Курсовой проект

Post on 03-Jan-2016

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Курсовой проект. Разработка урока по теме «Спорт и хобби» Составили: Амеличкина О.А. (СОШ №14) Верещагин И.Л. (Лицей №15) Шалдаманова Т.Л. (Лицей №3) г. Саров, 2013. Урок по теме. “ As many people as many hobbies” Учебник “Starlight” 10 класс. УМК “STARLIGHT 10”. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Курсовой проект

Курсовой проект

Разработка урока по теме «Спорт и хобби»

Составили:Амеличкина О.А. (СОШ №14)

Верещагин И.Л. (Лицей №15)

Шалдаманова Т.Л. (Лицей №3)

г. Саров, 2013

Урок по теме

“ As many people as many


Учебник “Starlight”10 класс


Девиз урока (на доске)

“ All work and no play makes John a dull boy “

Цели урока:


Совершенствование лексических навыков по теме «Спорт и хобби». Формирование умения выражения предпочтения в монологической и диалогической речи.


Знакомство с экстремальными видами спорта в англоговорящих странах.


Привитие понимания важности физической активности.


Развитие умения работать в парах, выполнять упражнения с функциональными опорами.


• Интерактивная доска

• Компьютер• Учебник “Starlight”• Диск с аудиокурсом к учебнику “Starlight”• Раздаточный материал


Ход урока:

Действия учителя

Ожидаемые ответы учащихся

You can see the proverb on the board. Can you translate it? What does the phrase mean? Do you agree with it?

I agree with the proverb. I think people should not only work but also do some activities just for fun in their free time.

1.Учитель начинает урок:

2.Предъявление темы урока:

• На интерактивной доске высвечивается серия картинок о различных хобби.

Учитель просит дать определения тому, что

делают люди на картинках.

Вопросы учителя

Ожидаемые ответы учащихся

What is he doing?

He is riding a motorbike.

What is the girl doing?

She is gardening…

2. С помощью языковой догадки

осуществляем выход на термин

“HOBBIES”и предъявляем

тему урока

Действия учителя Ожидаемые ответы учащихся

Some people like reading, some like swimming, skiing or surfing the net. How can we name all these activities?

They are hobbies

We all have different hobbies. As for me, my hobby is playing chess. And what about you?

My hobby is listening to music

I like playing computer games

So today we are going to have a talk about HOBBIES


Warming up –giving personal


• На интерактивной доске выводится материал упр.1стр.20• Учащиеся в парах делают упр. 1 • Рассказывают о собеседнике классу.

Ex.1 p.20

My name is... My dad/mum I’m ... years old. works as... .I live in ... . My favouriteI go to ... school. subjects

are ... .There are ... in my In my spare


Основная часть урока

4. Учитель возвращает серию картинок по теме


Действия учителя

Ожидаемые ответы учащихся

I see your hobbies are different, aren’t they? Look at the board and ex.2 p. 20.

Whose hobby is drawing?

Who likes surfing the net? …

It’s my hobby. (It’s mine)I like. (I do)

На интерактивной доске предъявляется список

выражений предпочтения из упр.3 стр.20

Likes Dislikes

I really likeI really enjoyI’m fond ofI’m keen on

I just hate I can’t standI find …boring/difficult, etc

Действия учителя Ожидаемые ответы учащихся

If you often do it you can say you like it, if you never do it you can say you don’t like it.

How else can you say that you like hanging out with friends? What words can we use instead of “LIKE”?

   I like it very much… (наиболее вероятно)I am crazy about it… (возможно)

How can you say that you don’t like some activities in other words?

I hate it (возможно)…

5. Используя аудиозапись, учащиеся выполняют упр. 2

стр.20 и заполняют пропуски.

Учитель проводит проверку понимания (ученики

зачитывают предложения)На интерактивной доске

предъявляется полная версия упражнения.

Ex. 2 p. 20

1. I really enjoy ... because we have a lot of fun together.

2. I like ... and ... because I’m a very active person.

3. I’m fond of ... and I often go with my dad to the lake.

4. I’m keen on ... and go regulary with my mum in the park.

5. I can’t stand ... . I don’t like my hands dirty.

6. I’m not keen on ... because I do it a lot at school.

7. I just hate ... . It’s so boring.8. I really enjoy ... . It’s interesting

and fun.USE: reading, hanging out with

friends, gardening, playing basketball, going jogging, swimming, surfing the internet, fishing, drawing.

6. Учитель просит высказать свое мнение

об отношении к предъявленным хобби в режимах T-P1,P2… и

Р1 – Р2, Р3-Р4… . (упр.3 стр.20)

Ход урока:

Вопросы учителя Ожидаемые ответы учащихся

• I am keen on gardening because it is relaxing but I can’t stand playing basketball because it’s hard for me. What about you?

• P1 - What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

• P2 - In my free time I enjoy playing football but I just hate swimming. What about you?

• P1 - In my free time I really like fishing but I can’t stand drawing


7. Учитель говорит об опасных видах спорта и дает установку на аудирование

Horse racing



Действия учителя Ожидаемые ответы учащихся

I see most of you prefer sports as a hobby. Can you tell why?

Because it’s good for health

It helps to keep fit… But sport can be not

only healthy, it can also be dangerous. Now listen to the text, look at ex 4 p21 and answer the questions.

Ученики садятся группами по 3-4 человека, слушают текст, заполняют пробелы и обсуждают вопросы в группах (P1-P2-P3…)

Упражнение выводится на интерактивную доску с пропусками. Учащиеся прослушивают текст дважды и зачитывают предложения. Затем выводится полный вариант текста и проверяется.

Ex. 4 p. 21 Both horse racing and motocross are challenging sports. 1) ... horse racing can be a great 2) ..., it can also be quite dangerous. For example, if the horse falls, the jockey may 3) ... or injure their head.

Similarly, motocross could be dangerous if the rider 4) ... of the bike and crashes it. In spite of all the dangers, these sports require a 5) ... so they can help you stay 6) ... .

8. Физминутка - учитель проводит зарядку для глаз с помощью интерактив ной доски

9. Speaking TaskРабота с лексикой

раздела Useful Language (p 21)

• Слова предложены на интерактивной доске.

• Ученики читают и переводят их. (На интерактивной доске предъявляется перевод)

• На интерактивной доске выведены выражения предпочтения


• great form of exercise

• gives sense of freedom

• helps you get fit• very exciting• challenging/

adventurous• adrenaline rush• requires skill

Dangers• crash/ lose control• break leg/ injure

head/ get concussion

• fall from great height

• break arm/ leg• injure shoulder/



Действия учителя

Ожидаемые ответы учащихся

Would you like to take up horse racing? Why?

P1 - Yes, because it’s adrenaline rush and it is very exciting

P2 - No, because it is dangerous. You can fall and get concussion …

Would you prefer to take up motocross? And so on…


10.Учитель приступает к расширению темы

Действия учителя

Ожидаемые ответы учащихся

What other extreme sports do you know?

Sky diving (наиболее вероятно)

Parkour (возможно…)

… Thanks. Got

interested?? Now I’ve got some pieces of information about extreme sports in Australia for you to read and discuss.


11. Учитель раздает тексты о

четырех экстремальных видах спорта в


просматривают текст (Skimming)в

течение одной минуты.

1. KITE SURFINGWhat do they do? Surf on a surfboard attached to a power kite that can take them into the air. Kitesurfers have to learn to control both the surfboard and the kite at the same time and

perform tricks and turn while in the air.

Where do they do it? The Whitsunday Islands, 75 tropical islands between the mainland and the Great Barrier

Reef, are ideal for beginner kitesurfers thanks to the warm flat

water that surrounds them. The islands have become such a popular destination that Whiteheaven Beach there is now known as Kiteheaven

Beach!Danger rating: 3/5

2. FREESTYLE MOTOCROSSWhat do they do? Perform stunts on

special light, powerful off-road bikes. Using ramps, riders can jump over

obstacles up to 35 m. While in the air they perform special moves such as

the “whip” (turning the bike sideways in the air), the “superman” (kicking

their legs out behind them and flying parallel to the bike) and the “cliff

hanger” (fixing their feet under the handlebars and releasing their hands. Where do they do it? There will be a whole day of motocross at the Planet

X Summer Games in Sidney this November-the thrill-seekers’ Olympics

Danger rating: 4/5

3. STREET LUGE What do they do? Lie on their backs on

large skateboards only 4cms from ground, travelling on the road at

speeds of nearly 130kph. The boards are specially built to fit each rider, who

must wear a leather suit and a full motorbike helmet. Riders use their feet

as brakes. Roads are closed for competitions, but not for practice

sessions, so a car always follows each luger in case of accidents.

Where do they do it? Melbourne has lots of clubs that practice most

Saturdays. See our message board for details.

Danger rating: 4/5

4. BASE JUMPINGWhat do they do? Jump off tall structures (BASE – buildings,

antennae, span (bridges),earth) and land with a parachute. To begin base

jumping you have to always be a competent skydiver with experience

of 150 parachute jumps. Base jumping has a controversial reputation.

Jumpers have a 95% chance of ending up in hospital at some points at their

career. The sport is even illegal in some countries, including the USA. Where do they do it? Anywhere

(often illegally)! Frenchman’s Cap in Tasmania (a 340m high cliff) is a

popular spot. Danger rating: 5/5

12. На интерактивной

доске предъявляется

список вопросов для проверки

понимания текста.

Вопросы учителя Ожидаемые ответы учащихся

Which of the sports is the most dangerous?

Sky diving (наиболее вероятно)

Parkour (возможно…) …

Which of the sports can be practiced in the street?

Street luge

Which of the sports needs you to control two pieces of equipment together?

Kite surfing

Which of the sports needs you to have experience of parachuting?

Base jumping

Which of the sports has a special move called “the superman”?

Freestyle motocross

Which of the sports is practiced around tropical islands?

Kite surfing

13.Учитель подводит итоги урока

I really like

I am fond of

I am keen on

I find boring

I just hate

I can’t stand

На интерактивной доске предъявляется график предпочтений

Действия учителя Ожидаемые ответы учащихся

What have you learnt at the lesson today?

We have learnt about hobbies and extreme sports

Can you tell if you like or dislike some activities?


So, today we have discussed some hobbies. We’ve learned about some extreme sports. I think now you are able to tell how much you like or don’t like different activities and why. Use the words on the blackboard and make up some sentences.

I can’t stand drawing because it is boring

I quite like base jumping because it is a great adrenaline rush.

and so on

14.Учитель дает домашнее задание:

1. Give a talk on extreme sports according to the plan:• What are the possible benefits

of extreme sports?• What are the possible dangers,

with examples?• Would you like to do extreme

sports and why?• What do you think about

extreme sports compared to other sports?

2. Use the vocabulary and linking words from ex 5 p 21.

Thank you for your attention!