百事公司是全球最大的食品和饮料公司之一。 2010 年销售收入近 600...

Post on 31-Dec-2015

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PepsiCo Foods Greater China Region 百事食品在中国. PepsiCo is one of the largest food and beverage companies in the world, with annualized revenues of nearly USD 60 billion in 2010. We employ approximately 285,000 people worldwide, and our products are sold in some 200 countries across the globe. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of 百事公司是全球最大的食品和饮料公司之一。 2010 年销售收入近 600...

2023年4月19日 1

百事公司是全球最大的食品和饮料公司之一。 2010 年销售收入近 600 亿美元。我们在全球雇有员工约 285,000 人,业务范围遍及世界上近 200 个国家。

百事食品于 1993 年进去中国。现如今在华的食品业务已经发展到 5 家生产厂和 8 个农场。在中国农业开发领域的投资已经超过了 2 亿元人民币,成为中国最大的农业企业之一。目前百事中国农场的马铃薯平均产量为每公顷 45 吨,位居世界前列。




PepsiCo is one of the largest food and beverage companies in the world, with annualized revenues of nearly USD 60 billion in 2010. We employ approximately 285,000 people worldwide, and our products are sold in some 200 countries across the globe.

In 1993, PepsiCo Foods entered China Market. Today its operations have grown to 5 plants and 8 farms. PepsiCo has now become one of the largest farming enterprises in China, investing more than RMB 200 million in agriculture-related development. PepsiCo potato farms in China yield 45 tons per hectare, among the highest yields in the world.

PepsiCo Foods Principal brands include: Lay’s ( Nature potato chips, Lay’s STAX, Grain chips, L.K.C, Multi grain), Quaker, Cheetos, etc.

In PepsiCo, we are committed to delivering sustained growth through empowered people acting responsibly and building trust.

In PepsiCo, our responsibility is to continually improve all aspects of the world in which we operate - environment, social, economic, creating a better tomorrow than today.

PepsiCo Foods Greater China Region 百事食品在中国

2023年4月19日 2

Foods Trainee Program 食品培训生计划

Our program is designed to attract talents who will be developed to frontline manager within 2 years.We designed comprehensive rotation plan, evaluation detail and fixed mentoring.You will undergo an intensive program that combines challenging work assignments, self-study coursework, format training and performance evaluation.You will be challenged, developed and succeed in this Fortune 500 leading company.我们希望吸引优秀的人才,通过两年的时间,将您培养成为百事食品一线经理人。我们制定详细的轮岗计划、评估细则,及定期与导师的面谈。您将接受全方位的见习、自学、培训和绩效评估。您将在 500 强的领袖型企业中,挑战自我,磨练自我,成就自我。

Our Program我们的计划

Your are expected to have dream, along with steady pursuit you will take your first step to professional career.You are expected to drive forward, insist your belief in front of challenges & go up-stream.我们期望您怀揣梦想,带着不变的追求迈向您职场的第一步。我们期望您勇往直前,在挑战与困难面前坚持自我,逆流而上。

Our Expectation我们的期望

Integrity & Trust 诚实守信 Conflict Management 冲突管理Motivating Others 鼓舞他人 Self Development 自我发展

We are looking for the excellent talents in the field of Sales and Operations.我们要寻找的是销售和营运领域的卓越人才 .

Our Requirement我们的要求