全民英檢大會考 初 級

Post on 10-Jan-2016

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全民英檢大會考 初 級. 王秀鶯 ( 靖淳 ) 編製. 初試. 題型.題數.作答時間. 聽力測驗 :通過標準: 80/120 分 考 30 題 作答時間:約 20 分鐘 測驗內容: 『 看圖辨義 』 、 『 問答 』 及 『 簡短對話 』 閱讀能力測驗 :通過標準: 80/120 分 考 35 題 作答時間:約 35 分鐘 測驗內容: 『 詞彙和結構 』 、 『 段落填空 』 及 『 閱讀理解 』 寫作能力測驗 :通過標準: 70/100 分 考 16 題 作答時間:約 40 分鐘 測驗內容: 『 單句寫作 』 及 『 段落寫作 』. 複試. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of 全民英檢大會考 初 級

全民英檢大會考全民英檢大會考初 級初 級

王秀鶯 (靖淳 )編製


• 聽力測驗:通過標準: 80/120 分– 考 30 題– 作答時間:約 20 分鐘– 測驗內容:『看圖辨義』、『問答』及『簡短對話』

• 閱讀能力測驗:通過標準: 80/120 分– 考 35 題– 作答時間:約 35 分鐘– 測驗內容:『詞彙和結構』、『段落填空』及『閱讀理解』

• 寫作能力測驗:通過標準: 70/100 分– 考 16 題– 作答時間:約 40 分鐘– 測驗內容:『單句寫作』及『段落寫作』

口說能力測驗口說能力測驗• 總題數:18題• 作答時間:約10分鐘• 測驗內容:

– 複誦– 朗讀句子與短文– 回答問題

• 通過標準/滿分: 80/100 分


能 力 指 標• 聽

– 簡易的日常生活對話(時間.價格及地點)• 讀

– 要能閱讀路標.交通標誌.招牌.菜單.時刻表.賀卡及簡易書信

• 說– 能簡易自我介紹及朗讀文章並以簡易英語回答(以完整句子回答)

如:問候.購物及問路等。• 寫

– 寫簡單句子,如明信片、便條、賀卡及表格等

1. What time do you usually get up in the morning?

I usually get up at 7 every moring.

I usually get up at noon every day.

I usually get up at 7:30 in the morning

說明: I usually get up at 小時間 in 大時間

2. Do you like to listen to the music? Why?

• Yes. I do. I like to listen to the classical music. It makes me feel comfortable.

• No. I don’t. I don’t like to listen to any music.

3. Where do you usually go for a walk?

• I usually take a walk in the park.• I feel relaxed there.

4. How much time do you usually spend studying English every day?

• I spend about 10 minutes studying English every day.

• I doin’t like my English teacher because he has no hair.

不可數: time 時間| light 光線| hair     | paper 紙張 可數: time 次數| light 灯 | hair 幾根頭髮 | paper 文件資料

5. Who is the smartest person in your family? Why do you think so?

• I think I am the smartest person in my family.

• The lesser hair, the smarter. 頭髮愈少愈聰明

6. Your neighbor is going to the supermarket.

Ask her to buy some things for you.

• Excuse me, are you going to the supermarket?

• Can you do me a favor?• I need some milk and eggs.• Could you please get some for me?• Thank you very much.

7.Who are the people in your family? And what do they do?=How many people are there in your family?

• There are five people in my family. My father is a businessman. My mother is a housewife. Two elder sister are married. And I am a teacher nowl

The rests are students. 剩下的

8. What season of the year do you like and dislike? Why?

• I like spring the best. The temperature is warm and wind is gentle. There is not much rain in spring. I dislike summer because I sweat all the time. It is too hot to do anything. In addition, it is easy for people to get hurt their skin under a severesevere sunlight.

severe 嚴酷的    sunlight 陽光之下

It’s too hot to do anything.

get-goint 快走(有人走到一半停下來,你要他繼續走,可這樣說 )

9. What kinds of animals or insects do you like best? Describe it as much as you can.

• I like lions very much. On the one handOn the one hand, they are the most powerful animals on the ground. They are also also the smartest predators in the plain.

Predators 獵食者 On the one hand 對應 on the other hand

10. What did you do on weekend?

• I wentwent to the movies last weekendlast weekend.• I slept all day on weekend.• I was food shopping at the supermarket. at this time on weekend.

11. Do you think any places where people are not allowed to smoke?

• People are not allowed to smoke in my home.

Metro Express 地鐵 Playground 遊樂場 Gas station 加油站

Things we eat我 們 吃 的 食 物

• Cocoa• Coffee• Coke• Juice• Milk• Soft drink• Tea• Tea with ice• water

• Beer• Wine • Sweets 糖果• Soup• Sauce• Salad• Ice-cream• Honey 蜂蜜• Jam 果醬

Breakfast lunch dinner sppper morning tea afternoon tea a cafeteria a restaurant a menu