ЗАДАНИЕ 109 - СПбГАСУ · The two general types of foundations are shallow bearing...

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Transcript of ЗАДАНИЕ 109 - СПбГАСУ · The two general types of foundations are shallow bearing...

Федеральное агентство по образованиюСанкт-Петербургский государственныйархитектурно-строительный университет

Кафедра иностранных языков


по английскому языку для студентов I курсаспециальностей 270102 – промышленное и гражданское строительство,

270106 – производство строительных материалов, изделий и конструкций,270114 – проектирование зданий.



Данное задание является элементом комплекса учебно-методических мате-риалов для курса обучения студентов строительных специальностей английскомуязыку. Комплекс включает в себя:

• учебные задания по каждому из четырёх семестров обучения,• краткий справочник по грамматике английского языка,• сборник тестов для промежуточного контроля качества овладения студента-ми учебного материала.

Задание состоит из 12 уроков. Каждый урок включает:• основной текст А для самостоятельного перевода со словарём,• вспомогательный текст В для аудиторного перевода без словаря,• вспомогательный текст С для домашнего чтения (в уроках 4, 8, 12),• набор лексических, грамматических и фонологических упражнений.Фонологическая задача пособия – выработка навыков фонологически пра-

вильной речи, что подразумевает знание фонетической транскрипции и навыкипользования словарём.

Лексическая задача пособия – овладение минимально-необходимым на-бором общеупотребительной и терминологической лексики по строительной спе-циальности.

На основе частотной дифференциации лексического материала текстов былвыделен список высокочастотной лексики и список низкочастотной лексики. Вы-сокочастотная лексика широко использована во всех типах тренировочных и кон-трольных заданий. Низкочастотная лексика (1-2 употребления на весь текстовойматериал) дана в виде примечания к тексту с переводом на русский язык. В упраж-нениях и заданиях она также даётся с переводом. Исключение составляют толькофонологические упражнения.

Новая лексика по текстам А и В дается в лексическом упражнении № 1к соответствующему тексту. Новая лексика по текстам С в основном содержитсяв следующим за ним задании. Лексический состав упражнений определяется той,и только той, лексикой, которая уже была представлена в изученных на данныймомент текстах.

Новая терминологическая лексика дана в словарном минимуме с указаниемтекста, в котором она впервые использована.

Грамматическая задача пособия – овладение знаниями грамматики необ-ходимыми для перевода текстов по специальности и навыками правильного изло-жения их содержания в ответах на вопросы.

Важнейшим принципом работы с грамматикой на первом курсе являетсяпоследовательное повышение сложности грамматической составляющей текстов.Для снятия трудностей, вызванных незнанием правил грамматики, которые необ-

Рецензенты: доцент Л. Н. Борисова,канд. филол. наук, доцент С. М. Журкина

Задание № 109 по английскому языку для студентов I курса спец. 270102 –промышленное и гражданское строительство, 270106 – производство строительныхматериалов, изделий и конструкций, 270114 – проектирование зданий / СПб гос.архит.-строит. ун-т; Сост.: А. С. Глебовский, Т. А. Денисова; Под ред. канд. филол.наук, доцент А. С. Глебовского. – СПб., 2007. – 95 с.

Задание предназначено для аудиторного чтения для студентов I курса (осенний семестр)по специальностям 270102 – промышленное и гражданское строительство, 270106 –производство строительных материалов, изделий и конструкций, 270114 – проектированиезданий. Задание составлено на основе оригинальных англоязычных текстов по вопросамстроительства зданий.

Цель задания - развитие у студентов знаний и навыков, необходимых для полученияинформации в сфере их профессиональной деятельности. Задачи пособия:

• выработка навыков фонологически правильной речи,• овладение грамматикой английского языка, необходимой для понимания текстов по

специальности,• овладение словарным минимумом по специальности.Задание состоит из 12 уроков. Каждый урок включает два текста из оригинальной

литературы и набор лексических, грамматических и фонетических упражнений к ним. Каждыйчетвёртый урок содержит, кроме того, текст для домашнего чтения.

Помимо учебных заданий пособие включает: описание знаков транскрипции, словарныйминимум по специальности, поурочный список грамматических тем и список использованнойлитературы.


ходимы для правильного перевода текстов, они подвергались обработке. Напри-мер, в текстах, предшествующих изучению пассивного залога, было исключеноиспользование подобных конструкций. Грамматические явления не представляю-щие трудности при переводе, например, инфинитив в функции части сказуемого,могут встречаться в текстах задолго до изучения темы Инфинитив.

Список грамматических тем, которые отрабатываются в каждом уроке данв конце задания.



Урок 2.1 ........................................................................................................................ 4

Урок 2.2 ...................................................................................................................... 10

Урок 2.3 ...................................................................................................................... 16

Урок 2.4 ...................................................................................................................... 22

Урок 2.5 ...................................................................................................................... 30

Урок 2.6 ...................................................................................................................... 36

Урок 2.7 ...................................................................................................................... 42

Урок 2.8 ...................................................................................................................... 48

Урок 2.9 ...................................................................................................................... 57

Урок 2.10 .................................................................................................................... 62

Урок 2.11 .................................................................................................................... 68

Урок 2.12 .................................................................................................................... 74

Знаки фонетической транскрипции ………………………..…………………… . 81

Словарный минимум строительных терминов …………..…………………….. . 83

Распределение грамматических тем по урокам …………..…………………….. .93

Библиография …………………………………………………..…………………. 95

2 3

Урок 2.1Фонетическое задание

Прочитайте транскрипцию в списке A, соотнесите её с соответствующимсловом из списка B и переведите слово на русский язык. Учтите, что не все словасписка В даны в списке А.

A [pIq]; ['strRtqm]; ['SxlqV]; ['xdIkwIt]; ['mIqlI]; ['jHtIlaIz]; ['neICq]; [flqVt];

['ekskqveIt]; [In'tWnl]; ['beqrIN]; ['trxnsfW]; ['nesIsqrI]; [faVn'deISqn]

B excavate shallow boring utilize

necessary internal foundation merely

shadow pie nature merrily

float bearing necessitate pier

stratum flirt transfer adequate

Текст A


Foundations are elements that affect a transition between the building and theground. There are three general areas of importance in foundation design.

1. The nature of the structure that must be supported.2. The nature of the ground.3. The structural actions of foundation elements, involving internal stressesand strains and the means by which they achieve the transfer of loads to the ground.Most foundations consist of some elements of concrete, because of the relative

cost of the material and its high resistance to water, rot, etc. The two general types offoundations are shallow bearing foundations and deep foundations. With shallowfounda­tions load transfer occurs near the bottom of the building; with deep foundationsit involves soil strata at some distance below the building.

The most common types of shallow foundations are wall and column footings,consisting of concrete strips and pads that are poured directly on the ground directlysupporting structural elements of the building. Sometimes several structural elements ofthe building may be supported by a single large footing. Such a foundation does literallyfloat on the soil and is called a raft.

If the soil at the bottom of the building is not adequate for the load transfers, itbecomes necessary to utilize the resistance of lower soil strata. In this case builders have

to go all the way down to bedrock, or merely to some more desirable soil layer. In orderto accomplish this, the building is simply placed on stilts, or tall legs, in the ground. Thetwo basic types of elements that are used for this are piles and piers. Piles are elementsthat are driven into the ground. Piers are shafts that are excavated and then filled withconcrete.

Notes:excavate v. рыть, копатьliterally adv. буквальноrot n. гниение, гниль

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту

1. What are foundations?2. What are the main important factors in foundation design?3. What is the most common material in foundations?4. What is the difference between shallow bearing foundations and deep

foundations?5. What are the most common types of shallow foundations?6. What is a raft?7. When do builders utilize the resistance of lower soil strata?8. What do they do in this case?9. What do we call “piles” and “piers”?10. Where are piles and piers used?

Лексические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведённые ниже слова. Ка-кие из перечисленных слов могут быть другими частями речи? Какими именно?Как они в этом случае переводятся на русский язык?

pad (n.), bearing foundation, pile (n.), float (v.), utilize (v.), deep foundation, shallowfoundation, internal (adj.), stratum (n.), distance (n.), bearing (n.), strip (n.), columnfooting, raft (n.), leg (n.), shaft (n.), wall footing, drive (v.), pier (n.), transition (n.),bedrock (n.), stilt (n.), structural action, transfer (n.), footing (n.).

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие слова на английский язык:

природа, характер; конструкция; грунт (2); тип; устойчивость; область, сфера;усилие, сила; деформация, напряжение; основание; слой, пласт; стоимость;

иметь место, случаться; состоять (из); достичь, получить; поддерживать; влиятьна; использовать; добиваться чего-либо; включать в себя; становиться; отливать,бетонировать;

4 5

глубокий; достаточный; просто; непосредственно, прямо; обычный; только;основной (2); желательный; необходимый; несколько; высокий;

затем; который; это; для того чтобы; для; такой; иногда; между; из-за; и т.д.; рядомс; под, ниже.

Упражнение 3. Найдите в тексте термины, связанные с фундаментом: егоназначением, типами и особенностями этих типов. Перечислите их и дайте пере-вод на русский язык.

Упражнение 4. Какие из указанных переводов слов являются ошибочными.Укажите правильный перевод.

erect temporary coating exist means relative importance load

возведение временный покрытие существовать средство относительный необходимость нагрузка

elevation support main flexibility reinforcement curve slab humidity

фасад опора важность гибкость армирование закругление плита влажность

Упражнение 5. Дайте синонимы следующих слов:

accomplish build possess

transmission affect general

occur several adequate

utilize merely place v.

Грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения, определите форму ифункцию причастия I.

1. Wall and column footings, consisting of concrete strips are the most common types ofshallow foundations.

2. Concrete strips are poured directly on the ground supporting structural elements ofthe building.

3. Stresses acting on the cross-sectional area parallel to the direction of the force arecalled shear unit stresses.

4. The supporting members are glued-laminated timbers.5. A steel rod having a cross section 0.5 in2 can carry more than 40 men.6. Foundations are elements affecting a transition between the building and the ground.7. Builders producing concrete can pump, or spray it into all kinds of shapes.

8. Glass is a strong material in compression providing its full strength in tension.9. A film or coating is usually applied to a fabric improving its properties.10. Construction work in cast-in-place concrete may start almost immediately giving

faster completion times.

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие предложения. Определите времяи залог сказуемого.

1. Most foundations consist of some elements of concrete.2. The two fundamental types of foundations were bearing foundations and deep

foundations.3. When not bearing on rock, piers are usually made wider at their ends.4. Shallow foundation for the house is being built now.5. Its mechanical properties are altered by the ground water.6. Their strength will have been achieved by the end of the work.7. The Romans used their hydraulic concrete to place very heavy foundations.8. They are generally produced as sheet, partly because they can be easily changed in

shape.9. By that time the foundation will have been built.10. In this way tall structures have been successfully built.

Упражнение 3. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание намодальные глаголы и их заменители.

1. Occasionally, several structural elements of the building may be supported by asingle large footing.

2. Cast-in-place reinforced concrete is able to be applied to non-standard areas andshapes.

3. In order to obtain good strength and durability in the long term, concrete must beallowed to cure.

4. After it is placed in its final position, no wet concrete should be at a temperatureless than 5°C or 40°F.

5. This period of time is necessary because concrete should gain sufficient strengthbefore it has to support itself.

6. A thin wall is difficult to concrete if it must be cast vertically because the concretehas to be placed in the narrow opening at the top of the form.

7. These laminations can be used straight in columns or beams and can be bent toform arches.

8. This may require going all the way down to bedrock.9. Wall footings are to consist of concrete strips and pads poured directly on the ground.10. Piles may also be simply driven until their surfaces develop sufficient skin friction

with the soil.

6 7

Упражнение 4. Переведите следующие предложения, определите функцию “it”.

1. Engineers don’t design to stress a material to the point where it will fail.2. We obtained unit stress by dividing the force by the area on which it acts and

show it as pounds per square inch.3. It is important to know the nature of the ground.4. It is a mixture of limestone and clay.5. Sometimes it becomes necessary to utilize the strength of the bedrock.6. Concrete has many characteristics that make it a constructional material.


Structures are built on the ground, either directly on rock at or near the surface oron soil lying over rock at some depth. Foundations on soil usually settle to some extent,and builders must ensure that this settle­ment is uniform and small. Differential settlingof the various parts of the structure results in cracking and damage of the fabric.

In the simplest type of foundation on soil, the footing, the topsoil is removed anda layer of concrete a little wider than the wall or pier which it is to support is placed onthe ground. In ground of worse bearing quality the separate footings under the walls ofa building can be combined in order to form a single thicker and deeper raft foundation.Under a footing the pressure that is caused by the weight of the superstructure is spreadinto the soil under it, and the advantage of a raft is that the pressure is spread into a muchgreater volume and depth of ground than it is under a series of individual footings andthis reduces the settlement. The raft was developed by the Romans, who used theirhydraulic concrete when they placed very heavy foundations, of this type. Modern raftfoundations achieve their strength more from reinforce­ment than great thickness, andunder large buildings are often con­structed as a series of boxes in which the walls alsoserve as a basement.

Notes:differential settling неравномерная осадкаhydraulic concrete гидротехнический бетонtopsoil n. верхний слой почвы

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту

1. How are structures built on the ground?2. Who must ensure that settle­ment is uniform and small?3. What does differential settling results in?4. How is the simplest type of foundation made?5. How is the foundation made in ground of worse bearing quality?6. Who was the raft developed by?7. What are the characteristics of modern foundations?

Грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Найдите в первом абзаце текста причастие I. Определите егофункцию и переведите на русский язык.

Упражнение 2. Какие времена использованы в тексте?Упражнение 3. Найдите в тексте модальные глаголы и их заменители.

Переведите их на русский язык.

Лексические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведённые ниже слова. ЕслиВы не знаете слово, найдите его в словаре. Выпишите из словаря то значение слова,в котором оно использовано в тексте.

series (n.), spread (v.), box (n.), superstructure (n.), settle­ment (n.), rock (n.), settle(v.),basement (n.), bear (v.), raft foundation.

Упражнение 2. Найдите перевод слов списка А в списке В.

A объём преимущество распределять(ся) уменьшать развивать прочность толщина также приводить к лежать

B quality damage remove a little also results in surface pier develop depth

A раздельный отдельный глубина один качество вертикальная опора убирать разрушение немного поверхность

B lie reduce volume individual strength separate spread advantage single thickness

Упражнение 3. Напишите предложения с каждым из перечисленных нижеслов:

base n - base v. - basement n.separate adj. - separate v.

8 9

Урок 2.2

Фонетическое задание

Прочитайте транскрипцию в списке A, соотнесите её с соответствующимсловом из списка B и переведите слово на русский язык. Учтите, что не все словасписка В даны в списке А.

A ["RkI'tekCqrql]; [kwaIt]; ['elIveIt]; ['lxtqrql]; [q"kjHmjV'leISqn]; ['relqtIvlI];

['xkCVqlI]; [pq'tenSql]; [dI'skraIb]; [bI'lqV]; [sOIl]; [kqn'sIdqrqbql]; [Ig'zWt];


B quite considerable architectural due

believe elevate sole lateral

accumulation describe exert accommodation

exit actually below relatively

quiet soil potential discord

Текст A


1. footing for free-standing wall 2. combined footing 3. shear wall footing 4. combined footing for closely spaced columns 5. rectangular footing 6. basement wall

7. basement wall 8. footing for stairs, etc. 9. wall footing 10. footing for free-standing wall 11. footing for column in wall


Shallow foundation is the term usually used when the type or foundation thattrans­fers vertical loads by direct bearing on soil strata close to the bottom of the buildingand a relatively short distance below the ground surface is described. There are threebasic forms of shallow foundations: the continuous, strip, wall footing; the individualcolumn or pier footing; and the mat or raft foundation. Figure 1 shows a number ofelements generally used in bearing foundation systems.

Foundation walls are typically built of concrete or masonry. The structural andarchitectural functions of foundation walls vary, depending on the type of foundation,the size of the building, climate and soil conditions, and whether or not they form abasement.

With no basement the walls are not actually walls. A principal difference relatesto the construc­tion of the building floor, whether it consists of a framed structure elevatedabove the ground, or concrete placed directly on the ground.

When a basement is required foundation walls are usually quite high. In a half-basement the basement floor is only a short distance below grade and the part of thebasement wall above ground may be of different construc­tion than that extending intothe ground. If the basement floor is a significant distance below grade, major soil pressurewill be exerted horizontally against the outside of the wall. In such a case thewall will function as a spanning element supported laterally by the footing or the basementfloor at its lower end and by the building floor at its top. For buildings with multilevelbasements, walls may become quite massive due to the accumulation of vertical loadand the potential for considerable lateral soil pressure.

Notes:accumulation n. накоплениеcontinuous footing ленточный фундаментhalf-basement n. полуподвалmultilevel adj. многоуровневый, многоэтажныйpier footing столбчатый фундамент

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту

1. When is the term “shallow foundation” used?2. How many forms of shallow foundations do you know?3. What does figure 1 show?4. What are foundation walls?

10 11

5. How do the functions of foundation walls vary?6. What is the role of a basement?7. When is a basement required?8. What does the term “half-basement” mean?9. When will the wall function as a spanning element?10. Why may walls buildings with multilevel basements become quite massive?

Лексические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведённые ниже слова. Какиеиз перечисленных слов могут быть другими частями речи? Какими именно? Какони в этом случае переводятся на русский язык?

architectural (adj.), span (v.), transfer (v.), mat foundation strip, footing extend (v.), framedstructure, lateral (adj.), shallow (adj.), elevate (v.).

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие слова на английский язык:

наружная сторона; уровень; потенциал; стена; термин; функция; каменная кладка;рисунок; расстояние; сплошной фундамент; подвал; сжатие;

применять; помещать; описывать; действовать; поддерживать; показывать; строить;различаться; образовывать; становиться; прилагать (силы); требовать;

массивный; близкорасположенный; значительный; довольно; обычно (3);вертикальный ;относительно; основной; фактически;

над; ли … или …; в зависимости от; под; когда; из-за; его, её; только; как, в качестве;несколько; такой; на, к, против.

Упражнение 3. Найдите в тексте термины, связанные с фундаментамимелкого заложения: их типами, особенностями и свойствами. Перечислите их идайте перевод на русский язык.

Упражнение 4. Какие из указанных переводов слов являются ошибочными.Укажите правильный перевод.

welding сваривать footing основание straight прямой deep глубина plate плита adequate соответствующий settlement осадка drive забивать (сваю)

Упражнение 5. Дайте производные от перечисленных ниже слов. Укажитечасть речи, которой является данное слово и его производные. Переведите их нарусский язык.

elevate; extend; settle; base; deep; transfer.

Грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание нафункцию причастие II в предложении.

1. Deformation means a change in the outside dimensions of an object caused by aforce.

2. The term unit strain, also called strain, means the total change in dimensions dividedby the original dimension.

3. The most interesting of all cast-iron (чугунный) buildings was the Crystal Palacebuilt in 1851.

4. The safety factor equals the failure unit stress divided by the allowable unit stress.5. Important factors considered in deciding on a safety factor are listed here.6. The description of new building materials was given in the article written by our

specialist.7. The bridge built over the river in1980 needed reconstruction.8. The material is not efficiently used, and stresses are high.9. Since the structures designed by engineers are planned to be stable, horizontal and

vertical forces must be balanced.10. Prestressed concrete is an improved form of reinforce­ment.

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие словосочетания.

soil strata, surface temperature, glass fibre reinforcement, cross section dimension, climateand soil conditions, concrete structure design, basement floor, moisture content, shrinkageand temperature stresses

Упражнение 3. Переведите следующие предложения, определите их главныеи второстепенные члены.

1. With no basement these walls are not actually walls.2. A sample subjected to a compressive force becomes shorter and wider.3. The designer prepares plans consisting of drawings

main основной superstructure подземная часть здания support опора series серия finish отделывать heavy тяжёлый surround нагружать serve действовать reinforcement арматура pad опорная плита storey этаж strip полоса welding сваривать footing основание

12 13

Упражнение 4. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание напричастие I.

1. In practice the most serious changes causing failure of floors and roofs are dimensionalones.

2. Some structural materials having low thermal conductivity serve as insulation.3. Various kinds of cement are available, for example, those having rapid hardening

properties.4. Forces acting at an angle are a combination of horizontal and vertical forces.5. Stress is the force or pressure tending to strain or deform a structure or its various

parts.6. Heat movement takes place by conduction through any solid object separating areas

of different tempera­tures.


Foundation walls provide a ground-level edge for the building and support forelements of the building. In addition to these usual functions they often serve a numberof functions for the building foundation system. Some of these are as follows:

Walls of some length and height typically form stiff beamlike elements. Theirstructural potential in these cases is often used for additional purposes: they distribute orequalize the load.

Walls may be used as spanning members, carrying their own weight as well assome supported loads. This is often the case in buildings with deep foundations and acolumn structure. Deep foundation elements are placed under the columns, and wallsare used in order to span from column to column. This can also be the case with bearingfoundations if the column footings are quite large and reasonably closely spaced; thestiff wall then is actually bearing not on its own footing but tends to span between thelarger footings.

When columns occur in the same plane as a foundation wall, many differentrelationships for the structural action of the walls, columns, and column foundations arepossible. If the walls and columns are monolithically constructed, the walls generallyshare the load to some extent.

Notes:beamlike adj. похожий на балкуspanning member ригель рамы

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту

1. What are the usual functions of the foundation walls?2. What is the foundation wall structural potential often used for?

3. When are the walls used as spanning members?4. In which case the walls and columns share the load to some extent?

Грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Найдите в тексте причастия II. Определите их функциюи переведите на русский язык.

Упражнение 2. Найдите в тексте причастия I. Определите их функциюи переведите на русский язык.

Лексические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведённые ниже слова. ЕслиВы не знаете слово, найдите его в словаре. Выпишите из словаря то значение слова,в котором оно использовано в тексте.

closely spaced, equalize (v.), monolithically (adv.), relationship (n.), edge (n.),distribute (v.).

Упражнение 2. Найдите перевод слов списка А в списке В.


A случай их обеспечивать опираться делить между уравновешивать дополнительный следующий колонна

B height these stiff carry own tend provide share extent column

A высота твёрдый собственный эти служить также степень нести разный если

B between also if bear different their equalize additional as follows case

Упражнение 3. Напишите предложения с каждым из перечисленных нижеслов:

bear – bearing - bearing foundationoutside n. - outside adj. - outside adv. – outside prep.

14 15

Урок 2.3

Фонетическое задание

Прочитайте транскрипцию в списке A, соотнесите её с соответствующимсловом из списка B и переведите слово на русский язык. Учтите, что не все словасписка В даны в списке А.

A ['kxntI"lJvq]; [rek'txNgjVlq]; [trxnz'vWs]; [prq'Gekt]; [dI'rekSqn (daI-)];

['InkrJs]; [dI'tWmIn]; ["sICV'eISqn]; [q'SVq]; [I'venCVqlI]; [wIdT]; ['beIsmqnt];

["mPnq'lITIkqlI]; [q'dISqnql]

B project n. rectangular admissible project v.

direction transversal increase n. increase v.

additional wide monolithically detection

assure transverse eventually determine

situation width cantilever basement


Wall footings consist of concrete strips placed under walls. The most commontype of wall footing consists of a strip with a rectangular cross section projecting anequal distance as a cantilever from both faces of the wall. For soil stress the criticaldimen­sion of the footing is the width of the footing bottom measured perpendicular tothe wall face.

In most situations the wall footing is used as a platform upon which the wall isconstructed. Thus a minimum width for the footing is determined by the wall thick­ness,the footing usually being made wider than the wall. With a concrete wall this additionalwidth is used in order to support the wall forms while the concrete is poured. For masonrywalls this added width assures an adequate base for the mortar bed for the first layer ofthe masonry units.

With relatively lightly loaded walls the minimum width required for platformdepends on the allowable bearing stress on the soil. In this case, the short projec­tion ofthe footing from the wall face will produce relatively transverse bending and shearstresses, permitting a minimum thickness for the footing and no transverse reinforcing.Most designers prefer, however, to provide some continuous reinforcing in the longdirection of the footing, even when none is used in the transverse direction.

As the wall load increases the increased width of the footing required for thecontrol of soil stress eventually produces significant trans­verse bending and shear inthe footing. At some point this determines the required thickness for the footing and forrequired reinforcing in the transverse direction.

When the building has no basement and the floor consists of a concrete slab placeddirectly on the ground, these footings are sometimes poured monolithically with thefloor slab.

Notes:bearing stress напряжение смятияmortar bed растворная постельprojection n. выступ

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту

1. What do wall footings consist of?2. What is the most common type of wall footing?3. How is the critical dimension of the footing calculated?4. Is wall footing used as a platform?5. What is a minimum width for the footing?6. When is the additional width for the footing used?7. What does the minimum width required for platform depend on?8. What will the short projection of the footing from the wall face produce?9. Where do most designers prefer to provide reinforcement of the footing?10. When are footings poured monolithically with the floor slab?

Лексические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведённые ниже слова. Какиеиз перечисленных слов могут быть другими частями речи? Какими именно? Какони в этом случае переводятся на русский язык?

project (v.), rectangular (adj.), long direction, transverse (adj.), cantilever (n.), platform(n.), reinforcing (n.), floor slab, masonry unit.

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие слова на английский язык:

напряжение сдвига; грунт; подвал; точка, момент; изгиб; основание; случай;ширина; направление; проектировщик; почва; (лицевая) поверхность;

обеспечивать; лить, заливать; добавлять; использовать; определять; сооружать;измерять; состоять (из); класть, устанавливать; требовать; увеличивать(ся);обеспечивать, давать;

16 17

дополнительный; достаточный; минимальный; большинство; одинаковый;перпендикулярный; в конце концов; критический, решающий; поперечный;значительный; сплошной, неразрезной; относительно;

этот; чем; таким образом; как, в качестве; оба; иногда; когда; какой-то; первый; помере того как.

Упражнение 3. Переведите данные существительные и образуйте с ихпомощью группы существительных, характерные для строительной терминологии.Переведите их на русский язык.

column concrete condition element face

footing foundation ground load mat

pad pier raft soil strata

strip surface thickness transfer wall

Упражнение 4. Какие из указанных переводов слов являются ошибочными.Укажите правильный перевод.

distribute height stiff equalize relationship nevertheless short term tube accept affect

распределять высота жёсткий уравновешивать зависимость однако краткосрочная перспектива труба отдавать воздействовать на

own tend edge closely spaced possible occur quite flat single means

собственный натягивать край, ребро, фаска, кромка близкорасположенный вероятный встречаться довольно плоский единственный недостатки

Упражнение 5. Дайте антонимы следующих слов:stiff separate

shallow foundation simple

temporary especially

Грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание нанезависимый причастный оборот.

1. A minimum width for the footing is determined by the wall thickness, the footingusually being made wider than the wall.

2. High level of sound absorption being required, porous material was used.3. All the necessary materials being easily available, construction work in cast-in-place

concrete started almost immediately.4. Concrete elements can be precast on site, crane being used in order to lift them into

their final position.

5. Deep foundation elements being placed under the columns, the walls are used inorder to span from column to column.

6. The walls having been constructed, the workers left the site.7. The horizontal forces must equal each other, there not being too much thrust either to

the right or to the left.8. A basement being required, foundation walls are quite high.9. In order to produce compressive prestress the concrete member was placed between

two abut­ments, pressure being applied with the jacks.10.Structural carbon steel being cheap and convenient to use, it is the most important

class of steel for the construction industry.

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание напричастия I и II. Определите функцию причастий.

1. A property associated with concrete is shrinkage, which is the permanent contractionof concrete caused by loss of water after it hardens.

2. Plastics are widely used in construction having high strength to weight ratio andresistance to corrosion.

3. The total curing period is extremely long, that is, there is a steady gain in propertiesover time.

4. Form costs are much less with the concrete precast be­cause the forms do not haveto be supported.

5. Wood has a cellular structure looking like a number of tubes lain in the direction ofthe grain.

6. More water, more sand and less coarse aggregate, especially rounded coarseaggregate, make the mix more fluid but all these factors make the hardened concretehave more shrinkage and creep, and less durability.

7. Some materials, including concrete, continue to deform although there is no increasein load.

8. Having used toughened glass the designers overcame the typical drawbacks of thismaterial.

9. The limiting strain depends on the level of stress.10. The designer’s organization prepares plans consisting of drawings which show

how the finished construction will look.

Текст B

The design of a symmetrical wall footing is done as follows:1. Footing width is determined by the soil pressure limit, considering that the

minimum width required for construc­tion is not adequate for bearing. The usual designtechnique is to estimate a required footing thickness, find the width required for thisfooting thickness, check the footing stresses in order to assure the adequate thickness.

18 19

2. Since the reinforcing is not cheap, while concrete poured into a hole in theground is relatively cheap, the footing thickness is usually not critical to compressivestrength of the concrete. A thick­ness is selected that is adequate which means that itelimi­nates the need for shear reinforcing and minimizes the percentage of tensilereinforcing. The minimum footing is also necessary so as to place dowels for the wallreinforcing.

3. A reasonable minimum value is a steel area of 0.0015 times the gross concretearea, which is the minimum reinforcement required in a horizontal direction in walls.The distance of the reinforcing from the edges of the footing, which is called cover,must be a minimum of 3 in. if the edge is not formed and 2 in. if the edge is formed.Reinforcing bars are usually of a low grade of steel, often the lowest grade available.

Notes:gross area площадь бруттоpercentage n. величина (в процентах)pressure limit предел давленияshear reinforcing армирование для восприятия напряжений сдвига (среза)tensile reinforcing армирование для восприятия напряжений растяжения

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту

1. How is footing width determined?2. What is the design technique used for that?3. Why is the footing thickness usually not critical to compressive strength of the

concrete?4. What does adequate thick­ness mean?5. How large should the cover be?6. What grade of steel is usually used for reinforcing bars?

Грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Найдите в тексте причастия II. Определите их функциюи переведите на русский язык.

Упражнение 2. Найдите в тексте причастия I. Определите их функциюи переведите на русский язык.

Лексические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведённые ниже слова. ЕслиВы не знаете слово, найдите его в словаре. Выпишите из словаря то значение слова,в котором оно использовано в тексте.

dowel (n.), symmetrical (adj.), minimize (v.), technique (n.), need (n.), cover (n.), esti­mate(v.), check (v.).

Упражнение 2. Найдите перевод слов списка А в списке В.

A определять учитывать требовать марка, сорт арматурный прут формировать доступный армирование расстояние арматура

B consider mean assure area cheap reinforcing thickness form time reinforcement

A допустимый пространство раз значить так как дешевый отверстие обеспечивать с тем, чтобы толщина

B reasonable distance bar determine so as available grade require since hole

Упражнение 3. Напишите предложения с каждым из перечисленных нижеслов:

need n. - need v.minimum adj. - minimize v.

project n. - project v.

20 21

Урок 2.4

Фонетическое задание

Прочитайте транскрипцию в списке A, соотнесите её с соответствующимсловом из списка B и переведите слово на русский язык. Учтите, что не все словасписка В даны в списке А.

A [rqV]; ["mAltI'stLrI]; ['estImIt]; [Ik'stIqrIq]; [lqV'keISqn]; ["pPsI'bIlItI];

[rI'leISqnSIp]; ['preSq]; [bI'twJn]; [Ig'nL]; [skweq]; ['tqVtl]; ['kIlqgrxm];


B kilogram pressure footing rough

squire row ignite relationship

estimate n. location square multi-storey

total fitting exterior between

pressing ignore external possibility


A common problem in the design of building foundations is a foundation wallthat must share its location with a row of columns. This takes place along the exteriorwalls of buildings with frame struc­tures. When loads are transferred to the ground thereare various possibilities for the relationships between the columns, the wall, and thefoundation elements. The column loads may be light, as in the case of a one-storeybuilding with light construction and short spans or the column loads may be large, as inthe case of a multi-storey building.Type of Foundation. If the foundation consists of deep elements, either piers or groupsof piles, the wall is usually designed as a spanning element of one type or another. Whenthe foundation is of the shallow bearing type, there may be several possibilities for thecolumn/wall/footing relationships.

EXAMPLE (see fig. 2)Allowable soil pressure: 3000 psf (150 kPa).Concrete design strength: 3000 psi (21 MPa).Allowable tension on reinforcing: 20,000 psi (140 MPa).

1 0 0 k 1 0 0 k


A A -A

1 2 ''c o lu m n2 0 ''

1 0 k /ft o n fo o tin g

1 0 '

FIGURE 2Considering the wall by itself and ignoring the columns, the minimum wall footing

according to our estimates is 11in. thick, 42in. wide. Thus, if we want to ignore thespanning potential of the wall, this would be the required footing for the wall betweenthe column footings. For the column, if it were freestanding and not in the line of thewall, the required square footing would be 6ft2, 16in. thick. However, in this case even ifit is decided to use a square footing, it would need to be larger, since it also supports partof the wall. And the larger it is, the more of the wall it supports. If we increase its size to8ft2, the total load on the footing will be the column load of 100 k plus 8ft of the wallload at 10 k/ft, or a total load of 180 k.

Notes:freestanding adj. свободностоящийignore v. не принимать в расчёт

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту

1. What kind of a foundation wall is a common problem in the design of buildingfoundations?

2. Where does this problem occur?3. When are column loads light?4. When are column loads large?5. When is usually the wall designed as a spanning element?6. How is the total footing load estimated in the example?

Лексические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведённые ниже слова. Какиеиз перечисленных слов могут быть другими частями речи? Какими именно? Какони в этом случае переводятся на русский язык?

estimate (n.), row (n.), multi-storey (adj.), exterior (adj.).

22 23

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие слова на английский язык:

группа; случай; пролёт; этаж; возможность; каркасная конструкция; часть;местоположение; потенциал; натяжения;

состоять из; передавать; происходить; требовать; решать; нуждаться; поддерживать;увеличивать; соединять; делить; проектировать;

другой; глубокий; лёгкий; неглубокий; несколько; различный; обычный;допустимый; общий; широкий;

в качестве; между; вдоль; сам по себе; согласно; таким образом; однако; так как;также; как .

Упражнение 3. Перечислите термины, характеризующие фундаменты: ихтипы, свойства и особенности, которые описаны в уроках 2.1 -2.4. Дайте их переводна русский язык.

Упражнение 4. Какие из указанных переводов слов являются ошибочными.Укажите правильный перевод.

sometimes subject capacity initial joint quality permit widen tie compression

лёгкий качество соединение сборный пустота ценность устранять ширина низкий соединение

void low value adequate eliminate relatively width connection easy precast

связь исходный способность достаточный относительно иногда сжатие подвергать расширять позволять

Упражнение 5. Прочитайте и переведите на русский язык следующиесокращения:

°C; ft2; in2; kPa; lb; psi; °F; k; MPa; psf.

Грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения, определите функциюинфинитива.

1. The stiff wall then is bearing not on its own footing but has tendency to span betweenthe larger footings.

2. It becomes necessary to utilize the resistance of lower soil strata.3. Concrete must be allowed to cure.4. To overcome GRP flexibility is the purpose of double skin panels.5. Wood is a very good material to cut and work.6. GRP will creep, that is it will continue to deflect, if there is a permanent load on it.7. When it is decided to build a structure an architect is asked to design the building

project.8. The materials to be selected by the builder will function under different conditions.9. It is difficult to concrete a thin wall because the concrete has to be placed in the

narrow opening at the top of the form.10. The decision to use deep foundations should be done by building designers.

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание насравнительный оборот the … the … .

1. The shorter the route taken by a load to its foundations and the fewer the elementsinvolved in so doing, the greater the economy of the structure.

2. The larger a square footing is, the more of the wall it supports.3. The more the compressive force is the shorter a rubber band subjected to it becomes.4. The higher thermal conductivity of the material is the lower is the rate of heat

movement which takes place by conduction through any solid object that separatesareas of different tempera­tures.

Упражнение 3. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание наусловные придаточные предложения.

1. If beams which support a roof can’t withstand loads that they have to carry theywill break.

2. If the beam itself didn’t have sufficient strength to counterbalance the weight itsupport from above it would fail.

3. It would become necessary to utilize the resistance of lower soil strata if the soil atthe bottom of the building were not adequate for the load transfers.

4. If a force remains constant, the actual unit stress will change with the change of thecross section.

Упражнение 4. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание напричастия I и II. Определите функцию причастий.

1. While choosing the type of foundation for a building, designers should considerthe soil structure on the site.

2. Applying a film or coating to a fabric we can improve its properties.3. Significantly reduced cost of cast-in-place concrete was achieved by the constant

re-use of formwork.24 25

4. Tendons placed along the centroidal axis are rare.5. When applied to the beam, loads produce both tensile and compressive stresses at

the middle of the span.6. Welding the steel members the builders made the connection strong.7. The materials used allowed minimum work on the site.8. Materials having very low density are used for thermal insulation.


There are many cases in which a short compression element, called a pedestal, isused as a transition between a footing and some supported element. Some of the purposesfor pedestals are the following:

• If the bearing area on the top of the footing is widened, the pedestal willachieve a reduction in the shear and bending stresses in the footing, permittingthe use of a thinner footing.

• To permit the use of a lower-strength concrete in the footing, it may be possibleto use a pedestal with a strength that is transitional between the column andthe footing.

• The use of a pedestal may allow the doweling of large column-reinforcingbars within the pedestal height. The pedestal reinforcing may then be donewith bars.

• When the bottom of the footing must be some distance below the groundsurface, a pedestal may be used in order to keep vulnerable elements aboveground.

Pedestals of masonry or concrete are essentially short columns. When carryingmajor loads, they should be designed as reinforced columns with required verticalreinforcement, ties, and dowels. When loads are light and the pedestal height is less thanthree times the thickness, however, they may be designed as unreinforced elements. Ifbuilt of hollow masonry units (concrete blocks, etc.) they should have the voids completelyfilled with concrete.

Notes:bearing area опорная поверхность, опорная площадьbending stress напряжение при изгибеpedestal n. подколонникreduction n. снижение, уменьшение, ослаблениеtransitional adj. переходный

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту

1. What kind of element a pedestal is?2. What is it used for?3. What are the reasons for the use of pedestals?

4. How should pedestals be designed when carrying major loads?5. How should they be designed when loads are light?6. When should pedestals have the voids filled with concrete?

Грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Найдите в тексте инфинитивы. Определите их функцию ипереведите на русский язык.

Упражнение 2. Найдите в тексте причастия I и II. Определите их функцию ипереведите на русский язык.

Лексические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведённые ниже слова. ЕслиВы не знаете слово, найдите его в словаре. Выпишите из словаря то значение слова,в котором оно использовано в тексте.

hollow (adj.), the following (n.), vulnerable (adj.), essentially (adv.).

Упражнение 2. Найдите перевод слов списка А в списке В.

A затем в позволить применение между тонкий достигать вершина цель поддерживать

B etc. between use light completely top some purpose above major

A переход полностью и так далее легкий соединительная арматура основной каменная кладка держать над некоторый

B support within then thin masonry keep transition achieve dowel allow

Упражнение 3. Напишите предложения с каждым из перечисленных нижеслов:

equal - equally - equalizefollow - as follows - the following


In most cases deep foundations are utilized only where it is not possible to haveshallow foundations. The decision to use deep foundations, the selection of the type ofsystem, and the design of the elements of the system should all be done by building

26 27

designers with considerable knowledge and experi­ence in foundation design, includingknowledge of the types of systems, their capabilities and drawbacks, and some of theproblems connected with the use of such systems for building foundations.

Need for deep foundationsThe most common reasons for the use of deep foundations are the following:1. Lack of Adequate Soil Conditions for Bearing Footings. There are a number

of soil conditions that may make the usual bearing foundation elements near thebottom of the building not possible. The deep foundation thus is used essentially inorder to reach a desirable bearing level at some distance from the bottom of thebuilding.

2. Heavy Loads on the Foundations. In some cases the soil at upper levels maybe sufficient for the use of bearing elements for relatively light loads, but the size offootings required, the need for limited settlement, or other factors occurring withextremely heavy loads, may require a deep foundation. High-rise buildings, long-spanstructures, and construction of massive elements of concrete or masonry are cases inwhich loads may become considerable and may be above the simple bearing capabilitiesof ordinary soils.

3. Instability of Ground-Level Soil. Use of deep foundations may be necessarywhere soil at the level of the bottom of the building is subject to some forms of changein the soil structure or the general state of the soil mass. This situation sometimesoccurs at waterfront and hillside locations. In these cases the use of deep foundationsis necessary in order to anchor the building to a more reliable, stable ground mass.

4. Support of Structures Sensitive to Settlement. In some situations, settlementof foundations is highly critical. Examples are buildings with stiff rigid frame structuresand buildings housing equipment that requires precise and continuous alignment. Bearingfoundations will settle on almost any soil other than solid bedrock. Deep foundationstend to have little settlement, especially when the elements are bearing on rock or on ahighly consolidated soil stratum.

Deep foundations are usually used only in situations in which shallow footingsare not possible. The primary reason is cost. Where ordinary footings can be used andtheir size is not excessive, the cost of deep foundations will rarely be competitive. Iffootings are possible but their size is excessive—it may be necessary to perform a costanalysis of alternatives. Such an analysis will usually require relatively complete designsof the alternate systems and can be difficult when the alternate foundation systems requiresignificant differences in the building structure.

Foundation design and construction practices are often influenced by the locationof a building. This may be partly because of the local climate and soil conditions. Wherethere is some history of construction in the area, however, it may also be due to localexperience with particular foundation systems or construction techniques.

Most deep foundation elements—piles or piers—are constructed by specialfoundation contractors.

Notes:alignment n. выравниваниеconsolidate v. укреплятьhistory n. историяsensitive adj. восприимчивыйwaterfront n. береговая линия

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. What kind of knowledge and experi­ence should a building designer possess to usedeep foundations?

2. What are the most common reasons for the use of deep foundations?3. What are the typical structures requiring deep foundations?4. Why are deep foundations used in situations in which shallow footings are not

possible?5. When is a cost analysis of alternatives necessary?6. What will such an analysis usually require?7. Why is foundation design and construction practices often influenced by the location

of a building?8. Who are deep foundation elements constructed by?

Лексическое упражнение

В списке А даны некоторые слова и выражения, которые использованы втексте для домашнего чтения. Найдите те их перевод в списке В.

А soil house v. occur settlement near utilize analysis hillside lack n. selection decision precise local equipment contractor alternative

B жёсткий анкер влияние грунт редко главный высотное здание местный косогор конкурентный недостаток излишний точный возможность опыт анализ

А high-rise building drawback particular alternate capability primary sufficient competitive upper perform experience influence excessive rarely stiff anchor

B альтернатива подрядчик специфический использовать отсутствие альтернативный достаточный решение около встречаться выполнять выбор верхний помещаться оборудование осадка

28 29

Урок 2.5

Фонетическое задание

Прочитайте транскрипцию в списке A, соотнесите её с соответствующимсловом из списка B и переведите слово на русский язык. Учтите, что не все словасписка В даны в списке А.

A [q'reInGmqnt]; ['fleksIbql]; ["Instq'leISqn]; ['fJCq]; ['sAbsIkwqnt];

["mPdIfI'keISqn]; ['leIaVt]; ['strAkCqrql]; ['klxdIN]; [prq'tekSqn]; ['sWvIsIz];

[pR'tISqn]; [kqm'pqVz]; [spI'sIfIk]

B precision structural cladding specify

arrangement arrogant partition compose

modificate flexible subsequent installation

layout protection feature services

modification specific figure compress


In order to explain the various features which enable the design of a multi-storeysteel-framed building to make full use of the constructional material, it is necessary tostart with the properties of the supporting structural system itself. The main constructionalwork, the cladding and the services should correspond to this.

The basic components of a steel structure are steel sections. These include thin-walled slender elements which possess high load-bearing capacity having at the sametime small overall dimensions and low weight. The system that performs the load-bearingfunction — the structural steel frame — is assembled from these relatively slender steelmembers. The frame is thus a skeleton which does not have a space-enclosing functionto perform, although it does provide support for such space-enclosing elements as floors,walls and partitions.

The steelwork is usually prefabricated in a factory, structural steelwork massproduction techniques being favourable.

The successful use of the favourable properties of structural steelwork can bemore efficiently achieved if the space-enclosing system is designed so that it is:

• composed of prefabricated units which ensure that the particular speed of erectionof structural steelwork results in a short overall construction time;

• light, so that the overall weight of the building is minimized;

• adaptable to flexible internal layout of the floor space in the steel-framed buildingand to modification of its components;

• suitable for the specific properties and features of the structural steel frame;• economical from the point of view of fire protection.

The open arrangement of the structural steel frame enables the installation andsubsequent modification of services and equipment in both the vertical and horizontaldirections.

Notes:constructional material конструкционный материалfavourable adj. удобный, подходящийload-bearing capacity несущая способностьmake use of использоватьskeleton n. каркас

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. Why is it necessary to know the properties of the supporting structural system?2. What are the basic components of a steel structure?3. What kind of elements are they?4. What is assembled from these members?5. What is the function the structural steel frame performs?6. What is the one it does not?7. Which production techniques are favourable for structural steelwork?8. What are the requirements to the space-enclosing system?9. What does the open arrangement of the structural steel frame enable?

Лексические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведённые ниже слова. Какиеиз перечисленных слов могут быть другими частями речи? Какими именно? Какони в этом случае переводятся на русский язык?

structural steelwork, partition (n.), feature (n.), layout (n.), structural steel frame, services(n.), modification (n.), flexible (adj.), fire protection, com­pose (v.), arrangement (n.),steel-framed building, installation (n.), assemble (v.), space-enclosing, cladding (n.),subsequent (adj.), frame (n.).

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие слова на английский язык:

приводить к, позволять, легко приспосабливаемый, соответствовать, точка зрения,свободный, тот же самый, гарантировать, эффективно, технология, сборный,обеспечивать, хотя, общий, стальные конструкции, тонкий, обладать, характерный,успешный, скорость.

30 31

Упражнение 3. Найдите в тексте термины, связанные с особенностями исвойствами стальных несущих конструкций. Перечислите их и дайте перевод нарусский язык.

Упражнение 4. Какие из указанных переводов слов являются ошибочными.Укажите правильный перевод.

anchor location sometimes state subject considerable light essentially pile experience

закреплять положение иногда состояние подвергать предусмотренный лёгкий по существу свая опыт

difference bear reason span unreinforced estimate area rock because of settle

различный опираться причина пролёт армированный оценка пространство скальный грунт потому что оседать

Упражнение 5. Дайте антонимы следующих слов:specific slender

flexible upper

solid constant

Грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения с объектным инфинитивнымоборотом.

1. The frame does not have a space-enclosing function to perform, although itprovides support for walls, floors and partitions.

2. The various features enable the design of a multi-storey building to make full useof the constructional material.

3. The system showed the structural steel frame to perform the load-bearing function.4. The design includes thin-walled slender elements to possess high load-bearing

capacity.5. They expected the space-enclosing system to be designed successfully.6. We want load-bearing structures to be slender.7. The soil not being adequate caused the designers to use piles for foundation.8. The builders rely (полагаться на, рассчитывать на) on construction joints to

reduce the effects of shrinkage.

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие предложения, определите форму ифункцию инфинитива.

1. The usual design technique is to estimate a required footing thickness.2. Walls are used to span from column to column.

3. To fix wood is not difficult if we use nails, screws, bolts, etc.4. The pedestal reinforcing may be done with smaller bars.5. The building material to be used should be porous.6. Materials have to function under different conditions.7. The high-rise buildings are to be constructed as very rigid tubes.8. All buildings have to be stiff for resistance to loads.9. The structure to be built will be a steel-framed one.10.It is necessary to start with the properties of the supporting structural system.

Упражнение 3. Задайте пять общих вопросов к тексту А.

Упражнение 4. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая вниманиена независимый причастный оборот.

1. Construction joints provided, the effects of shrinkage can be reduced.2. Cast-in-place concrete requires much time before the removal of the formwork, the

concrete having to gain sufficient strength before it can support itself.3. Carbon steels are cheap and convenient to use, the class including steels which

have not more than 0.25 % carbon.4. The design having been approved (одобрять) the construction began.5. The dimensional stability of a coated fabric depends mainly on the fibre, the light

transmission depending mainly on the coating in use.6. Glass having low thermal conductivity, significant temperature dif­ferences can be

found within any glass in general use.


All buildings have to be stiffened for resistance to wind loads, but in certain partsof the world they have to be given additional bracing so as to withstand earthquake andother horizontal forces.

The decision on the adequate method of bracing affects:Use of building Stiffening with the help of lattice bracing results in fixed points in

the building thus restricting the possibilities of internal layout and arrangement of thecirculation system. The methods of stiffening and their arrangement within the structureare of major importance for the design.

Economy A building can be stiffened by means of steel bracing or by concretewalls or cores. Cores are heavy, require more elaborate foundations, and, for tall buildings,have to be constructed with thicker walls and more reinforcement than necessary for thefire protection of the services. Vertical steel bracing is therefore usually the less expensivesolution, especially when arranged in large bays or panels.

Effect on appearance If the bracing is placed in the external walls of the buildingand takes the form of rigid frames or systems with externally exposed diagonal members

32 33

the pattern of force transmission is clearly shown: but the building may have an appearancewhich is not usual. This method allows those high-rise buildings which are square,rectangular or circular on plan to be constructed as very rigid tubes.

Notes: elaborate adj. сложный

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. Where have buildings to be given additional bracing?2. How does bracing affect the design of the building?3. How does it influence the economy of construction?4. What is the effect of bracing on the building appearance?

Грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Найдите в тексте инфинитивы как части сказуемогои переведите их на русский язык.

Упражнение 2. Найдите в тексте объектные инфинитивные конструкции(Objective-with-the-Infinitive-Construction) и переведите их на русский язык.

Лексические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведённые ниже слова. ЕслиВы не знаете слово, найдите его в словаре. Выпишите из словаря то значение слова,в котором оно использовано в тексте.

circular (adj.), expose (v.), lattice bracing, diagonal (adj.), stiffening (n.), bracing (n.),circulation (n.), stiffen (v.), core (n.), wind load, bay (n.), external (adj.).

Упражнение 2. Найдите перевод слов списка А в списке В.

A квадратный землетрясение располагать таким образом определенный устанавливать посредством решение тяжёлый отчётливо

B rectangular heavy results in therefore clearly point within appearance rigid thus

A жёсткий внешний вид их внутри основной приводить к труба поэтому точка прямоугольный

B earthquake major certain square arrange by means of solution their place tube

Упражнение 3. Напишите предложения с каждым из перечисленных нижеслов:

stiff - stiffen v. - stiffening n.mean v. - means - by means of


Урок 2.6

Фонетическое задание

Прочитайте транскрипцию в списке A, соотнесите её с соответствующимсловом из списка B и переведите слово на русский язык. Учтите, что не все словасписка В даны в списке А.

A [beI]; ['kxvItI]; ['JlPNgeItId]; ['GANkSqn]; ["Intq'sekt]; ['grIlIG]; ["In'sItjH];

[GOIn]; [kqm'praIz]; [dI'stINgwIS]; ['wPfql]; ['nxrqV]; ['sWtn]; [vjH]

B John intersect elongated curtain

grillage distinguish view buy

waffle way join narrow

certain bay junction inspect

compose cavity in-situ comprise


A multi-storey building comprises a number of floors which are erected one abovethe other and which, in a framed structure, are supported at certain specific points. Thevertical and horizontal forces acting upon the framework are transmitted to thefoundations.

From the structural point of view, a floor in a framed building consists of a numberof floor bays. The following shapes on plan may be distinguished:

Square concrete slab The simplest type of construction is the solid concrete slab.With long spans, such slabs tend to be very thick and heavy. To reduce weight, the slabmay be formed with internal cavities or composed of a system of one-way or two-wayribs joined together by a relatively thin top layer of concrete, the latter being describedas a waffle slab. The load transmission conditions being approximately the same in bothdirections, a planning grid with a square mesh is often adopted, this being typical of in-situ concrete construction.

Rectangular floor bay The structural steel floor comprises the floor slab and thebeams that support it. It is characteristic of steel-framed buildings that the floor beamstransmit the loads in one direction only and that the floor slabs are generally supported,on two sides. To construct a grillage for equal load transmission in both directions involvesconsiderable effort in structural steelwork, as it is necessary to cut the intersecting beamsat every junction and connect them again in a manner suitable to transmit the loads.

In general, the weight of the slab should be as low as possible. To achieve this, thesupporting beams must be quite closely spaced, so that the actual slab spans only shortdistances. The typical component of the floor structure of a steel-framed building is thenarrow elongated floor bay. The span of the floor beams is generally between 6.00 and20.00 m, while the width of the bays varies from 1.50 to 3.00 m.

Notes:again adv. сноваwaffle slab железобетонная плита с перекрёстными рёбрами

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. What does a multi-storey building comprise?2. Where are floors supported?3. What kinds of forces are transmitted to the foundations?4. What is the simplest floor shape?5. How can the weight of the floor slab be reduced?6. What is typical of in-situ-concrete construction?7. What does the structural steel floor comprise?8. Why does construction of a grillage for equal load transmission in both directions

involve considerable effort?9. How can low weight of the slab be achieved?10. What are the general dimensions of an elongated floor bay?

Лексические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведённые ниже слова. Какиеиз перечисленных слов могут быть другими частями речи? Какими именно? Какони в этом случае переводятся на русский язык?

grillage (n.), junction (n.), intersect (v.), two-way (adj.), elongated (adj.), in-situ (adj.),planning grid, join (v.), space (v.), cavity (n.), framework (n.), one-way (adj.), rib (n.).

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие слова на английский язык:

пролёт, передача, типичный, метр, в то время как, как можно ниже, балка,приблизительно, обычно (2), перекрытие, от … до …, горизонтальный, стальнаянесущая конструкция , один над другим, последний (из перечисленных), выбирать,выделять, характерный, включать, вместе, многоэтажное здание, толстый,значительный.

Упражнение 3. Найдите в тексте термины, связанные с конструкциейперекрытий. Перечислите их и дайте перевод на русский язык.

36 37

Упражнение 4. Какие из указанных переводов слов являются ошибочными.Укажите правильный перевод.

a number of mesh cut as both erect core external bracing wind load

номер сетка разрезать так как оба выпрямлять ядро внешний монтаж связей ветровая нагрузка

top solid internal reduce the same involve suitable advantage soil principal

верхний сплошной внутренний сокращение тот же повлечь за собой подходящий преимущество грунт главный

Упражнение 5. Дайте синонимы следующих слов:

join in-situ concrete comprise

specific slender feature

upper primary exterior

Грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения, определите функциюинфинитива.

1. The Romans sometimes used iron rods to strengthen their buildings.2. To produce compressive prestress a concrete member can be placed between two

abut­ments, with jacks between its ends and the abutments, and pressure isapplied with the jacks.

3. In contrast with cast-in-place concrete construction, precast concrete requires fieldconnections to tie the structure together.

4. To reduce weight, the slab may be formed with internal cavities.5. In ground of worse bearing quality the separate footings under the walls of a

building can be combined to form a single thicker and deeper raft foundation.6. With a concrete wall additional width is used to support the wall forms while the

concrete is poured.7. Builders mix cement with sand, aggregate and water to make concrete.8. People build every building project to get a structure which will function for some

time.9. The builder has to understand building materials to produce the satisfactory

structure.10. Sometimes concrete is prestressed mostly in order to prevent cracking.

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие предложения, определите степеньсравнения прилагательных.1. The basis of modern production of elements in concrete is hydraulic cement powder,

one of the most versatile binders known.2. An increase in the value of this ratio would produce a concrete with more voids

giving lower compressive strength.3. The fire resistance can be made a little lower by aggregates containing silica.4. The safest technique used appeared to be the best.5. In this respect it is usually better than unreinforced masonry.6. Failure takes place when an object can no longer serve its purpose.7. Failure unit stress may be smaller than that determined experimentally.8. The qualities of most fabrics will not become worse in the range of temperatures

from at least - 40°C to + 60°C.

Упражнение 3. Переведите следующие предложения, обратите вниманиена причастия и причастные обороты.

1. The forces acting upon the framework are transmitted to the foundations.2. A floor in a framed building consists of a number of floor bays.3. The space required for services is significant in the selection of the arrangement of

beams.4. To make toughened glass its surface, being at a high temperature, is rapidly cooled.5. At high temperature GRP even moderate stressed can fail with time.6. The slab, supported at its four corners, transmits the loads to the columns.

Упражнение 4. Задайте пять общих и пять альтернативных вопросов к текстуА.


The shorter the route taken by a load to its foundations and the fewer the elementsinvolved in the process, the greater the economy of the structure. Nevertheless, the spacerequired for services is significant in the selection of the arrangement of the main andsecondary beams, their interrelationship and their depth.

Floor without steel beams The flat concrete slab, supported at its four corners,transmits the loads directly to the columns. With long spans the slab is very heavy.Therefore, this form of construction can be used only in combination with closely spacedcolumns.

Floors with one-way beam systems The floor beams are supported directly by thecolumns. The force transmission routes being short, this is an economical solution. Theplanning grid consists of elongated rectangles with columns widely spaced in onedirection, closely spaced in the other.

Floors with beams in two directions If the columns are widely spaced in both griddirections, the loads from the secondary beams are transmitted to main beams which, inturn, transmit them to the columns. The forces thus have to pass farther than in the

38 39

examples given above. In general, it is better to keep the span of the main beams shorterthan that of the secondary beams.

For very long spans it may be necessary to support the main beams on a third setof members, such as lattice girders, which finally transmit the loads to the columns.

Notes: interrelationship n. взаимоотношение, взаимосвязь rectangle n. прямоугольник

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. What does the economy of the structure depend on?2. What does the space required for services influence?3. What are the features of floor without steel beams?4. What are the features of floors with one-way beam systems?5. What are the features of floors with beams in two directions?6. When is a third set of members used?

Грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Найдите в тексте инфинитивы и переведите их на русскийязык.

Упражнение 2. Найдите в тексте причастия и переведите их на русский язык.

Лексические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведённые ниже слова. ЕслиВы не знаете слово, найдите его в словаре. Выпишите из словаря то значение слова,в котором оно использовано в тексте.

grid (n.), lattice girder, route (n.), corner (n.), in turn, secondary beam.

Упражнение 2. Найдите перевод слов списка А в списке В.

A однако комплект над плоский поэтому инженерные сети близкорасположенный высота

B above combination directly span such as height widely spaced depth

A зависимость пролёт далекорасположенный сила такой как сочетание непосредственно толщина

B therefore flat closely spaced relationship force set nevertheless services

Упражнение 3. Напишите предложения с каждым из перечисленных ниже слов:

characteristic n. - characteristic adj.space n. - space v.

thick adj. - thickness n.


Урок 2.7

Фонетическое задание

Прочитайте транскрипцию в списке A, соотнесите её с соответствующимсловом из списка B и переведите слово на русский язык. Учтите, что не все словасписка В даны в списке А.

A [q'GeIsqnt]; ['sentq]; [graVt]; ['sJkwqns]; [Im'bed]; ['dxmIG]; ["Intq'fIq];

[q'pIq]; [prq'sJGq]; [I'fISqnt]; [prI'saIslI]; [q'kAmplIS]; [tek'nJk]; ['daVql]


procedure drainage adjacent grout

sentence accomplish technique sequence

damage precisely dowel growl

embed techniques interfere centre

efficient proceed appear amber


With any construction technique, problems often appear and procedures have tobe developed which can overcome these in a practical and efficient way. This has beenthe same in the case of high-rise buildings. Often, different methods are adaptable to thesame situation.

Several techniques have been developed for placing the reinforcement as well asgrouting. One sequence involves laying walls to storey height and placing the slabs onthe ungrouted masonry. Then the vertical reinforcement is placed into the block cells,ensuring that it projects above the finished floor slab to serve as dowels for the nextstorey walls. This is a very efficient method, but the unreinforced wall possesses relativelylittle stability and can be easily damaged when the floor slabs are being placed on it. Asafer method involves building the masonry walls to full height with the reinforcementlocated in the walls as the masonry units (brick or block) are laid up. Grouting is thenaccomplished in full-storey height lifts. The dowels projecting above the slab must beprecisely centred in the wall so that when the slabs are lowered into position, the projectingdowels do not interfere with them.

In another procedure, the grouting is stopped a short distance below the floorline, dowels are placed in the grout space, and this space is solid grouted after the slabshave been positioned. Thus, the slabs can be placed without dowels positioned earlier

interfering. This method also possesses the advantage that it is easier to place the bondbeam steel at the top of the wall. The steel extending along the wall at the floor slab levelserves to tie all the slabs together. Another method of tying the slabs together lies throughthe use of weld plates embedded in the slabs so that the weld plates can be used assplices to adjacent panels, tying them together directly.

Notes:bond beam steel крепёжная арматура железобетонной балкиcell n.1 секция, камераgrout n. жидкий строительный растворgrouting n. заливка строительного раствораinterfere v. мешать, сталкиватьсяungrouted masonry колодцевая кладка без заполнения пустот строительным растворомweld plate сварная пластина

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. What is typical with any constructional technique?2. What is the first construction technique described?3. What is its drawback?4. Is there a safer method?5. What is it?6. What is the second method described?7. What is the advantage of this method?8. What other method of tying the slabs together is there?

Лексические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведённые ниже слова. Какиеиз перечисленных слов могут быть другими частями речи? Какими именно? Какони в этом случае переводятся на русский язык?

lift (n.), grout (v.), centre (v.), sequence (n.), adjacent (adj.), position (v.), embed (v.),splice (n.).

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие слова на английский язык:

класть, устанавливать, в качестве, другой, разрушать, элемент каменной кладки,полезный, эффективный, относительно, устойчивость, размещать, преодолевать,сваривать, скреплять, тянуться, так же как и, опускать, надёжный, высотой в этаж.

Упражнение 3. Найдите в тексте термины, связанные с установкой перекры-тий. Перечислите их и дайте перевод на русский язык.

Упражнение 4. Какие из указанных переводов слов являются ошибочными.Укажите правильный перевод.

42 43

project v precisely accomplish grouting slab finished ensure develop way procedure

выступать точно добиваться заливка раствором плита готовый обеспечивать разрабатывать способ процесс

technique use n along settlement superstructure pier footing shaft possess strip

технология использование длинный осадка большое здание вертикальная опора основание ствол процесс полоса

Упражнение 5. Заполните пропуски в тексте, используя слова из приведённогониже списка:

loads space types used ways

Building materials are used in two basic (1)… . In the first way they are used tosupport the (2)… on a building and in the second way they are used to divide the (3)…in a building. Building components are made from building materials and the form of acomponent is related to the way in which it is (4)… . We can see how this works byconsidering three different (5)… of construction.

(продолжение текста в упражнении 5 урока 2.8 стр. 48)

Грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения, определите функциигерундия.

1. A property particularly with concrete is shrinkage caused by loss of water afterhardening.

2. Summer is good for building.3. Because of the low tensile strength of concrete, shrinkage when restrained leads to

cracking.4. The wet concrete can be transported to its final position on site by pumping.5. More fluid concrete mixes are required for pumping.6. No wet concrete, after being placed in its final position, should be at a temperature

less than 5°C or 40°F.7. The concrete must be prevented from drying out too fast because this may cause

cracking.8. A concrete structure may be constructed by casting the concrete in place on the site,

by building it of elements cast in some other place or by a combination of the two.9. With some types of precast concrete construction no time is lost in waiting for concrete

to gain strength at one level of a structure before the next level can be placed.10. Special admixtures make hardening faster.

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие предложения, определите время изалог глаголов.

1. Several techniques have been developed for placing the reinforcement as well asgrouting.

2. Grouting is accomplished in full-storey height lifts.3. The unreinforced wall possesses relatively little stability and therefore can be easily

knocked over when the floor slabs are being placed on it.4. The grouting is stopped a short distance below the floor line, dowels are placed in

the grout space, and this space is solid grouted after the slabs have been positioned.5. This procedure will provide for a continuous uniform bearing.6. Other schemes involved the use of steel.7. Such slabs do not require a topping.8. A topping slab will be poured on top of the filler block to form the finished wearing

surface of the tee shape and the floor diaphragm.

Упражнение 3. Переведите следующие предложения, определите функциюинфинитива.

1. To construct a grillage for equal load transmission in both directions involvesconsiderable effort.

2. The structural steel floor comprises the floor slab and the beams to support it.3. To achieve this, the supporting beams must be quite closely spaced.4. Low temperatures decrease stretch of the fabric but make it easier for tears to develop.5. Insulation, which is material with a very low U, is used to make the rate of heat flow

as low as possible.6. Steels which have higher carbon contents are more brittle at low temperatures and

more difficult to weld.7. To reduce the weight of the slab is the task of an engineer.8. The type of concrete mix and the properties of the hardened concrete may be altered.

To do that the proportions of the ingredients may be varied, the type of cement andaggregates may be altered and admixtures may be used.

Упражнение 4. Задайте пять разделительных и пять альтернативныхвопросов к тексту А.


Floor systems not only support the vertical loads but they also serve as thehorizontal diaphragms which distribute the lateral forces to the shear walls. There areseveral different types of floor systems:

Cast-in-place slabs

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The simple cast-in-place slab floor system is sometimes used where there areirregular floor designs that would make it difficult to form similar precast units. It providesa good structural tie without requiring any specific type of a joint.

Prestressed elementsPrecast prestressed tees are a different type of system. They provide economical

long spans giving open space below that can be easily divided with partitions. A toppingslab provides both a finished floor surface and a tie, so that the system functions as adiaphragm. This cast-in-place topping slab must be thick enough so that the reinforcementwithin it can achieve adequate bond to the concrete.

Steel bar joistsThe system uses steel bar joists which support a concrete floor slab or a metal

deck with a concrete topping surface. It is useful where some space between the ceilingand floor deck above for different kinds of services is required.

Lift-on slabA lift-on slab, usually of full room size, has proven to be economical and efficient.

Such slabs do not require a topping or finish since the floor surface and ceiling finish arepart of the slab.

Notes:lift-on precast slab сборное железобетонное перекрытие, монтируемое методом “liftslab”steel bar joist решётчатая вспомогательная стальная балка

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. Which functions do floor systems perform?2. When is cast-in-place slab floor system used?3. When are precast prestressed tees used?4. Why must cast-in-place topping slab be thick?5. What is the reason for the use of steel bar joists?6. What are the advantages of a lift-on slab?

Грамматическое упражнение

Упражнение 1. Найдите в тексте неличные формы глагола, определите,какими частями речи они являются, какую функцию выполняют в предложении, ипереведите их на русский язык.

Лексические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведённые ниже слова. ЕслиВы не знаете слово, найдите его в словаре. Выпишите из словаря то значение слова,в котором оно использовано в тексте.

irregular (adj. ), tee (n.), floor deck, diaphragm (n. ), topping (n. ), deck (n. ), shearwall, finish (n. ).

Упражнение 2. Найдите перевод слов списка А в списке В.

A обеспечивать иногда вспомогательная балка перегородка несколько соединение распределять стык

B prove since joint tie sometimes distribute achieve ceiling

A стяжка потолок так как брус оказываться монолитный полезный достичь

B bar cast-in-place several partition provide useful joist bond

Упражнение 3. Напишите предложения с каждым из перечисленных нижеслов:

stable adj. - stability n.finish n. - finish v.


Урок 2.8

Фонетическое задание

Прочитайте транскрипцию в списке A, соотнесите её с соответствующимсловом из списка B и переведите слово на русский язык. Учтите, что не все словасписка В даны в списке А.

A [kqm'pxkt]; ['tPlqrqns]; [skrJd]; [rI'kwaIqmqnt]; ['wLtqtaIt]; [In'hIqrqnt];

[mqVld]; [pq'mIsIbql]; [trPf]; ['kAvqrIN]; ['speIsIN]; [prI'lImInqrI]; [qb'teIn];


B screed ordain trough requirement

spacious inherent standardised contact

tolerance permissible obtain recruitment

mould waterfront covering traffic

spacing compact v. watertight preliminary


The floor must be designed considering all the functions it will be required toperform. The following factors are important in determining the span to be adopted forthe floor slab:

• The span of the slab should fit in with the dimensions of the planning grid forthe building.

• The thickness of the concrete slab depends not only on structural factors, butalso on such requirements as sound insulation and fire protection.

• The spacing of the floor beams is determined by the maximum permissible widthnecessary for transportation of the precast concrete units, the main joints of which areparallel to these floor beams.

Lightweight concrete used either as a filler material or as a structural material,reduces the weight of the floor. However, it may involve some loss of sound insulationand fire protection. Furthermore, with long spans and heavy loads, the weight advantageof lightweight concrete may be reduced because deeper sections are necessary.

The degree of evenness of the surface of the structural floor depends on the methodof construction. The dimensional tolerances in­herent in the construction of an in-situconcrete floor require the application of a screed as a preliminary finishing layer overthe slab. Smaller tolerances are obtained when in-situ concrete is placed on permanent

formwork, such as precast concrete units or steel troughs. A floor composed of precastconcrete units generally requires only a very thin screed. If these units are precast instandardised steel moulds, a surface of such evenness can be obtained that the floorcovering may be laid directly upon the structural floor.

Normally, a steel floor cannot be considered as watertight. To make it watertightan in-situ concrete floor should be laid in one continuous operation, without constructionjoints, and the concrete itself should be of good quality and well compacted.

Notes:evenness n. ровность (поверхности)preliminary adj. предварительный

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. What are the factors important in determining the span for the floor slab?2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the use of lightweight concrete for

floor slabs?3. What does the degree of evenness of the structural floor depend on?4. Why is the application of a screed required?5. How are smaller tolerances obtained?6. What should be done to achieve very high evenness of the structural floor?7. How can watertightness of the structural floor be obtained?

Лексические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведённые ниже слова. Какиеиз перечисленных слов могут быть другими частями речи? Какими именно? Какони в этом случае переводятся на русский язык?

screed (n. ), tolerance (n. ), watertight (adj. ), covering (n. ), dimensional tolerance,permissible (adj. ), in­herent (adj. ), compact (v. ), trough (n. ), construction joint, structuralfloor, mould (n. ), finishing (n. ), spacing (n. ), requirement (n. ).

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие слова на английский язык:

соответствовать, операция, сокращать, легкий бетон, нагрузка, более того,огнезащита, как, балка перекрытия, уплотнять, водонепроницаемый, ширина,постоянная опалубка, получать, главный, сборный бетон.

Упражнение 3. Найдите в тексте термины, связанные с проектированием ивозведением перекрытий. Перечислите их и дайте перевод на русский язык.

48 49

Упражнение 4. Какие из указанных переводов слов являются ошибочными.Укажите правильный перевод.

deck finish prove equalize topping irregular grid expose

настил отделка оказываться уравновешивать верхний неправильной формы решётка обнажать

bracing arrangement subsequent slender primary perform capability row

система связей размещение последующий тонкий основной выполнение возможность ряд

Упражнение 5. Заполните пропуски в тексте, используя слова из приведённогониже списка:

as building can be

compressive concrete

fixed together form

plastics solid


(Продолжение. Начало в упражнении 5 урока 2.7, стр.42 )1. In one kind of construction, blocks of materials such as brick, stone, or (1)… are

joined together to form (2)… walls. These materials are heavy, however they havehigh (3)… strength. Walls made up of blocks support the building and divide thespace in the (4)… .

2. In another type of construction, sheet materials (листовой материал) are used to(5)… walls which act as both space-dividers and structural support. Timber, concreteand some (6)… can be made into large rigid sheets and (7)… to form a building.

3. Rod materials (8)… used for structural sup­port but not for dividing spaces. Timber,steel and concrete can be formed into rods and used (9)… columns. Rod materialswith high tensile and compressive (10)… can be fixed together to form framedstructures.

Грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая вниманиена герундий в функции подлежащего.

1. The spacing of the floor beams is determined by the maximum permissibletransportable width of the precast concrete units.

2. Welding or bolting of steel components produces high strength connections.3. Altering the internal layout involves dismantling and re-erecting the partitions.

4. Applying long term loads may cause sagging of timber beams due to creep.5. Stiffening with the help of lattice bracing or solid diaphragm walls results in fixed

points in the building.6. The spacing of the supports determines the spans of the floor structure and therefore

its construction depth.7. Mixing aggregates, cement and water followed by curing produces the hardened

concrete.8. Although bulk costs of metal are higher than those of most other materials building

of steel is still reasonable.

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие глаголы.

arrange build construct

design erect form

produce start use

Образуйте от них глаголы с помощью приставки re- , означающей повторноедействие. Переведите полученные производные слова.

Упражнение 3. Переведите следующие предложения. Определите, от какихслов и с помощью каких суффиксов образованы подчеркнутые существительные.

1. The thickness of the concrete slab depends on such requirements as sound insulationand fire protection.

2. The dimensional tolerances inherent in the construction of an in-situ concrete floorrequire the application of a screed as a preliminary finishing layer over the slab.

3. The most popular thermosetting plastic in use in the construction industry, due toits cost, strength, relative hardness and toughness, is fibreglass reinforced polyester.

4. It can be easily adapted to changing requirements.5. Folding screens can be moved by the users of the building themselves.6. Steel loses strength and stiffness at high temperatures.

Упражнение 4. Переведите следующие предложения. Определите функциинеличных форм глагола.

1. Admixtures are available to retard the setting of the wet concrete and this can be usedin hot weather to prevent a premature set.

2. The material may fail by breaking or by excessive deformation.3. A structural member made this way is called a glu-lam member.4. A building used by people must be kept warmer than the surrounding air in cold

climates and cooler than the surrounding air in hot climates.5. Since the structures designed by civil engineers are intended to be stationary or

stable, these forces must be kept in balance.

50 51

6. Longitudinal reinforcing has been selected on the basis of providing minimal shrinkage.7. To reduce weight the slab may be formed with internal cavities or composed of ribs

joined together by a thin top layer of concrete, the latter being described as a waffleslab.

8. All buildings have to be stiffened to resist wind loading.9. The load transmission conditions being approximately the same in both directions, a

planning grid is adopted this being typical of in-situ-concrete construction.10. The joints may be sealed by binding the precast concrete floor units together with a

special adhesive mortar.

Упражнение 5. Задайте три вопроса к подлежащему, три – к определениюподлежащего и три разделительных вопроса к тексту А.


Sound insulation In modern high-rise buildings, where many people have to liveor work most of their time acoustic insulation is a very important factor. The floor mustprovide the necessary insulation against airborne noise and footstep sound. Speakingabout this acoustic function, the floor comprises one or more layers:

The single-layer floor comprises only the structural floor.The two-layer floor comprises the structural floor and a surfacing separated from

it by a resilient insulating material classified as floating floor. A two-layer floor mayconsist of the structural floor with a suspended ceiling fitted below.

The three layer floor is a combination of the two latter forms of construction thatis a floating floor with a suspended ceiling.

Fire protection The fire resistance of a floor required can be achieved in variousways:

• for the floor slab itself: choice of a fire-resistant form of construction or aprotective coating or finish;

• for the steel beams: sprayed protection or cladding;• as an alternative, the floor structure as a whole may be encased.Heat insulation If a floor separates a heated storey from one that is not heated, it

should comprise a heat-insulating layer, which is not needed if the storeys above andbelow the floor are both heated. Terraces should be heat-insulated on the same principlesas for flat roofs.

Notes:airborne noise воздушный шумfloating floor плавающий полfootstep sound звук шаговheat v. нагреватьas a whole в целом

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. What must acoustic insulation be provided against?2. What is the structural difference between a single-layer and a two-layer floor?3. What does the term “three layer floor” mean?4. How can the fire resistance of a floor be achieved?5. When should a floor comprise a heat-insulating layer?

Грамматическое упражнение

Упражнение 1. Найдите в тексте неличные формы глагола, определите,какими частями речи они являются, какую функцию выполняют в предложении, ипереведите их на русский язык.

Лексические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведённые ниже слова. ЕслиВы не знаете слово, найдите его в словаре. Выпишите из словаря то значение слова,в котором оно использовано в тексте.

protection (n.), encase (v.), resilient (adj.), protective (adj.), heat-insulating (adj.),suspended ceiling, terrace (n.).

Упражнение 2. Найдите перевод слов списка А в списке В.

A жёлоб плоский последний высотный тот же устанавливать оба распылять

B anchor straight both trough against weld same need

A от слой нуждаться покрытие полоса сваривать прямой закреплять

B fit strip spray layer latter coating flat high-rise

Упражнение 3. Напишите предложения с каждым из перечисленных нижеслов:

require – requirementpermit - permissiblepractice - practical

52 53

Текст C


The more extensive use of steel in multi-storey buildings results from the need forconvertibility of buildings. It often occurs that the internal layout and facilities originallyprovided in a building soon prove to be not adequate or at least not completely adequate.A building can obtain a longer useful life if it is flexible in the sense that it can be easilyadapted to changing requirements.

Depending on the extent of the conversions involved, the following degrees offlexibility may be distinguished:

First degree of flexibilityThe modification of the floor space is altered by changing the arrangement of

space-separating elements, for example, folding screens which can be moved by theowners of the building themselves.

Second degree of flexibilityIn this case, altering the internal layout in­volves dismantling and re-erecting the

parti­tions. This is possible only if the latter are non-loadbearing. This requirement canonly be fulfilled by framed buildings in which the load-bearing and space-enclosingfunctions are separate and are performed by different sets of components. The columnsof a framed building may, however, be a problem to internal changes. Wide col­umnspacings and long floor spans improve the flexibility of layout. Flexibility in alteringand rearranging the services is also essential. In a building provided with movablepartitions, these must be installed in the floors. Hence it is desirable to provide a floor inwhich the services can be installed according to the design and when the need occursmodified, as re­quired.

It is necessary to distinguish between the following different types of partition:• movable prefabricated units;• demountable walls whose materials can be re-used­;• demountable walls whose materials cannot be re-used.

Third degree of flexibilityModification of the load-bearing structure be­comes necessary, for example, in

the following circumstances:• strengthening the structure to carry heavier loads;• increasing the spans by the removal of internal supports;• increasing the height with additional storeys;• extending a building;• demolishing certain parts of a building.

These modifications can be fulfilled easily, without excessive damage to theexisting building if it is steel-framed and not be expensive.

Fourth degree of flexibilityThis comprises structures which - except for the foundations - can be completely

dismantled and whose components can be re-used for other purposes and in combination

with other struc­tures. For this, the space-enclosing elements, as well as the actualstructural frame, must be composed of demountable standardised components. Only anumber of parts of such a building are dismantled, for example, the roof covering, floorfinishes, services, etc. The foundations or basements are either back­filled or used forother structures. Construc­tional systems which comply with these require­ments areavailable for external and internal walls and for ceilings.

Fifth degree of flexibilityThe last way of adaptation of an existing building to meet changing circumstances

is by demolition to give place for a new building when structural modification is noteconomically pos­sible.

When considering the type of structural system to adopt for a projected newbuilding, ease of demolition should be included in the cost analysis. Steel-framedbuildings can be demolished quickly, at moder­ate cost.

Notes:backfill v. обратно засыпатьcomply with соответствоватьconvertibility n. конверсионность, возможность измененияdemolition n. снос (здания)folding screen раздвижная стенкаlast adj. последнийlife n. зд. срок службыoriginally adv. первоначальноrearrange v. перегруппировать, расположить по-новомуsoon adv. скоро

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. What does the more extensive use of steel in multi-storey buildings result from?2. How can a longer useful life of a building be obtained?3. How many degrees of flexibility are there?4. What do they depend on?5. How can the modification of the floor space be altered with the first degree of

flexibility?6. What is its difference from the second degree of flexibility?7. Why must parti­tions be non-loadbearing in case of the second degree of flexibility?8. What does the third degree of flexibility involve?9. Which elements of a structure can be re-used for other purposes and in combination

with other struc­tures with the fourth degree of flexibility?10. What does the fifth degree of flexibility mean?

Лексическое упражнение

В списке А даны некоторые слова и выражения, которые использованы втексте для домашнего чтения. Найдите их перевод в списке В.

54 55

А depending on alter facilities re-erect fulfil moderate project a number of etc modify whose demountable non-loadbearing spacing

B также как и несколько разборный за исключением устанавливать достаточный демонтировать в зависимости от важный и так далее смысл передвижной раздельный расположение

А dismantle sense except for extend movable install extensive move layout separate adequate compose as well as essential

B расширять обширный чей двигать умеренный составлять интервал изменять оборудование повторно возводить ненесущий модифицировать осуществлять проектировать

Урок 2.9Фонетическое задание

Прочитайте транскрипцию в списке A, соотнесите её с соответствующимсловом из списка B и переведите слово на русский язык. Учтите, что не все словасписка В даны в списке А.

A [In'klqVZq]; [flaIt]; ["Intq'mJdIqt]; ['spaIqrql]; ['steqkeIs]; ["sWkjV'leISqn];

[kqn'vJnIqns]; ['frJkwqnt]; ['eskqleItq]; [GI'PmItrI]; [dI'stINkSqn]; [I'speSqlI];

[pq'tIkjVlq]; ['sIqrJz]

B fleet staircase excavator especially

enclosure series convenience intermediate

enclose flight distraction frequent

escalator serious geometry spiral

circulation immediate distinction particular


Stairs are used for vertical circulation in buildings. A distinction must be madebetween fixed stairs and escalators. Ramps and, as well as lifts, may perform similarfunctions.

Depending on the space available, or the architectural requirements, stairs may bestraight, curved or spiral on plan. The most frequent type, especially in buildings designedfor construc­tion by mass production techniques, is the staircase with straight flights.

In the design of stairs the following problems should be paid particular attentionto: the geometry of the staircase; the construction of its components; the vertical enclosureof the staircase in relation to the storeys and to the rest of the building generally.

The fixed straight staircase comprises flights and landings. A series of more thanthree steps is a flight. For reasons of safety the length of a flight should be limited toabout 18 steps. It is rarely that two floors in a multi-storey building are connected by asingle flight of stairs. If two or more flights are installed in each storey, one or moreintermediate landings, as well as top and bottom landings, will be needed. If the successiveflights are at right angles to one another the landing at each change of direction is knownas a quarter-space landing. With two flights per storey, this is the most common form ofconstruction and takes up the least space on plan.


Construction of the stepsThe convenience and safety of stairs very much depend on the relationship between

the tread and the riser. Standardised tread and riser dimensions make planning easierand enable the related features such as hand-rails to be pro­duced to uniform dimensions.The depth of the landing and the length of the flight should be a dimension which can bedivided by 60 or, if this is not possible, by 30 or, in an extreme case, by 10.

Notes:convenience удобствоgeometry n. геометрическая формаhand-rail n. перилаlanding n. лестничная площадкаquarter-space landing промежуточная лестничная площадкаriser n. подступёнокtread n. проступь, ступень

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. What are stairs used for?2. What other facilities can be used for this purpose?3. What types of staircases are there?4. What are the problems in the stairs design to be paid particular attention to?5. What are the characteristic features of the straight staircases?6. How are stairs constructed?

Лексические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведённые ниже слова. Какиеиз перечисленных слов могут быть другими частями речи? Какими именно? Какони в этом случае переводятся на русский язык?

stair (n.), staircase (n. ), planning (n.), intermediate (adj.), spiral (adj.), relation (n.),flight (n.), vertical circulation, ramp (n.), enclosure (n.).

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие слова на английский язык:

частый, оборудование, безопасность, серия, внимание, многоэтажное здание,чрезвычайный, последующий, прямой угол, монтировать, такой как, остальные,изогнутый, эскалатор, выполнять, защита, быть результатом.

Упражнение 3. Найдите в тексте термины, связанные с конструкцией лестниц.Перечислите их и дайте перевод на русский язык.

Упражнение 4. Какие из указанных переводов слов являются ошибочными.Укажите правильный перевод.

movable completely storey cost also through direction rarely

передвижной полностью этаж стоимость такой же жёлоб направление редко

only way heat tolerance enough prefabricated combination resilient

только способ нагрев допускаемое отклонение достаточно сборный сочетание эластичный

Упражнение 5. Дайте антонимы следующих слов:non-loadbearing install

irregular join

in-situ concrete external

Грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая вниманиена независимый оборот без причастия.

1. With loads considerable, deep foundation was used for the structure.2. Climate cold, extensive thermal insulation should be paid attention to.3. Foundations vital (жизненно важный) for the structure stability and difficult to

build, only specialists must construct them.4. Wood, with moisture content high, loses its strength.5. The construction of the foundation over, the superstructure building was begun.6. Structural modification not economically pos­sible, the building will be

demolished (сносить).

Упражнение 2. Проанализируйте подчёркнутое в тексте предложение:выделите в нём подлежащее, сказуемое и второстепенные члены и укажите частьречи, которой являются эти члены предложения.

Упражнение 3. Задайте три вопроса к подлежащему или его определению,три альтернативных и три разделительных вопроса к тексту А.


The term ‘ceiling’ in modern building comprises all constructional features situatedunderneath the structural floor, that is, in structural steelwork it means those com­ponentsof the floor structure which are installed below the slab and beams. In steel-framedbuildings, the ceilings are usually of the suspended type.

58 59

In general, a suspended ceiling comprises the actual ceiling, a system of beams tosupport it, and the hangers, these being suspended from the structural floor. Many differentmaterials and methods of construction are used for suspended ceilings, traditional onesbeing used as well as new standardised systems. New types are being developed, oftenfor special purposes. Of particular importance are suspended ceiling systems whichprovide fire protection of the steel beams from below and also perform one or more ofthe other functions. Such ceilings are not much more expensive than those which do notprovide fire protection.

Plastered ceilings comprise a plaster coat applied to lathing. They have thedisadvantage that the space above the ceiling can not be easily reached without destroyingpart of the ceiling.

Demountable prefabricated panels have the general advantage of dry construction,and the same applies to the arrangements for closing or covering the joints. Separatepanels can easily be removed without damaging adjacent ones.

Notes:lathing n. основание (под штукатурку)plaster coat слой штукатурки

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. What does the term “ceiling” mean?2. What does a suspended ceiling consist of?3. What are new types of suspended ceilings developed for?4. What are the advantages of demountable panels?

Грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Найдите в тексте причастные обороты и переведите их нарусский язык.

Упражнение 2. Задайте вопросы к подлежащему и его определению, атакже альтернативный и разделительный вопрос к подчёркнутой в тексте Вчасти предложения.

Лексические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведённые ниже слова. ЕслиВы не знаете слово, найдите его в словаре. Выпишите из словаря то значение слова,в котором оно использовано в тексте.

traditional (adj.), plaster (v.), hanger (n.), situated (adj.), underneath (prep.),suspend (v.).

Упражнение 2. Найдите перевод слов списка А в списке В.

A соседний подвесной означать разрабатывать снизу другой сухой оказываться

B other demountable destroy prove adjacent owner particular reach

A владелец степень расположение разрушать разборный недостаток исключительный доходить до

B dry mean disadvantage develop degree arrangement suspended from below

Упражнение 3. Напишите предложения с каждым из перечисленных нижеслов:

plan n. - plan v. – planningplaster n. - plaster v.


Урок 2.10

Фонетическое задание

Прочитайте транскрипцию в списке A, соотнесите её с соответствующимсловом из списка B и переведите слово на русский язык. Учтите, что не все словасписка В даны в списке А.

A ['bxrIq]; ['rAnPf]; ['djHpOInt]; ['gxlvqnaIzd]; ['InsjVleIt]; ["lPnGI'tjHdInql];

[SJt]; [slqVp]; ['veIpq]; [Im'pWvIqs]; ['rIvIt]; [DqV]; ['xgrIgIt]; ['waIdlI]

B dew-point shirt widely river

through impervious viper run-off

insulate barrier isolate slope

vapour longitudinal aggregate rivet

sheet galvanised though bearer

Текст A


The structure of a flat roof is generally similar to that of a floor, but lighter. Insteel-framed buildings the roof materials most widely used are steel and concrete.

Metal roofing Galvanised steel sheet is widely used for externally insulated roofs.The sheets are fixed to the supporting beams by welding, bolts or blind rivets etc. Therequired depth of the section and the weight of the sheeting as a function of the total roofload, the span and the support conditions, single or two spans should be esti­mated. Ifthe upper surface of the roof has to be constructed to a certain fall to help rainwater run-off, this should be achieved by an adequate sloping of the roof beams.

The steel sheet is in itself impervious to water vapour, but the longitudinal andtransverse joints are not always watertight. Under normal internal and external conditions(internal relative humidity 65%, internal temperature + 20°C, outside temperature - 15°C),however, a vapour barrier is not required if full air-conditioning is not installed.

Concrete roof slabs Concrete roof slabs, laid in-situ or composed of precastconcrete units and with or without composite action, are generally similar in con­structionto floor slabs. Such roofs are more particularly suitable in circumstances where relativelylarge loads have to be supported by the roof structure.

Lightweight concrete slabs, though possessing good thermal insulation capacity,must never­theless be provided with additional insulating layers of adequate thicknessto ensure that the temperature in the concrete always remains above the dew-point. Aeratedconcrete is very suitable as a light­weight covering, as are also various lightweightaggregate concretes. A fall for rainwater run-off from a concrete roof can also be ob­tainedmore economically by properly sloping the roof beams than by means of a screed.

Notes:air-conditioning n. кондиционирование воздухаblind rivet глухая заклёпкаfall n. зд. уклонimpervious adj. непроницаемыйsheeting n. обшивка

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. What is the difference between the structure of a flat roof and a floor?2. What kinds of roofing are described in the text?3. What should be esti­mated in construction of metal roofing?4. What are the features which characterise metal roofing watertightness?5. When is concrete roofing more suitable?6. What kinds of concrete slabs are used for the purpose?7. What must be done to achieve good thermal insulation of concrete roofing?8. What must be done to avoid rainwater leakage (протечка) in a concrete roof?

Лексические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведённые ниже слова. Какиеиз перечисленных слов могут быть другими частями речи? Какими именно? Какони в этом случае переводятся на русский язык?

roofing (n.), galvanised steel, vapour barrier, composite action, longitudinal (adj.), run-off (n.), dew-point (n.), insulate (v.), sheet (n.), slope (v.), vapour (n.).

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие слова на английский язык:

стально-каркасное здание, плита из лёгкого бетона, однако, обычно, современный,промежуточный, внимание, обстоятельства, изоляционный слой, средство, балкапокрытия, оставаться, поризованный бетон, относительная влажность, потолок,плита бетонного покрытия.

Упражнение 3. Найдите в тексте термины, связанные с конструкцией крыши:её типами, особенностями и свойствами. Перечислите их и дайте перевод нарусский язык.

62 63

Упражнение 4. Какие из указанных переводов слов являются ошибочными.Укажите правильный перевод.

internal sheet fix tolerance corner than transmission grid

внутренний лист закреплять допуск угол что передача решётка

depth total screed hanger underneath damage actual provide

глубина совокупный цементная стяжка подвеска поэтому повреждать активный обеспечивать

Упражнение 5. Выберите толкование, которое соответствует строительномутермину.






1. Force per unit area.

2. The system of structural components

separating the stories of a building.

3. Deformation of a material per unit length.

4. The distance between the supports of a


5. The walls separating spaces in a building.

Грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения и определитефункцию глаголов “to be”, “to have”.

1. The upper surface of the roof has to be constructed to a certain fall to assistrainwater run-off.

2. If the building is to be subsequently raised by the addition of one or more storeysthe roof should be designed as a normal floor.

3. Many different materials and methods of construction are used for suspendedceilings.

4. Where services have to be installed in this space and may need attention or mayhave to be altered later, this type of construction is therefore inadequate.

5. This type of construction has many disadvantages.6. The insulating panels are supplied with various other layers which have been

bonded to them.7. A floor in a framed building is a number of floor bays.

8. Such slabs tend to be very thick and heavy.9. The roof has to be disturbed only at the points where column splices have to be

made.10. The rest of the roof can be left in position until the additional storeys have been

completed.11. Structural modification is not economically possible.12. Large loads have to be supported by the roof structure.

Упражнение 2. Задайте общий, альтернативный, разделительный и 5специальных вопросов к подчёркнутому в тексте А предложению.

Упражнение 3. Переведите следующие предложения. Определите функциюнеличных форм глагола.

1. The following considerations are relevant in determining the span to be adopted forthe floor slab.

2. The steel work is prefabricated in a factory, structural steelwork mass productiontechniques being favourable.

3. The concrete must be prevented from drying out too fast because this may causecracking.

4. Carbon steel is the most important class of steel for the construction industry. Thesesteels are cheap and convenient to use

5. The most common way is to stretch steel bars or wires, that are called tendons, andto anchor them to the concrete

6. With some types of precast concrete construction, no time is lost in waiting forconcrete to gain strength at one level of a structure before the next level can beplaced.

7. The planning grid consists of elongated rectangles with columns widely spaced inone direction, closely spaced in the other.

8. In structural steelwork the term “ceiling” means components of the floor structureinstalled below the slab and beams.


To prevent the loss of warmth, the insulating panels are often laid in several layers.In some systems, the insulating panels are supplied with various other layers whichhave been bonded to them, for example, with the following composition, from top tobottom:

Waterproof layerVenting layerHeat insulating layerVapour barrierVenting layer

64 65

Such panels can be laid ‘dry’ and they must be carefully sealed at the joints underdry condi­tions. In this way, a temporary roof covering is obtained, which can becompleted later under better weather conditions, by the addition of the finishing layers.

The structural roof slab also provides thermal insulation and is provided withonly a waterproof layer. The structural slab itself is subjected to considerable temperaturedifferences which may cause variations in length.

The space between the roof structure and the ceiling may be a factor to considerin designing the roof insulation. If this space is not in effective contact with the airinside the room, the upper layer of air in the cavity may eventually reach a tempera­tureclose to that of the outside air, the structural slab becoming saturated with moisture.Slots or holes in the ceiling don’t prevent this effect. On the other hand, it does not occurif the ceiling space is in effective contact with the interior of the room, for example, ifthe ceiling is formed by slats and large openings.

Notes:bond v. соединятьlater adv. позжеsaturate v. пропитыватьventing layer вентиляционный слойwarmth n. тепло waterproof adj. водонепроницаемый

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

What are the functions of the insulating panels?What must be done when such panels are used?Why is the space between the roof structure and the ceiling a factor to consider?What are the two alternatives?

Грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Найдите в тексте неличные формы глагола. Определите ихфункции и переведите на русский язык.

Упражнение 2. Задайте 4 специальных вопроса к тексту В.

Лексические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведённые ниже слова. ЕслиВы не знаете слово, найдите его в словаре. Выпишите из словаря то значение слова,в котором оно использовано в тексте.

seal (v.), inside (adv.), slat (n.), slot (n.), interior (n.), contact (n.), structural slab.

Упражнение 2. Найдите перевод слов списка А в списке В.

A проём большой временный кровельное покрытие соединение содержать дорогой в конце концов

B cavity often close joint supply subject temporary longitudinal

A пар снабжать часто подвергать препятствовать близкий полость продольный

B prevent comprise eventually expensive vapour considerable roofing opening

Упражнение 3. Напишите предложения с каждым из перечисленных нижеслов:

relate – relation - relationshipinsulate - insulation


Урок 2.11

Фонетическое задание

Прочитайте транскрипцию в списке A, соотнесите её с соответствующимсловом из списка B и переведите слово на русский язык. Учтите, что не все словасписка В даны в списке А.

A [dens]; ['InfIlIN]; ["Intqkq'nekt]; [lJf]; ['mAljqn]; ['brIkwWk]; ['sxnwIG];

["selfsq'pLtIN]; ["mAltI'leIq]; ['spxndrql]; ['fIzIkql]; [In'tIqrIq]; [hRf]; [wID'In]

B interior half mullion physical

life spandrel within dance

dense sandwich multi-layer interconnect

leaf million brickwork spaniel

infilling calf self-supporting facial

Текст A


Brickwork Ordinary or lightweight bricks, with or without external rendering, areplaced within the frame. For high walls the masonry is also supported by vertical andhorizontal steel members. Such infillings may be a half or a whole brick thick.

Concrete panels and slabs These units, usually of precast concrete, are providedwith a heat-insulating. The concrete slab is a composite three-layer unit, comprising anouter and an inner leaf with a layer of insulating material sandwiched between; the innerleaf performs the main supporting function and is thicker than the outer. The two areinterconnected by stainless steel ties extending through the insulation. To avoid stressesin the panels due to temperature differences, rigid connections are provided at the centreof each panel and elastic connections at the edges.

Lightweight concrete panels and slabs Because of their low weight and moderatecost, they are particularly suitable for steel-framed buildings. There are different kindsof these:

• Aerated concrete is cast in large blocks which are then cut up into panels orslabs. Aerated concrete panels and slabs are used as single-layer cladding units.

• Lightweight concrete slabs are used as single-layer cladding units which canbe cast to any required shape.

• Multi-layer lightweight concrete cladding units comprise a dense inner concreteleaf, a thick intermediate layer of insulating lightweight concrete and an outer finishinglayer of concrete.

Sandwich panels These can be self-supporting wall or spandrel panels and panelswhich are fitted between supporting mullions or columns. Depending on their physicalfunction in relation to the interior space, open and closed panels are to be distinguished.As a rule, a cladding panel comprises the outer skin, the insulating core, the vapourbarrier and the inner skin.

Notes:rendering n. оштукатуривание

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. What are external walls built of?2. What kinds of bricks are used?3. What is the structure of a concrete slab?4. Which lightweight concrete slabs are there?5. What sandwich panels are to be distinguished?

Лексические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведённые ниже слова. Какиеиз перечисленных слов могут быть другими частями речи? Какими именно? Какони в этом случае переводятся на русский язык?

dense (adj.), mullion (n.), spandrel panel, self-supporting (adj.), interconnect (v.),composite (adj.), infilling (n.), skin (n.), multi-layer (adj.), brickwork (n.), leaf (n.),sandwich panel.

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие слова на английский язык:

таким образом, внутренний (2), облицовочная панель, выделять, тип, промежу-точный, центр, выполнять, физический, тянуться, половина, как правило, внешний,край, влажность, профиль, из-за, разрезать.

Упражнение 3. Найдите в тексте термины, связанные с конструкциейнаружной стены: её особенностями и свойствами. Перечислите их и дайте переводна русский язык.

Упражнение 4. Какие из указанных переводов слов являются ошибочными.Укажите правильный перевод.

68 69

then moderate connection rigid slot bottom various technique

затем современный соединение жёсткий паз низ разнообразный технология

support avoid masonry brick air occur seal carefully

поддерживать избегать монолитный бетон кирпич воздух встречаться герметизировать тщательный

Упражнение 5. Выберите толкование, которое соответствует строительномутермину.







1. A form of iron, steel or other metal with a particular constant type of cross-section (for example I, L, or T).

2. The maximum load that a structure can carry before a specific limit of action is reached.

3. A system of structural elements designed to support loads.

4. A slender structural element used to resist tensile forces.

5. The exterior covering of the structural components of a building.

6. Vertical core around stairs, lifts, and mechanical shafts.

Грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведете следующие предложения, обратите вниманиена префиксы с отрицательным значением.

1. This type of foundation is inadequate for the soil condition on the site.2. A disadvantages of toughened glass is its loss of properties above 300°C3. This material is non-elastic.4. Many great buildings built centuries ago had great strength, unnecessary in most

cases.5. Where floor designs are irregular the simple cast-in-place slab floor system is

sometimes used.6. The house is unusual in its external wall finish.7. Non-loadbearing internal walls should be so designed that they are not subjected to

additional loads.8. It is impossible to build modern houses without the knowledge of new techniques.

9. Use of deep foundations may be necessary in case of instability of ground-levelsoil.

10. Unlike most metals, an increase in temperature even of 10°C has a major effect onthe stiffness of the plastic.

11. When the existing building is to carry heavier loads its load-bearing structure can’tbe left (от неправильного глагола leave [left – left] - оставлять) unchanged.

12. Though glass has low thermal conductivity temperature dif­ferences are notinsignificant for its strength.

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие предложения, определите части речиподчеркнутых слов.

1. A building can be stiffened by means of steel bracing, concrete walls or cores.2. Many bridges span the Neva.3. The builders position sandwich panels between supporting mullions or columns.4. When the slabs are lowered into position, the dowels that project do not interfere

with them.5. New means of building unit transportation are used.6. The designers space column footings reasonably closely in this foundation.7. In most cases the builders concrete wall footings.8. They design the wall as a spanning element of one type or another.9. The space between the roof structure and the ceiling may be a factor to consider.10. In this case separate footings are better for the foundation.11. Several insulating layers separate the outside of the roof from its inside.12. In a one-storey building with light construction and short spans the column loads

may be light.

Упражнение 3. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание нафункции слов one и that.

1. Cement is one of the most versatile binders.2. Fabric has a low or zero shear modulus, that is, the material can be made that shears

with little or no effort.3. If pedestal is built of hollow masonry units one should have the voids completely

filled with concrete.4. The shallow founda­tions are those with which load transfer occurs near the bottom

of the building.5. Separate panels can easily be removed without damaging adjacent ones.6. Builders must ensure that this settle­ment is uniform and small.7. The part of the basement wall above ground may be of different construc­tion than

that extending into the ground.8. The first degree of flexibility is the one which allows modification of the floor

space by the owners of the building themselves.70 71

9. That the thick­ness selected is adequate means that it elimi­nates the need for shearreinforcing.

10. The basic components of a steel structure are steel sections. These include thin-walled slender elements.

Упражнение 4. Работа в парах.

Студент C: Задайте 6 вопросов различных типов к тексту А.Студент D: Ответьте на вопросы к тексту студента C.Студенты C и D: Поменяйтесь ролями.

Текст B


The following characteristics typical of steel-framed buildings affect theconstruction and often also the external appearance of the facade:

• In steel-framed buildings the loads are trans­mitted by the columns, no load-bearingexternal wall being necessary. Hence, lightweight walls are generally more suitablethan heavy ones. The columns may be completely or partly incor­porated into thosewalls.• The location of the columns in relation to the external wall must therefore beconsidered, as they may be behind, in, or in front of the wall.• As external columns can support the facades, mullions are often not necessary.• The external wall can be fixed quite simply to the structural frame by bolting orwelding.• Wind-bracings comprising diagonal mem­bers, whether installed inside or outsidethe facade, largely affect the design of the external wall.• Proper attention should be paid to relative movements between the structural frameand the external wall. The deformations of a steel frame due to temperature variations,vertical live load and wind load and, in tall buildings, the oscillations due to wind -are usually greater than those of a concrete frame.• Because of factory production, dimensional tolerances in a steel frame are smallerthan in structures built of other materials.• Erection of the external wall can often be combined with erection of the structuralsteelwork.

Notes:oscillation n. колебание

Грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Работа в парах.

Студент C: Задайте 6 вопросов различных типов к тексту B.Студент D: Ответьте на вопросы к тексту студента C.Студенты C и D: Поменяйтесь ролями.

Упражнение 2. Найдите в тексте примеры употребления слов one и that.Обратите внимание на их перевод.

Упражнение 3. Найдите в тексте слова, которые могут быть другими частямиречи.

Лексические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведённые ниже слова. ЕслиВы не знаете слово, найдите его в словаре. Выпишите из словаря то значение слова,в котором оно использовано в тексте.

facade (n.), wind-bracing (n.), outside (prep.), in front of (prep.), behind (prep.).

Упражнение 2. Найдите перевод слов списка А в списке В.

A средник поэтому сочетать из-за правильный между пересечение усиливать

B member between incorporate therefore characteristic combine erection affect

A внешний вид воздействовать на характеристика строительство допуск включать деталь обдумывать

B tolerance due to proper mullion appearance consider junction stiffen

Упражнение 3. Напишите предложения с каждым из перечисленных нижеслов:

com­pose - composite adj. - composite n. - composition n.

72 73

Урок 2.12

Фонетическое задание

Прочитайте транскрипцию в списке A, соотнесите её с соответствующимсловом из списка B и переведите слово на русский язык. Учтите, что не все словасписка В даны в списке А.

A [q'txCmqnt]; [rI'GIdItI]; ['sxnItqrI]; ['sentI"mJtq]; ['waIqrIN]; ['sPkIt];

[kqm'pRtmqnt]; ['ADqwaIz]; [rI's°v]; ['Impxkt]; ['djHtI]; [dI'maVntqbl];

["sAbdI'vaId]; [Ik'sept]

B wearing socket sanitary solitary

centimetre receive except rigidity

attainment impact duty otherwise

attachment demountable subdivide cricket

compartment intact wiring expect


Depending on the duties they have to perform, internal walls have to fulfil variousfunctions determined partly by conditions of use and partly by structural requirements.In the choice of a suitable wall, the problem of cost is certainly very important.

A general distinction can be drawn between load-bearing and non-loadbearinginternal walls.

Load-bearing internal walls Framed buildings normally have no walls designedfor the specific purpose of transferring vertical loads, but they frequently have wallswhich increase structural rigidity, that is, serving to transmit horizontal loads. These areshear walls and they usually also receive a certain amount of vertical load, if only forcounterbalancing the tensile forces that would otherwise be caused by bending moments.Such walls in most cases also perform a fire protection function in subdividing the buildinginto fire compartments.

Non-loadbearing internal walls Functionally these are partitions, merely separatingroom from room. They should possess the necessary strength and stability to support theirown weight and the loads exerted by objects attached to them, as well as any horizontalforces due to such attachments and also live load, including effects of impact loads. Suchwalls should be so designed and attached to the load-bearing structure of the building thatthey are not subjected to additional loads which they are not designed to take.

Pipes and wiring for sanitary and electrical installations are often fitted withininternal walls. In the case of prefabricated partitions this makes special arrangements,for example, units specially designed for bathrooms, etc. necessary. Demountablepartitions should not contain any services, except wiring to sockets.

Partition wall units are generally prefabricated to 120cm width, the partitioningbeing based on fixed modular dimensions, generally 10, 30 and 60 cm.

Notes:duty n. задача, цельimpact load ударная нагрузка; динамическая нагрузкаmodular dimension модульный размерpartitioning n. разделение на секцииbathroom n. ванная комната

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. What do the functions of the internal walls depend on?2. What general types of internal walls are there?3. Why are load-bearing internal walls used in framed buildings?4. What are the requirements for the non-loadbearing internal walls?5. Why are special arrangements necessary in prefabricated partitions?

Лексические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык приведённые ниже слова. Какиеиз перечисленных слов могут быть другими частями речи? Какими именно? Какони в этом случае переводятся на русский язык?

rigidity (n.), bending moment, pipe (n.), socket (n.), wiring (n.), attachment (n.), attach(v.), sanitary (adj.), fire compartment.

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие слова на английский язык:

разборная перегородка, в зависимости от, дополнительная нагрузка, в противномслучае, воспринимать, несущая конструкция, функционально, только, стенажёсткости, уравновешивать, определённый, оказывать (действие), присоединять,часто, конструкционное требование, определять.

Упражнение 3. Найдите в тексте термины, связанные с конструкциейвнутренней стены: её особенностями и свойствами. Перечислите их и дайте переводна русский язык.

Упражнение 4. Какие из указанных переводов слов являются ошибочными.Укажите правильный перевод.

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suitable fulfil possess variation quite tall comprise relative

подходящий заполнять обладать колебание довольно высокий включать относительный

width service choice cause weight increase fit design

широкий инженерные сети выбирать вызывать вес увеличивать устанавливать рассчитывать

Упражнение 5. Заполните пропуски в тексте, используя слова из приведённогониже списка:

although cast-in-place

concrete ends

interior storeys

supported systems

Framing systemsThe roof and the floors of build­ings are generally (1)… by one of the three

com­mon framing (2)…: (a) bearing wall, (b) structural frame composed of beams andcolumns or slabs and columns, and (c) special long-span roof systems.

In bearing-wall construction, walls support the (3)… of the floor and roof beamsand slabs in addition to enclosing (огораживать) (4)… space. The bearing wall can hemade of bricks, concrete blocks, (5)… rein­forced concrete, or precast concrete panels.(6)… bearing-wall construction is more common for one-family houses and someindustrial buildings, reinforced (7)… bearing walls, com­monly known as shear walls,are increasingly being used for tall buildings up to 75 (8)… .

Грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая вниманиена герундий в функции определения.

1. Framed buildings normally have no walls designed for the specific purpose oftransferring vertical loads.

2. Shear walls also perform a fire protection function of subdividing the buildinginto fire compartments.

3. There are no reliable methods of estimating the degree of airborne soundconduction achieved by a wall.

4. Buildings have the advantage of being stiffened by the floors.5. The purpose of using reinforcement in concrete is to increase its tensile strength.6. Their structural potential of foundation wall is often used for additional purposes

of distributing or equalizing the load.7. Several techniques of placing the reinforcement have been developed.8. Flexibility in altering and rearranging the services is essential.

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие предложения. Определите, от какихслов и с помощью каких суффиксов образованы подчеркнутые прилагательныеи наречия.

1. The more extensive use of steel in multi-storey buildings results from the ease ofits use in construction.

2. There is the choice of fire resistant form of construction or a protective coating.3. Fabrics require different methods of design.4. The dimensional stability of a coated fabric depends mainly on the fibre.5. Glass has hardness comparable with steel.6. Shallow foundation having a relatively short distance below the ground surface

trans­fer vertical loads by direct bearing on soil strata close to the bottom of thebuilding.

7. Concrete roof is particularly suitable when relatively large loads have to be supportedby the roof structure.

8. Demountable prefabricated panels have the general advantage of dry construction.

Упражнение 3. Работа в парах.

Студент C: Задайте 6 вопросов различных типов к тексту А.Студент D: Ответьте на вопросы к тексту студента C.Студенты C и D: Поменяйтесь ролями.


Fire protection and sound insulationDepending on the function it will be expected to perform in the case of a fire, the

internal wall may have to be of fireproof construction to separate the building into firecompartments and to protect the escape routes. Most building regulations include thefollowing requirements:

• Adequate fire protection and additional strength for compartment walls andstaircases, described as ‘protected shafts’

• Walls along escape routes should have adequate fire-retarding capacity.• Double-leaf partitions can often be made to provide fire protection for structural

steel components, if the leaves are of proper fireproof materials. Thus, floor beams maybe protected in this way, if their spacing is the same as that of the partitions, the beamsbeing incorporated within the latter. No suspended ceiling is needed, the partitions beingextended to the bottom side of the floor slab.

After fire protection, sound insulation is the most important function of the internalwall, especially in providing insulation against airborne sound transmission from roomto room. The degree of insulation provided by a single-layer wall depends on its weight;in the case of a multi-layer wall it depends also on the thickness and nature of the material

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of the outer leaves, the nature of the insulating material sandwiched between, and on themanner in which they are inter-connected. There are no reliable methods of estimatingthe degree of airborne sound conduction achieved by a wall.

Notes:building regulations строительные нормы и правилаescape route путь эвакуации

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. Why should internal walls be fire-resistant?2. What requirements do most building regulations include?3. What does the degree of sound insulation of an internal wall depend on?

Грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Работа в парах.

Студент C: Задайте 6 вопросов различных типов к тексту B.Студент D: Ответьте на вопросы к тексту студента C.Студенты C и D: Поменяйтесь ролями.

Упражнение 2. Найдите в тексте причастие I и герундий. Определите ихфункции и переведите на русский язык.

Лексические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Найдите перевод слов списка А в списке В.

A ожидать оценить вдоль способность сторона получить неглубокий поднимать

B depend expect thus multi-layer leaf separate reliable side

A особенно зависеть многослойный надёжный лист защищать отделять таким образом

B along elevate especially shallow capacity estimate achieve protect

Упражнение 2. Напишите предложения с каждым из перечисленных нижеслов:

circular circulationrigid – rigidity

attach - attachment

Текст C


A large number of high-rise buildings use shear walls to provide lateral stability.A development of the shear wall is the core structure in which a number of shear wallsare placed together, usually enclosing lifts, stairs or services to form tubes or other planshapes. Compared to a single wall the core or shaft structures have ‘flange’ as well as‘web’ parts to resist horizontal forces. However the overall shear and bending momentpatterns in shear wall and core structures follow that of a cantilever. In practice there isa difficulty because of the need to provide openings in the core structure for serviceruns. With only small openings the core structure will not be affected but larger openingswill require strengthening round the openings, especially at sharp corners. Most corestructures are of poured concrete construction in which additional reinforcement may beplaced as necessary but cores may also be built in reinforced or unreinforced masonry.Where a high-rise concrete frame of cast-in-place construction is used, it is natural toconnect the frame with shear walls so that they interact with each other.

A further increase in stiffness against horizontal forces can be provided in steelbuildings by using a shear truss and frame with belt trusses. In this system deep horizontaloutrigger trusses are connected to the central shear trusses which are vertical, and to ahorizontal belt truss in the perimeter of the steel frame.

In order to prevent bending moment being passed over into the perimeter columns,the connection between them and the belt trusses can be a pinned one. There are certainbest locations for the belt trusses: if two belt trusses are used they would be best placedsomewhere near the half and three-quarter points in the height of the building; if onlyone belt truss is used, it would be best placed somewhere between these two positions,although in practice the highest belt truss is often placed at the top of the building.

The most effective way of resisting horizontal loads, for any given plan area, is touse a cantilever with a solid section; however hollow tubes are more efficient in thatthey are almost as stiff but use very much less material than a solid section cantilever.The direct stresses of tension and compression and the shear stresses are those connectedwith a pure cantilever. Solid sections are not practical forms and hollow sections withoutopenings are generally only feasible for towers and other such uses. However high-risebuildings can still be designed to exploit the inherent efficiency of tube action by anadequate choice of form. The purpose, if tube-type systems are used, is to increase theplan area of the tube as much as possible that is to increase the effective section area ofthe cantilever, and to make the structural behaviour as close as possible to that of thehollow tube without openings in it. As window openings are necessary for the building,the perimeter structure is weaker and more flexible than that of the pure tube. Howeverbuildings do have the compensating advantage of being stiffened by the floors, whichact as a series of horizontal diaphragms and prevent deformation of the cross-section ofthe building throughout its height.

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Notes:direct stress напряжение, усилие (растяжения или сжатия)outrigger truss выносная фермаpure adj. простойsharp adj. острыйshear moment момент сдвигаshear truss ферма жёсткостиsolid section сплошное сечениеstructural behaviour работа/поведение строительной конструкции

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. What is used to provide lateral stability in high-rise buildings?2. What is a difficulty in providing strength of the core or shaft structures?3. How can this difficulty be overcome?4. How are most core structures built?5. What can be done to increase the stiffness of steel buildings against horizontal

forces?6. What are the best locations for the belt trusses?7. Why are hollow tubes more efficient than a cantilever with a solid section?8. How can the inherent efficiency of tube action be exploited in high-rise buildings?9. What prevents deformation of the cross-section of the building throughout its height?

Лексическое упражнение

В списке А даны некоторые слова и выражения, которые использованы втексте для домашнего чтения. Найдите их перевод в списке В.

А throughout service run lateral stability round compensate belt truss perimeter plan shape hollow section further resist although cantilever solid

B сплошной шарнирное соединение эффективность площадь в плане взаимодействовать проход для коммуникаций решётка (фермы) здание башенного типа поперечная устойчивость фланец трудность окно использовать центральный

А pinned connection exploit difficulty central flange efficiency truss interact window web enclose tower plan area pattern

B полое сечение противостоять дополнительный окружать ферма везде система компенсировать хотя периметр вокруг консоль профиль в плане ленточная ферма

ЗНАКИ ФОНЕТИЧЕСКОЙ ТРАНСКРИПЦИИПроизношение в упражнениях задания и словаре даётся по международной

фонетической системе.Ударение в фонетической транскрипции ставится перед ударным слогом.

Второстепенное ударение ставится внизу перед ударным слогом.Гласные звукиJ – долгий иI – краткий, открытый иe – как э в словах этот, эти· - очень открытый э, как ударный гласный в слове бяка± - долгий, глубокий а, как ударный гласный в слове палкаP - краткий, открытый оL - долгий оV – краткий уH – долгий уµ - краткий а, как в словах варить, мостыW – как долгое ё в словах Фёкла, свёклаq – безударный гласный похожий на русский безударный гласный в словах нужен,голос, каретаДвугласные звуки

eI - эйqV - эуaI - айaV - ау

Согласные звукиp - пb – бm - мw – звук образуется, когда губы, в положении как при свисте, резко раздвигаются.

Напоминает звук у.f - фv - вT - (без голоса) оба звука образуются при помощи языка,D - (с голосом) кончик которого помещается между

передними зубамиs - сz - зt – т, но при произношении кончик языка касается дёсен, а не зубовd – д ~ ~ ~ ~

OI - ойIq - иаeq - эаVq - уа

80 81

n – н ~ ~ ~ ~l – л ~ ~ ~ ~r – нераскатистое, краткое, слабое р (кончик языка немного завёрнут назад)S - мягкое шZ - мягкое жC - ч» - очень мягкое слитное джk - кg - гN - произнесённый задней частью спинки языка звук нh – простой резкий выдохj – слабый звук й



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Новые грамматические темы Повторение

2.1 Participle I в функции определения и обстоятельства

Функции it Модальные глаголы и их заменители Времена глагола в действительном и страдательном залоге

2.2 Participle II в функции определения и части сказуемого

Participle I в функции определения Группа существительных Части речи и члены предложения

2.3 Независимый причастный оборот

Participle I в функции определения и обстоятельства Participle II в функции определения и части сказуемого

2.4 Инфинитив в функции подлежащего, дополнения и определения

Participle I & II Условные предложения Сравнительный оборот the…the…


Инфинитив в функции части сказуемого

Объектный инфинитивный оборот

Общие вопросы

Инфинитив в функции подлежащего, дополнения и определения

Независимый причастный оборот


Инфинитив в функции обстоятельства цели

Альтернативные вопросы

Participle I & II

Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий

Общие вопросы


Герундий в функции дополнения и обстоятельства

Разделительные вопросы


Времена глагола в действительном и страдательном залоге

Альтернативные вопросы


92 93


Новые грамматические темы Повторение


Приставка re- Герундий в функции подлежащего Специальные вопросы к подлежащему и его определению

Неличные формы глагола Суффиксы существительных Разделительные вопросы

2.9 Независимый причастный оборот без причастия

Общие, альтернативные и разделительные вопросы Части речи и члены предложения

2.10 Специальные вопросы

Неличные формы глагола Функции глаголов have и be Специальные вопросы к подлежащему и его определению

2.11 Отрицательные приставки

Функции one и that Конверсия Вопросительные предложения

2.12 Герундий в функции определения

Суффиксы прилагательных Вопросительные предложения


1. Orton, Andrew. The Way We Build Now. Wokingham, 1988, ISBN 0-74760-011-2.2. Francis, Arthur J. Introducing Structures. Oxford.1980, ISBN 0-07-022701-5.3. Hart, Franz. Multi-storey Building in Steel. London.1978, ISBN 0-258-96974-1.4. Ambrose, James. Simplified Design of Building Founations. New York.1988,

ISBN 0-471-85898-6.5. Schneider, Robert, Dickey, Walter. Reinforced Masonry Design. Englewood Cliffs.1987.

ISBN 0-13-771726-1.6. Мюллер В.К. Новый англо-русский словарь. Москва, Русский язык, 2003, ISBN

5-200-03176-1.7. Новый большой англо-русский словарь под общим руководством Э.М. Медниковойи Ю.Д. Апресяна в 3-х томах, Москва, Русский язык, 1993, ISBN 5-200-01848-X

8. Корчемкин С.Н., Кашкин С.К., Курбатов С.В. Англо-русский строительныйсловарь. Москва, Русский язык, 1995, ISBN 5-200-02313-0

9. Фоменко В.Я., Любимцев А.Н., Любимцева С.Н. Русско-английский разговорникдля строителей. Москва, Русский язык, 1990, ISBN 5-200-00758-5.

10.Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. Longman Dictionaries, Harlow, 2005,ISBN 1-405-81126-9

94 95

Задание № 109

по английскому языку для студентов I курсаспециальностей 270102 – промышленное и гражданское строительство,

270106 – производство строительных материалов, изделий и конструкций,270114 – проектирование зданий.

Составители: Александр Сергеевич Глебовский, Татьяна Алексеевна Денисова

Компьютерная верстка И. А. Яблоковой

Подписано к печати 25.06.07. Формат 60×84 1/16. Бум.офс.Усл.печ.л. 6,0. Уч.-изд.л. 6,12. Тираж 500 экз. Заказ 122. «С» 53.Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет.190005, Санкт-Петербург, ул. 2-я Красноармейская, 4.Отпечатано на ризографе. 190005, Санкт-Петербург, 2-я Красноармейская ул., 5.