מבוא מורחב 1 Review: scheme language things that make up scheme programs: self-evaluating...

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Transcript of מבוא מורחב 1 Review: scheme language things that make up scheme programs: self-evaluating...

מבוא מורחב 1

Review: scheme language

• things that make up scheme programs:• self-evaluating 23, "hello", #t• names +, pi• combinations (+ 2 3) (* pi 4)• special forms (define pi 3.14)

• syntax• combination: (oper-expression other-expressions …)• special form: special keyword as first subexpression

• semantics• combinations: evaluate subexpressions in any

orderapply operator to operands

• special forms: each one special

מבוא מורחב 2

Read-Eval-Print-Loop: two worlds

• visible world

• executionworld

23 23








printed representation of value

pi 3.14






name-rule: look up value of name in current environment

מבוא מורחב 3

Review: define special form

• define-rule:• evaluate 2nd operand only• name in 1st operand position is bound to that value• overall value of the define expression is undefined

(define pi 3.14)


define-rule undefinedpr


scheme versions differ• visible world

• executionworld

name value

pi 3.14

"pi --> 3.14"

מבוא מורחב 4

Mathematical operators are just names

1. (+ 3 5) ==> 8

2. (define fred +) ==> undef

3. (fred 4 6) ==> 10

• How to explain this?

• Explanation:

• + is just a name

• + is bound to a value which is a procedure

• line 2 binds the name fred to that same value

מבוא מורחב 5

Primitive procedures are just values

• visible world

• executionworld

* #[compiled-procedure 8 #x583363]




tA primitive procthat multiplies its




printed representation of value

מבוא מורחב 6

Lambda: making new procedures

(lambda (x) (* x x))




A compound procthat squares its



#[compound-procedure 9]



printed representation of value


Interaction of define and lambda

1. (lambda (x) (* x x))==> #[compound-procedure 9]

2. (define square (lambda (x) (* x x))) ==> undef

3. (square 4) ==> 16

4. ((lambda (x) (* x x)) 4) ==> 16

Syntactic Sugar:

5. (define (square x) (* x x)) ==> undef

• a convenient shorthand for 2 above

• this is a use of lambda!

מבוא מורחב 8

Lambda special form

• lambda syntax (lambda (x y) (/ (+ x y) 2))

• 1st operand position: the parameter list (x y)• a list of names (perhaps empty)• determines the number of operands required

• 2nd operand position: the body (/ (+ x y) 2)• may be any expression• not evaluated when the lambda is evaluated• evaluated when the procedure is applied

• semantics of lambda:

מבוא מורחב 9





מבוא מורחב 10

Your turn: fill in each box

•(define twice )

•(twice 2) ==> 4

(twice 3) ==> 6

•(define constant2 (lambda () 2))

• ==> 2

•(define second )

•(second 2 15 3) ==> 15

(second 34 -5 16) ==> -5

(lambda (x) (* 2 x))


(lambda (x y z) y)

מבוא מורחב 11

Substitution model

• a way to figure out what happens during evaluation• not really what happens in the computer

• to apply a compound procedure:

evaluate the body of the procedure, with eachparameter replaced by the corresponding operand

• to apply a primitive procedure: just do it

(define square (lambda (x) (* x x)))

1. (square 4)

2. (* 4 4)

3. 16

מבוא מורחב 12

Substitution model details

(define square (lambda (x) (* x x)))(define average (lambda (x y) (/ (+ x y) 2)))

(average 5 (square 3))(average 5 (* 3 3))(average 5 9) first evaluate operands,

then substitute (applicative order)

(/ (+ 5 9) 2)(/ 14 2) if operator is a primitive procedure, 7 replace by result of operation


A less trivial procedure: sum of squares

• S(n) = 02 + 12 + 22 ………. …… + n2

• Notice that S(n) = S(n-1) + n2

• Also notice that S(0) = 0

(define sum-sq (lambda (n) (if (= n 0)

0 (+ (sum-sq (- n 1)) (square n))))

• predicate = tests numerical equality (= 4 4) ==> #t (true) (= 4 5) ==> #f (false)

• if special form(if (= 4 4) 2 3) ==> 2(if (= 4 5) 2 3) ==> 3

predicate consequent alternative

מבוא מורחב 14

IF special form

(if <predicate> <consequent> <alternative>)

• When the value of <predicate> is #f, the value of the expression is the value of <alternative>. Otherwise it is the value of <consequent>



(if (< 2 3) 1 (/ 1 0)) ==>

(if (< 3 2) 0 (> 9 8 7)) ==>

מבוא מורחב 15

(sum-sq 3)(if (= 3 0) 0 (+ (sum-sq (- 3 1)) (square 3)))(if #f 0 (+ (sum-sq (- 3 1)) (square 3)))(+ (sum-sq (- 3 1)) (square 3))(+ (sum-sq (- 3 1)) (* 3 3))(+ (sum-sq (- 3 1)) 9)(+ (sum-sq 2) 9)(+ (if (= 2 0) 0 (+ (sum-sq (- 2 1)) (square 2))) 9)..(+ (+ (sum-sq 1) 4) 9)..(+ (+ (+ (sum-sq 0) 1) 4) 9)(+ (+ (+ (if (= 0 0) 0(+ (sum-sq (- 0 1)) (square 0))) 1) 4) 9)

..(+ (+ (+ 0 1) 4) 9)..14

(define (sum-sq n) (if (= n 0) 0 (+ (sum-sq (- n 1)) (square n))))

מבוא מורחב 16

How to design recursive algorithms

• follow the general pattern:

1. wishful thinking

2. decompose the problem

3. identify non-decomposable (smallest) problems

1. Wishful thinking• Assume the desired procedure exists.

• want to implement sum-sq ? OK, assume it exists.• BUT, only solves a smaller version of the problem.

מבוא מורחב 17

2. Decompose the problem

• Solve a problem by

1. solve a smaller instance (using wishful thinking)

2. convert that solution to the desired solution

• Step 2 requires creativity! • Must design the strategy before coding.

• S(n) = S(n-1) + n2

• solve the smaller instance, add n2 to get the solution

(define sum-sq

(lambda (n) (+ (sum-sq(- n 1)) (square n))))

מבוא מורחב 18

3. Identify non-decomposable problems

• Decomposing not enough by itself• Must identify the "smallest" problems and solve directly

• S(0)=0

(define sum-sq (lambda (n)

(if (= n 0) 0

(+ (sum-sq (- n 1)) (square n)))))

מבוא מורחב 19

General form of recursive algorithms

• test, base case, recursive case

(define sum-sq (lambda (n)

(if (= n 0) ; test for base case

0 ; base case

(+ (sum-sq (- n 1)) (square n))

; recursive case


• base case: smallest (non-decomposable) problem• recursive case: larger (decomposable) problem

מבוא מורחב 20

Another example

• odd?

(define odd? (lambda (n)

(not (odd? (- n 1))) ; recursive case


(if (= n 0) ; test for base case #f ; base case

• See another way to write it in the notes

מבוא מורחב 21

Short summary

• Design a recursive algorithm by

1. wishful thinking

2. decompose the problem

3. identify non-decomposable (smallest) problems

• Recursive algorithms have

1. test

2. recursive case

3. base case

מבוא מורחב 22

Procedural abstraction

• Abstractions hide complexity

• Several fundamental kinds of abstraction this term

• Procedural abstraction is one:• (sum-sq n) computes S(n)• user doesn't have to think about the internals

מבוא מורחב 23

Procedural abstraction (sqrt)

To find an approximation of square root of x:• Make a guess G• Improve the guess by averaging G and x/G• Keep improving the guess until it is good enough

G = 1X = 2

X/G = 2 G = ½ (1+ 2) = 1.5

X/G = 4/3 G = ½ (3/2 + 4/3) = 17/12 = 1.416666

X/G = 24/17 G = ½ (17/12 + 24/17) = 577/408 = 1.4142156

.2for :Example xx

מבוא מורחב 24

(define (sqrt x) (sqrt-iter 1.0 x))

(define (sqrt-iter guess x) (if (good-enough? guess x) guess (sqrt-iter (improve guess x) x)))

(define (good-enough? guess x) (< (abs (- (square guess) x)) 0.001))

(define (improve guess x) (average guess (/ x guess)))

מבוא מורחב 25

Block Structure

(define (sqrt x)

(define (good-enough? guess x) (< (abs (- (square guess) x)) 0.001))

(define (improve guess x) (average guess (/ x guess)))

(define (sqrt-iter guess x) (if (good-enough? guess x) guess (sqrt-iter (improve guess x) x)))

(sqrt-iter 1.0 x))

מבוא מורחב 26

Lexical Scoping

(define (sqrt x)

(define (good-enough? guess) (< (abs (- (square guess) x)) 0.001))

(define (improve guess) (average guess (/ x guess)))

(define (sqrt-iter guess) (if (good-enough? guess) guess (sqrt-iter (improve guess))))

(sqrt-iter 1.0))

מבוא מורחב 27

=> (sqrt 4)

(define (good-enough? guess) (< (abs (- (square guess) 4)) 0.001)) (define (improve guess) (average guess (/ 4 guess))) (define (sqrt-iter guess) (if (good-enough? guess) guess (sqrt-iter (improve guess)))) (sqrt-iter 1.0)

(if (good-enough? 1.0) 1.0 (sqrt-iter (improve 1.0)))

מבוא מורחב 28

(define (h x) (define (f y) (+ x y)) (define (g x) (f x)) (g (* 2 x)))

=> (h 1)

(define (f y) (+ 1 y))(define (g x) (f x))(g (* 2 1))

(f 2)(+ 1 2) 3