الماس ملی ÷پورتر

Post on 11-Nov-2014

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چرا بعضی از کشورها در رقابت بین المللی موفقتر هستند؟

Transcript of الماس ملی ÷پورتر

چرا برخی كشورها در

رقابت بين الملل از ديگر کشورها

موفق ترند؟دارای میفرمایید مشاهده حاضر حال در که پوینتی 48پاور

تعداد که میباشد بقیه 15صفحه و بوده مطلب فهم برای صفحه. است بیشتر درک برای مثالهایی صفحات

دانلو=د اینترنت از انگلیسی بزبان و آماده بصورت پاورپوینت اینزرد رنگ با که مطالبی کردن اضافه با تنها و تغییر بدون و شده

میگردد ارایه اند شده .مشخص

Porter’s National Diamond‘Competitive Advantage of Nations’


Porter conducted a comprehensive study on 10 leading nations to learn what leads to competitive advantage to nation’s.

• United States• Germany • Italy• Sweden• United Kingdom

• Japan• Korea• Denmark• Singapore• Switzerland

Competitive Advantage of Nation’s

• Factor Endowments طبیعی و ذاتی تواناییهای و قابلیتها• Demand conditions تقاضا شرایط• Related and supporting industries پشتیبان و مرتبط صنایع• Firm Strategy, Structure and Rivalry ساختار و شرکت استراتژی


* Popularly referred to as “Porter’s Diamond”

Michael Porter* describes four keys to a nation’s competitive advantage in relation to other countries

Porter’s DiamondDeterminants of National Competitive Advantage

Factor Endowments

Firm Strategy,Structure and


Demand Conditions

Related and Supporting Industries



Combined Impact

Combined Impact

های ) قابلیت تولید عوامل و فاکتورها: محیطی(

اساسی • و ای پایه شناسی: فاکتورهای جمعیت و مکان هوا؛ و آب طبیعی؛ امکاناتپیشرفته : • پژوهشی عوامل امکانات و تسهیالت ماهر؛ کار نیروی ارتباطی؛ زیرساخت

• . بایستی فاکتورها این میکند فراهم ر=ا اولیه مزیتهای تنها پایه فاکتورهای. شوند پشتیبانی پیشرفته فاکتورهای ی و ) بوسیله عراق و ایران در شاید مثال

شده فراهم نمیرسد بنظر هنوز پیشرفته عوامل اما باشد موجود پایه فاکتورهای افغانستانباشد.(

• . تولید آنها گردید مواجه کار نیروی کمبود با که بود کشوری نخستین سویسپیش در را خالقانه ساعتهای تولید عوض در و گذاشته کنار کارگربر ساعتهای

گرفت=.• . محدودیت= این با مقابله برای دارد باالیی نرخ ژاپن در زمین محدودیت بعلت=

تکنیک از ها .JITژاپنی کردند استفادههزینه • و کوتاه ساز و ساخت فصل که است ای بگونه سوید در جویی شرایط

. پیش های خانه نوآوری گیری شکل موجب= مسئله دو این است باال آن های. شد ساخته

• . مکان تامین با کشور این است= جهان کشورهای س=ردترین از یکی ایسلندسرمای از ر=ایگان به کشورها سایر سرورهای گرفتن قرار جهت مناسب

. مینماید استفاده سرورها کردن خنک برای کشور

تقاضا : شرایط•. میکند بازی رقابت در مهمی نقش کننده تولید کشور در محلی تقاضای•. شود درک= مشتریان های خواسته و نیازها بهتر میشود سببو • خالقیت وقوع علت و میدهد شکل= را تولید محلی؛ های مشخ=صه

. شد خواهد کیفیت ارتقای

•. رسید شکوفایی به دوم جهانی جنگ= از بعد ایتالیا سرامیک صنایع• .) گرفت ) رونق ترکاند جنگ از بعد خانه ساز و BOOMساختخواهان • منطقه؛ گرم هوای و آب وضعیت سبب به کنندگان مصرف=

. بودند سرد کفهایی

دوربین • ساخت صنعت برداری فیلم دوربینهای ژاپنی هوشمند خریداران. نمودند شدید رشد و خالقیت از ناچار را برداری فیلم

شراب • ی خبره کنندگان مصرف= فرانسویان= ف=رانس=ه؛ سازی شراب صنایعمحصولی. کنندگان تولید که شد سبب کنندگان مصرف این فشار هستند

. نمایند تولید تر کیفیت با

: پشتیبان و مرتبط صنایعکنندگان • تامین ی بوسیله شرکتها پیشین گذاری سرمایه منافع

. باشد آفرین جهش میتواند صنایع با Spill Overمرتبطرقابتی • جایگاه به دستیابی سبب صنعت؛ حامی های خوشه خلق

. شد خواهد الملل بین سطح در مستحکم

• ) موجود ) دندان مینای جایگزین مستحکم ی الیه انامل تولید صنایع) ایتالیا.) در بود

•. بود توجه مورد لعاب تولید•. هستند کاشی تولید اساس و پایه دو این

با • تنگاتنگی ارتباطات که است موفق داروسازی صنایع در سو=یس. دارد سازی رنگ صنایع در کشور این موفقیت

: رقابت پذيري و ساختار استراتژي،•. است موفقیت کننده تعیین عامل موسسه مدت طوالنی استراتژی•. است مشخصه چهار الزمه پایدار رقابتی مزیت و توسعه برای شرکتها توانایی•. میشود شرکت پذیری رقابت قابلیت ارتقای سبب محلی رقابت وجود

•. است کاشی صنایع بازار مانع پایین ورودی•. میشود متراکم بسیار پذیری رقابت•. تکنولوژیها فرایند و محصول در شکاف

•. است اولویت در کارخانه فضای بنابراین و بود باال ژاپن در زمین قیمتانبارداری • تکنولوژی به هدایت سبب موضوع .) JITاین ژاپنی صنایع گردید

محصوالت کردن انبار و دپو به نمیتوانند فضا؛ محدودیت بسبب نمیتوانند). نمود خواهند تولید به اقدام نیاز صورت در بنابراین بپردازند

•. بخشیدند بهبود را انبارداری سنتی تکنیکهای آنها

شانس - دولتاز • را صنعت ساختار میتواند مهم؛ ابتکارات مانند شانسی اتفاقات

. دهد شکل نوملی – – • مزایای بهبود یا کاهش سبب میتواند سیاستها دولت

شود.•. شود تقاضا شرایط تغییر سبب میتواند مقرراتتغییر • را محیطی عوامل میتواند آموزش در دولت گذاری سرمایه


سال • صفحه – 1991در واردات روی متحده ایاالت دولت.LCDنمایشهای ) نمود ) وضع متفاوتی مالیات تعرفه ژاپنی

.Apple , IBMشرکت • نمایند می اعتراض بشدتتولید- • . LCDژاپن قیمت ارزاننمایش • صفحات - LCDافزایش بازار سهم کاهش جهانی بازار در تاپ لپ نیز و

از • را محصوالتی بایستی کشورهارا الماس وجه چهار که صنایعی

. نمایند صادر میکنند؛ تامین

که • نواحی آن در واردات که حالی در. میگیرد صورت نیستند مطلوب

الماس مدل انتقاداتپورتر

جزء • چهار هر روی میتواند دولت. باشد موثر الماس

روی • را خود پژوهش پورترتمامشان که داد انجام کشورهایی

. بودند یافته توسعه اقتصاد دارای

الماس مجازی مربوط به کشور هند در نرم افزار)توجه :خطوط به صورت خط چین نشان دهنده اثرمتقابل کمتر هستند(

دانشگاه یک الماس مدل

• Analysis of Korea’s Competitive Advantage with Michael E. Porter's Diamond Framework

• Korea - New developed countries - Information and Telecommunication.


• Korean Government- continuous effort - Improvement in IT infrastructure, - Facilitating the usage of information technology, - Favorable environment for development of IT industry

• Over 90% of nation area is wired with broadband internet network

• IT workforce in Korea accounted for 447,000 (2.1% of total workforce).

• Overall level of education in Korea is relatively high

• Korean government support educational institutions related to IT skills

• Supply of quality of IT workforce is expected to increased.

• DaeDeok Valley- an important IT cluster -Attracts foreign investment

• Several joint research and development projects with well-known foreign companies and universities.

• Through export of CDMA technology- solid network among the south Asian nations is established.

• High computing and Internet penetration rate since 1998.

• Large user base of Internet - sophisticated internet usage

• IT effectively used - individual level, Business & government sectors

• The competitive market situation - Forcing market players - higher quality service at cheaper rate to users.

• Korean government’s effort to develop IT industry - Privatization and Market Deregulation in Telecommunication market.

• Encouraged fair market competition in Telecommunication market Resulting in lower price ,better quality, better service and created

favorable business environments for business.

• E-commerce exceeded 45 billion USD and

• Projected a growth rate of 9% per year.


• Korea has secured leading position in semiconductor market especially for DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory) - DDR RAM and SD RAM

• Cheap and Quality Hardware production units available.

• IT Enabled Services like BPOs and KPOs – Yantram Solutions

• Korea ranks itself in top manufacture in LCD and Mobile phone, example – LG group, Samsung group, Doosan Group, DiaBell.

• Korea - the leading position in IT related production


• The proactive effort - R&D and market expansion, as well as government support are expected.

• Korean government plans to extend its financial support for R&D especially in 10 core technologies

• Initiated several huge project with private sectors


• Korea - favorable business environments - Quick registration process,- Lower entry barriers in IT industry, - Lower cost using telecommunication infrastructure, - Diverse capital resources - Government supports

• These activities result in huge number of small, medium-sized venture company in IT industry

• And Hence it leads to severe domestic rivalry because of market competition.

• Encourages the continuous development of Innovative technology and improvement of business models in business sectors.



• Tool for benchmarking country strengths & Weaknesses.

• Professor Jeffery Sachs introduced it in 2000.• Country rank depends on 12 parameters.


• Institutions : Provide the framework within which individuals, firms & Government interact to generate wealth in the economy.

• Infrastructure: Transportation, Communication network.

• Macroeconomic stability: Inflation, Interest rate, Fiscal deficit.

• Health and Primary Education

• Higher education and training

• Good market efficiency: Healthy market competition

• Labor Market Efficiency: Labors are allocated to most efficient use in the economy.

• Financial Market sophistication: To allocate resources to most productive uses.

• Technological readiness: Ability to which an economy adopts existing technologies to enhance the productivity.

• Market size: Demand of the country’s goods and services.

• Business sophistication: means quality of country’s overall business networks as well as the quality of a individuals firms’ operations & strategies.

• Technological Innovation: sufficient investment ion R&D.

Country Rank(2008) GCI Score (2008) GCI rank (2007)

US 1 5.74 1

Switzerland 2 5.61 2

Denmark 3 5.58 3

Singapore 5 5.53 7

Japan 9 5.38 8

France 16 5.22 18

China 30 4.7 34

India 50 4.33 48

Brazil 64 4.13 72


• Basic requirements Sub Index : Institutions, Infrastructure, Macroeconomic stability, Health and primary education

• Efficiency enhancers sub index: Higher education and training, Good market efficiency, Labor market efficiency, Financial market sophistication, Technological readiness, Market size.

• Innovation sub index : Business sophistication, Technological Innovation

Factor driven Stage(%)

Efficiency driven stage(%)

Innovation driven stage (%)

Pillar group

Basic requirements

60 40 20

Efficiency Enhancers

35 50 50

Innovation factors 5 10 30



GDP Per CapitaShare of primary Export to Total Export(%)

Stage of development GDP per capita (USD)

Stage 1: Factor driven <2000

Transition stage 2000-3000

Stage 2: Efficiency driven 3000-9000

Transition stage 9000-17000

Stage 3: Innovation driven >17000




Basic requirements sub indexInstitution-25% Public institution-75% Private institution -25%Infrastructure-25%Macroeconomic stability-25%Health and Primary education-25%


• Higher education, training-17%• Goods and market efficient- 17% Competition-67% Quality of demand condition-33%• Labor market efficiency-17%• Financial market Sophistication-17%• Technological readiness-17%• Market size-17% Domestic-75% Foreign-25%

Innovation SubindexBusiness Sophistication-50%Innovation-50%

• Rate each country on each factor on the scale of 1-7. 1 indicates worst, 7 indicates best

• For instance, Inflation rate between 0.5% to 2.9% get 7 points.

• Sample minimum is lowest country score in the Sample of countries under study

• Sample maximum is highest country score.

Competitive advantage of telecommunication sector of India

• Government• Factor condition• Firm structure ,strategy and rivalry• Related and supported industry• Demand condition

Government• Government full support through reform process• Policies are in place to safeguard the interest of service

provider as well those of consumerExample:-1) Government id promoting telecom manufacturing by

providing Tax sop and establishing telecom SEZ2) Liberal foreign investment Regime: FDI limit increased

from 49% to 74% ,rural telecom equipment also open to large investments

3) Auction of 3G Spectrum by inviting bids 4) To safeguard consumer DOT established TRAI,TDSAT5) Unified access licensing regime was established

6) Number portability was proposed and still pending

7) Unified access licensing regime was established6) Number portability was proposed and still pending7) Universal service obligation(USO) 8) Total FDI US$3892.19mn(1991-2007) ,3rd largest sector to attract FDI9) 100% FDI is permitted through automatic route in telecom equipment manufacturing.10) Foreign telecom companies can bid for 3G without partnering local service provider.

Factor condition• Presence of skilled and talented labor pool• Rapidly developing robust telecom infrastructure• Increasing disposable income of consumer• Increasing demand due to changing lifestyle and

growing attraction for mobile with new features• Low labor cost • Country emerged as major R&D hubExample:- (1) it is estimated working age population is expected to

rise by 83% by 2026. (2) Nokia which has set up its manufacturing operation

in India considering long term sustainable demand for mobile telephony

Demand condition• India has a large middle class of 300 mn• Growing affordability and life free schemes have

created the market at the bottom of the pyramid• Country increasing population and Low

teledensity of 19%• Export opportunities and ensure India as a

manufacturing hub for Asia Pacific• Huge rural population yet to be tapped(close to

100 mn come from rural area)Example:(1) India's upper middle class spends 6% of their

earning on telecom services(2) ARPU for GSM user is 6.6$ per month

Firm structure, strategy and rivalry• Series of reform opened up the economy as a result

Intensive competition in the country pop up which has made it possible for service providers to offer service at low fare[number of operator in circle have increased to 5-6 ]

• Saturation in urban market so capitalizing on value added service will enable service provider to increase ARPU

• Many new handset have been launched.• Merger & acquisition strategy is being followed by the

service provider in expanding their reach.• Business alliance:-to improve cost and quality

company outsource non core activities. ex-airtel alliance with Eriksson

• Rural penetration:- BSNL is developing infrastructure in rural area to increase its customer base.

Low cost strategy:-to increase customer base and retain them many service provider adhere to this service

Rapid innovation:-company launches new handset in the market by developing set with new features.Attractive designing:-this strategy is used by motorola and established a distinct identity in the market

Competitive pricing strategy:-Motorola come up with this strategy and aims at connecting the unconnected to penetrate the market with competitive pricingExample:-(1)providing services at low fair have been possible due to infrastructure sharing (significant reduction in set up cost , low operating cost , faster roll out of service)(2) Currently private participation is permitted in all segment of the telecom industry including international long distance, domestic long distance, internet etc.(3) vodafone-hutchison telecom international

Related and supported industry

• Competent handset manufactures have produced the low price handset for the Indian market and India has low manufacturing cost

• Handset manufactures are setting up manufacturing bases in India for better operation management .[handset manufacturing market is likely to touch US $ 7 bn by 2010]

• Many telecom and equipment and software companies are based in India like nokia ,Samsung and telecom equipment market stood at us $17100 million.

• Network infrastructure companies like alcatel-lucent, cisco, Eriksson.

• Telecom solution provider :tech mahindra,IBM etc

Network infrastructure companies like alcatel- lucent, Cisco, Eriksson.

Telecom solution provider :tech Mahindra, IBM etc

Conclusions• The diamond of national advantage makes sense

as a means of understanding global economic success.

• Domestic success does prepare companies to compete globally.

• Major European and an increasing number of Asian countries are capable of competing on a global basis.

• The global marketplace is only going to get tougher based on more, tougher competitors.

• The diamond can help to anticipate and understand new competitors.