국제사회의 규범에 맞는 해양 및 원양수산 정책의 개혁 방향

Post on 25-Mar-2016

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그린피스는 5월 10일, 관련 부처 관계자 및 국회의원들과 함께 정책 워크숍을 진행했고 '국제사회의 규범에 맞는 해양 및 원양수산 정책의 개혁 방향' 자료집을 준비했습니다. 그린피스는 자료집을 통해 국내 원양어선들의 불법어업을 근절하고, 국제사회의 요구에 부응하는 정책을 제안했습니다.

Transcript of 국제사회의 규범에 맞는 해양 및 원양수산 정책의 개혁 방향






국제사회의 규범에 맞는 해양 및

원양수산 정책의 개혁 방향

-최근 국내 원양어선들의 불법어업(IUU) 및

국제사회의 대책 요구에 부응하여-











5 월 10 일(금) 10:00 - 13:00

국회 도서관 소회의실(지하 1층)

주 관: 그린피스 동아시아 서울사무소

주 최: 새누리당 농림축산식품해양수산위 하태경 의원

민주당 농림축산식품해양수산위 김영록 의원

민주당 농림축산식품해양수산위 김춘진 의원

진보정의당 환경노동위원회 심상정 의원

공동 성명 참여: 민주당 외교통일위 우상호 의원

[2013 그린피스 국회 워크숍]

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Lagi Toribau, Head of Program, Greenpeace East Asia

Honorable Members of Parliament: Taekyung HA, Youngrok KIM ; Chunjin KIM, Sangjung SIM, Sangho

WOO, Distinguished members and representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Fisheries,

Forestry & Agriculture, Ministry of Environment; Distinguished members of the Fishing industry; Ladies and


It is my honor as the Senior Representative of Greenpeace East Asia in Korea, to formally welcome you to

this important event we have co-organized with the parliamentarians to share and exchange openly the

different views amongst the key stakeholders present here today on the imperative need to eliminate and

eradicate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated fishing (IUU).

We are pleased to see that our IUU report launched on 11th April has awakened and warranted the attention of

government, industry and most importantly generated great public interest.

The reputation of the Korean government and fishing industry as a whole is now under great scrutiny by the

international community. The designation of Korea as IUU nation by US makes this issue a matter of national

and international interest. It should be given the highest political priority for President Park’s administration

to reassure the international community and the Korean public that IUU activities will not be tolerated and

fishing activities of Korean vessels and companies will be controlled effectively.

This workshop aims to declare the need for the urgent reform of the government Oceans and Fisheries Policy

and the Ocean Industry Development Act . The outcomes of this workshop will be used to challenge key

government Ministries responsible for the formulation of these important policies that effectively sets the

corner stone for Korea’s distant water fisheries aspirations. The Korean fishing industry will be under closer

scrutiny and will also be held accountable as they have a duty to be open, transparent and at all times

committed to end IUU fishing.

Again, I am very pleased to see an immense interest from the different stakeholders present here today and I

would like to encourage you all to have an open, healthy and objective discussion in our joint efforts to put an

end to IUU activities.

Lagi Toribau

Head of Program

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- Duncan Currie




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Lagi Toribau

Duncan Currie

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Reform of Korean Ocean Industry Development Act

Duncan Currie LL.B. (Hons.) LL.M.


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