Switch A, which is on a panel, controls recording device.

3) to separate two independent clauses joined by a conjunction. Ali came in, and Hasan went out.

4) to separate groups of three digits in most numbers of 1,000 or more. 1,000,000 dollars/ 159,456 people

Don’t use a comma

5) between elements of two items. Use conjunction instead. Ali and Hasan came in. Ali and Hasan came in and went out. In and out of the class are full of students. Weather bureau has infallible and advanced instruments.

6) before an essential or restrictive clause. The switch that stops the recording device also controls the light.

7) between the two parts of a compound predicate. Hasan came in and went out.


Colon Use a colon

1) in ratios and proportions. The proportion (Oxygen:Hydrogen) is 1:2. The proportion of men to women in this class is 1:3. ►APA p. 81

2) between a grammatically complete introductory clause (one that could stand as a sentence) and a final phrase or clause that illustrates, extends, or amplifies the preceding thought. They have agreed on the outcome: Iranian students perform better than do the American students.

3) in references between place of publication and publisher. Tehran: Jungle Publications.

Don’t use a colon

4) after an introduction that is not a complete sentence. The formula is S = (NP1) + V + (NP2) + (NP3). The command was ‘start firing’.


Hyphen Hyphenate1) a compound with a participle when it precedes the term it modifies. An English-speaking country, a well-

known actress, a well-paid job, a fast-growing business, a well-organized and well-crafted instrument, 2) an adjective-noun compound when it precedes the term it modifies. The middle-class families, low-

frequency words, 3) a compound with a number as the first element when it precedes the term it modifies. 12th-grade students,

16-second interval, 4-wheel drive, 2-bed room,Don’t hyphenate4) a compound including an adverb ending in –ly. Widely used test, relatively homogeneous sample, 5) a compound including a superlative or comparative adjective. Better written paper, higher scoring students,

less informed interviewers, 6) chemical compounds. Sodium chloride solution, amino acid compound,